
CH. 2: One Magical Thing

'Wait a minute, did I get resurrected? Or was I still saved and is currently in the hospital?'

When she regained consciousness, she didn't choose to open her eyes after feeling that she was lying on a soft bed with some soft pillow behind her head.

Instead, she was completely baffled.

'That's right if I am in a morgue then I wouldn't be in such a soft bed, it would be that hard metal table. And I wouldn't be dressed.'

She lifted her hands and touched her body.

Yeap she was dressed.

But it feels like her current clothes are different from what she was wearing a while ago. It doesn't seem like a hospital gown either.

Most of all, she actually does not feel pain anywhere in her body.

'Was the anesthesia so strong and powerful that I can't feel pain but I am not even numb?'

No, wasn't it that anesthesia will only numb you? So why does she feel so fine?

'Or Is this the new way of arriving in heaven? Was I that good? I actually went to heaven?'

She kept questioning things in her mind.

Very slowly she opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings.

A frown appeared on her face when everything was registered in her eyes.

The blue and white color of the room, the soft bed, covered with a white soft bedding.

The warm soft blanket, she had forgotten just how comfortable it was.

The few pieces of furniture in the room and her sleepwear that she last worn about 4 years ago.

She raised her hand and placed it on her forehead.

"I don't think I am sick right now," she mumbled.

Why was she thinking about being sick when she just came out from the accident?

But why is it that she was back in her room?

Her room, in the house of her and her husband?

Plus, the design isn't as what she had remembered to be from before she was kicked out of the house.

'Kicked out of the house?'

She abruptly sat up and turned to the phone on the bed side table.

If she was kicked out then why was she here?


It was an old model of smart phone.

Nope, it was already the advanced year of smartphones.

But she has no money to buy a new one.

More like she chose not to have any money to buy a new one, waiting for what he will give her.

And because her husband was treating her closer to being non-existent than thinking she was there; she would only receive money from his mother.

She would only give her a few thousands a month and being the person Heather was trying to portray, she only has that much amount.

Even though she should have had more, she knew she could clearly stay with Cyrus as long as Amanda is willing to let her stay.

And that is what she needed the most, to keep close to Cyrus.

"This is my old phone, my old room, my old clothes. I am sleeping here when I was supposed to be kicked out and dying," she started before opening the phone screen.

She turned agape before very slowly she started laughing.

She placed a hand on her forehead as she continued laughing, if one were to see her now, they would think that she has gone mad.

This is truly absurd no matter how much she thinks about it.

"Wow, mister truck, aren't you one magical thing?" she muttered after she was done laughing before looking back at her phone.

She actually returned seven years ago, to the first anniversary of their wedding.

She had jokingly thought that mister truck came to either send her to another world or return her back in time.

It was a dying joke of a lonely person.

Yet who would have thought that she would really be sent back in time?

'Come to think of it, today is 'that' day, right?' she thought.

It was the day that Cyrus' hatred towards her had risen to the maximum level.

The day they both found out that she was still pure and that nothing had really happened between the two of them.

That on that day, they simply got undressed and fell asleep, no more.

She raised an eyebrow when she thought about the last sentence that popped up in her mind before she thought of her wish.

'If you had one wish, what would it be?'

She frowned before shrugging it off, 'Never mind, whatever that is whether it is connected or not. At the very least I was able to come back.'

She thought back of what exactly happened on this day.

Today she had actually harassed him to sleep with her.

She tried to do everything, acting and all.

But she felt that nothing was changing.

So, she went for a different plan.

She thought a baby would help their relationship for a bit because with him being too cold to her, she won't be able to do anything in order to fulfill her promise.

She rarely makes any promises but when she does, she will surely fulfill it no matter what.

But during that time, it instead backfired and she was pushed aside even more.

"Seriously, where did I send my brain back then? Why did it suddenly choose to go on a vacation?" she muttered, standing up.

She walked over to the mirror and looked at herself.

She has those big eyes that make her look cute but at the same time when she turns serious or mad, she would look pretty instead.

She didn't have that destructive beauty but she has that look where one would not get tired of looking.

She touched her still rosy cheeks and plump naturally red lips.

"Yup, back to being a bit younger. Weird but I guess I really am grateful to mister truck," she said looking at her reflection.

She was obviously looking younger and her face wasn't as tired and thin as it was before her death.

It was quite obvious since she had not yet fallen into a coma.

So, she has more fat now and wasn't as thin and pitiful looking as before her death.

"That even seriously was too much to handle," she muttered again thinking back to how she had fallen into a coma.

"Anyway, first things first..."

She went to take a bath and got herself ready.

If she remembered it correctly, Cyrus chose not to come home on this day and she went to pester him in his office with some perfume.

'More like aphrodisiac perfume,' she thought.

She felt like having a headache as she was remembering that.

Who wouldn't get mad?

Who wouldn't hate someone?

She was hated in the first place but why must she go and do that?

"Seriously I really couldn't comprehend why my brain had abandoned me," she shook her head after getting out of the bath.

Then as she got dressed, she bitterly laughed.

"Of course, I know. I know why I did all those things."

She sighed before taking a deep breath.

There is no point thinking about that now.

She'd better get a few changes in her life.

First and foremost were her connections.

Because she didn't only incur his maximum hatred on this particular day.

She also let go of all of her connections, some she simply abandoned while the others, she angrily cut ties with.

But she was wrong all along, very very wrong.

That is why that has to change as of this moment.

"Hmmm, checking the day. Yes, it is just on the same day that all of them would be home," she happily said.

She went to her wardrobe and took out a hidden box.

She actually hid even all of her money and only got the one bank account as the disowned daughter.

With that she had so little money to buy new things for herself.

But she has more money she hasn't touched in the eight years she was married.

Back then, she even burned all of this.

"Yes, I really was stupid, it seems my whole brain was thrown out and I was left with nothing but an empty head," she sighed again.

Thinking back to all the things that she had done because she focused on something, she really wanted to nag and berate her first life self.

When opening this box, it was filled with nothing but a laptop she once used, the bank accounts and some photos she kept.

She had a different resolve.

She will do things the way the old

Heather Relish would do things.

Looking up at her wardrobe, most were long dresses.

No, not the ball gown style but the maxi dresses one.

Susan loves wearing these kinds of clothes after all.

"They really are not my taste," she said, putting everything in a bag.

There is no point keeping things she uses for acting.

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