
Rebirth: The Saint And The Dragon Lord

Weasley Grant was a young man with big dreams but a weak body. Dying an early death ,he awakens as a baby in an unfamiliar world. he sets out to fulfil his dreams with his new body and strength, rising above demons, gods and monsters to engrave his name in history.

RumiusDaylight · Fantasía
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20 Chs


" Siri?" Weasley stammered.

" Affirmative, the contractor may refer to me as Siri."

Is this was a game, Weasley wanted to reset the settings so badly.

" Is it possible to change the given name?" Weasley begged

" It is not" the robotic voice replied firmly." The name was assigned with the natural preferences of the contractor in mind."

' Natural preferences my ass!'

Weasley heaved a small sign of disappointment and defeat.

As Weasley was trying to find a way to convince the system that it had his preferences all wrong, the environment around him was slowly changing. The shape of cavern was rippling and morphing into uneven shapes. Grass was forming and then turning into trees and then flowing into water and burning up in flames.

It was like many different landscapes had been thrown into a chaotic mishmash.

Wealsey quickly noticed this and asked the system for answers.

" Uh… system? What's happening?"


" System?"


Weasley was confused.

' Where did the voice go?'

Weasley momentarily thought that he had imagined the whole ordeal but quickly dismissed the notion. But if that was so, why was the system not responding to him?

Weasley mulled it over for awhile and arrived at only one sensible conclusion. In fact, it was more of a hunch on what he had to do but he couldn't bring himself to say it. Afterall, wouldn't that be akin to accepting that his dreams for a legendary system as a partner had all but been crushed?


" Hey Siri?"

Immediately, the feminine sounding robotic voice sounded in his head and Weasley wanted to cry.

" What can I help you with?" It asked

' Yeah, I figured..' Weasley signed dejectedly.

" Can you tell me what is going on?"

The system immediately replied.

"Certainly! The domain is currently undergoing changes as to what kind of environment would best support the magical growth of the contractor. Calibration would likely continue for an estimated time of six hundred and forty two seconds from now."

Weasley decided to sit down and wait. There wasn't much he could at the moment and there was also something else that he wanted to try.

" Hey siri?" He asked mentally while grimacing.

He had to get used to saying this.

" Yes, how may I help you?"

" May I know what are your capabilities? What are you capable of aiding me with?" Weasley asked eagerly.

" Certainly. Please wait several moments."

A small silence followed. Before the system's voice returned and sounded in his head.

" I am a powerful, magic assistant capable of reproducing solutions to any problems the contractor is face with. It is within my capability to use and replicate spells up to the Grand mage rank and I have access to 99% of books related to the fields of biology, alchemy, magic and history amongst many other fields.

The robotic voice was still monotonous but now spoke smoothly and in a seemingly silky voice, like a master con-artist who was trying to swindle her unfortunate victim of all his money.

And it worked!

Hell, Weasley was instantly sold!

' This is great! It's exactly what I've wanted!' He thought in glee. Sure it had a goofy name but that's all right? A cheat system is still a cheat system!

Brimming with excitement, Weasley decided to put the system to use.

" Can you tell me how I can break through? My progress has halted for quite sometime now."

Weasley fully expected to be able to be able to break through today with this new addition to his arsenal. After all, the reason why magic was so difficult was because one often didn't know where one was going wrong and there was only so much that tutors could help one with. It was essentially 95% self help, 5% guidance.

Tutors usually only helped to impart knowledge and teach spells, but the bottlenecks and heart demons that one face when cultivating must be overcome by one's strength alone.

But with a system, this entire ordeal could be bypassed allowing one to breeze through magic cultivation effortlessly!


" No." the system replied firmly.

For a second, Weasley thought that his ears had failed him. Weasley was dumbfounded.

" Excuse me?"

" Unfortunately, I am not able to directly assess the progress of the contractor and am thus unable to comply with the contractor's request. The request of the contractor is unfortunately beyond my capabilities." Said in its usual feminine sounding monotone.

" Ah, I see"

Weasley nodded his head in understanding. Although disappointed, he felt that it was no big deal. So what if it couldn't do one of the most important and overpowered things that a system could do? No matter! Weasley was sure that it could do many other incredible things!

Racking his brains, Weasley tried to find other ways to test the limit of his new companion.

" System, pull up the system shop" he commanded.

In the novels that he had read, almost all systems had an internal shop mechanic that would allow its contractors to purchase busted weapons, pills and artefacts using points that the system assigned upon the completion of quests.

It was also one of the system's big three uses and Weasley couldn't wait to try it out.

" Certainly!" The system chirped in its making Weasley's heart palpitate in excitement.

' It's happening! it's happening!'

" Pulling up searches for System Shop in nearby area. 2 Possible matches"

-Master System's Cat Shop.

- Ratings:4.43/5

-Distance from current position: 2.1 km

- Reviews:

-The shops owner was very friendly and welcoming! The cats were very cute and my family had a good time! 100% would try again!

-A pleasant surprise for a rainy day! I was walking home when it rained so I took shelter inside. Food was good and the atmosphere was very relaxed. Loved it!

- The Systemic Blacksmith

- Keyword missing: Shop

- Ratings: 3.4/5

-Distance form current position: 5.4 km

- Reviews:

-Service was satisfactory. My sword was repaired nicely!

-The owner was a little grumpy which was not very pleasant but his skills were definitely top notch! A solid 4/5 for me!

" Weasley stared blankly at what seemed like shop recommendations on the screen infront of him."

' What the fuck is this?' He thought in confusion.

" Siri, I asked you to pull up the system shop. Not shops with the name of system." Weasley said calmly but not very calmly.

The system was silent for awhile.

" I'm am not sure I understand" it replied.

Weasley was ready to pull his hair from his head in frustration. This wasn't a system! It was just Siri! The same one as on the Aphones he had used back on earth! What's a scam!

Weasley couldn't even describe how disappointed he was as his dreams for world domination came crashing down on him. Dejectedly, he signed. Looks like he won't be going down the main character path after all.

As Weasley deflated like a balloon, the feminine robotic voice rang in his head once more. Weasley had come to find the voice rather annoying for some reason.

" Contractor.."

" What!?"

Weasley had unintentionally snapped at the system. While he knew in his gut that it wasn't at fault, his irritation was still taking its time to dissolve.

However, Siri didn't seem to mind in the slightest as it continued its report.

"…. calibration of the domain has finished. Would you like to launch it?"

Weasley's gloomy face brightened a bit. Finally some good news!!

" Yes. Launch the domain." He agreed eagerly.

As the words left his mouth, the confusing mishmash around him came to a sudden standstill. It was as if time itself had stopped.

Then, parts of the chaos started disappearing. The bright, eye-catching red bursts of flame and lava vanished and left behind the beautiful shades of grey, green, violet and purple that came from many different sources.

The landscape started to organise itself into recognisable shapes.

Rocks started appearing and the ground changed from a firm rock floor into a small field of grass.

A great blue sky full of clouds appeared above and beside him, taking up the full expanse of Weasley's peripheral vision and Weasley could also feel the breeze again.

The rumbling and changing continued for a full minute before something clicked and everything fell into place.

Weasley opened his eyes and scanned his surroundings. He had shut them earlier and instructed Siri to tell him when everything was done as he felt nauseous from all the motion of the domain around him.

Now that everything, including his stomach, had settled down, Weasley could take his own sweet time to admire his new training grounds.

Weasley discovered that he was standing on a giant floating island. It's surface was somewhat circular shaped with a radius of 170 feet from the centre. The island was dotted with small vegetation and and grass and there weren't any wildlife in sight. There were no trees either and no great object that would indicate the crux of the domain.

The area around the island was just sky, sky sky and more sky. But that had been where the charm of the arena lied. The puffy white clouds looked so close yet so far. Their presence lit up the area around the island, making the dull background of the sky look like a artistic masterpiece painted by the gods themselves.

The sun shone brightly atop the island and did seem to follow the natural cycle of how the sun moved. However, Weasley soon discovered that this wasn't the case.

Whenever it was early morning or after noon, the clouds would part and become scarce, allowing a view of the rising and setting suns. As the day carried on, the clouds would become more and more numerous, blocking out excess sunlight from reaching the island and enabling its user to remain focused regardless of weather conditions. There also seemed to be no rain either.

Weasley could already see how this would help with training. The ideal conditions to maintain one's focus were all micro managed to fit the purpose of producing the ideal training results. There were no drastic changes in weather conditions to be had and to top it off, the entire environment was as real as it could get. There was almost to way to tell the difference between this place and reality from one's senses alone.

Weasley felt like he could train for hours without break in here! It was amazing!

" Notice, individual Sylvia Von Ashbrone has started to display restless behaviour. Now that the domain is complete, would you like to invite individual Silvia Von Ashbrone into the domain?"