
Chapter 221: Saving Luiying I

Song Recommendation: Play By Alan Walker

Zhang Jun, on hearing the silence on the other end, pieced two and two together.

"She is missing, isn't she? Those people have decided to strike, isn't that so?" Zhang Jun asked, and one could hear the frailty and desperation in her voice.

Zhang Linlin could not respond, and she was confused. She was not about to raise her mom's blood pressure.

Anything she said or did was equivalent to causing her mom to be worried, so she did what she thought was best, and that was to say silent.

Xin Yi senses that she was not willing, or rather, she was scared to speak, so he pulled the phone away from her hand.

"Aunt, you need not worry, I will find Luiying, and I will bring her back to you safely," Xin Yi assured her.

Zhang Jun heaved a sigh of relief on hearing Xin Yi's voice. She felt more relieved knowing that he was handling the matter.