
Chapter 618 Photovoltaic Industry (Seeking Subscriptions!)_1

Ge Feng was full of passion as he talked on stage.

Tang Qing and the others listened with relish.

It all started at a banquet.

From the person in charge of equipment dispatch between the United States and Iraq, Ge Feng learned that the owner of a company that dealt with old and broken equipment was interested in selling the company due to unsuccessful investments.

Normally, the sale of a company is a personal affair.

However, this isn't any ordinary industry, it's the military equipment service industry. If you want to sell a company, you have to apply to the U.S. dispatch office, go through a series of investigations, before you have the clearance to sell.

The question of whether the person taking over has the right qualifications also comes into play.

If after purchasing, various restrictions cause you to lose your qualifications, things can get interesting. So, an adequately profitable company like this can't be taken over without some background.