
Chapter 458: Sour and Vinegary

A marriage with only duty and no affection...

Meng Xinian's heart drifted far away in an instant.

If he were to marry Chiang Xiaoxiao, well, it shouldn't be like that.

Now he didn't know if their marriage would have affection, but at least he had always felt that she was very good, very amusing, and he was certainly happy when he was with her.

But when would she grow up?

He was somewhat impatient.

However, the thoughts in his mind, after all, remained unspoken.

To Chiang Xiao, who was outside the door, that was just a stretch of silence.

She gave a wry smile.

She didn't know what she was feeling.

If Meng Xinian had said he liked her, fallen in love with her at this moment, she would probably have called him a pervert, was this pedophilia?