
Rebirth of the Weakest Dragon

In the quiet solitude of her home, Emma's life takes a surreal turn when a magical circle engulfs her in a blinding light, obliterating her existence. She awakens within the confines of a dragon's egg, reborn as the weakest of dragonkind. But not all is lost—an ancient, guiding system named Draconis aids her rebirth. With Draconis' simple yet crucial guidance, Emma must navigate her new life, facing immense challenges and striving to overcome her inherent frailty. Can she rise above her limitations and carve a place in this new world? Her journey begins anew, fragile yet unyielding.

Mop_Popo · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Training Days

The forest was alive with the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling as Emma and Lyria began their day. Emma had woken early, eager to continue her training and to teach Lyria how to defend herself. The bond between them had grown stronger over the past few days, and Emma felt a deep responsibility to ensure Lyria could protect herself.

"Ready for some training?" Emma scratched into the dirt with her claw.

Lyria nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Yes, I want to be strong like you, Emma."

Emma smiled, or at least attempted to, given her dragon form. She led Lyria to a clearing they had found earlier, perfect for training. The sun filtered through the trees, casting a warm, inviting glow over the area.

"First, let's practice some basic moves," Emma wrote. "We'll start with dodging."

Lyria stood in the middle of the clearing, her small frame tense with anticipation. Emma took a step back and used her tail to sweep gently at Lyria's feet. Lyria jumped to the side, barely avoiding the swipe. They repeated this exercise, Lyria becoming more agile with each attempt.

After a while, Emma stopped and scratched, "Good job! Now, let's practice attacking. Use this stick as your weapon."

Lyria picked up a sturdy stick and held it like a sword. Emma demonstrated some simple strikes and blocks, and Lyria mimicked her movements. Despite her initial clumsiness, Lyria quickly improved, her strikes becoming more precise and powerful.

As they trained, Emma's system alerted her to the presence of a nearby monster. She decided this would be a good opportunity to show Lyria how to handle a real threat.

**System Alert: Forest Wolf approaching.**

**Forest Wolf:**

**Health: 150/150**

**Strength: 20**

**Agility: 30**

**Intelligence: 10**

**Luck: 15**

**Description: A common predator in the forest, known for its speed and pack tactics.**

"Stay behind me," Emma wrote quickly. "Watch and learn."

Lyria nodded, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and excitement. Emma turned to face the direction of the approaching wolf, her muscles tensing in readiness.

The Forest Wolf emerged from the underbrush, its eyes locking onto Emma with a predatory gleam. It snarled and lunged at her, but Emma was ready. She used her Wind Slash skill, sending a sharp gust of wind that knocked the wolf off its feet. Before it could recover, Emma unleashed her Fire Breath, engulfing the wolf in flames.

The wolf yelped and tried to escape, but Emma was relentless. With a final blast of her Aqua Blast, the wolf was defeated.

**You have gained 100 EXP.**

**Experience: 400/3000**

Emma turned to Lyria, who was watching with awe. "See? That's how you handle a monster," Emma scratched.

Lyria nodded vigorously. "I want to try next time, Emma. I want to be strong too."

Emma felt a surge of pride. "You will be," she wrote. "But we need to keep training."

The rest of the day was spent alternating between practice drills and real combat scenarios. Emma found more low-level monsters for Lyria to observe and sometimes attempt to fight.

**System Alert: Goblin approaching.**


**Health: 100/100**

**Strength: 15**

**Agility: 20**

**Intelligence: 12**

**Luck: 10**

**Description: A small, cunning creature often found in forests and caves. They are weak individually but can be dangerous in groups.**

Emma decided this goblin would be a good first challenge for Lyria. "You can do this," she wrote. "I'll be right here if you need help."

Lyria took a deep breath and gripped her stick tightly. The goblin, seeing an easy target, charged at her with a wicked grin. Lyria sidestepped the attack and swung her stick, hitting the goblin's arm. It snarled and turned to attack again, but Lyria was ready. She dodged its clumsy strikes and landed a few more hits, gradually wearing it down.

Emma watched, ready to intervene if needed, but Lyria handled herself well. With a final, decisive blow to the goblin's head, it crumpled to the ground.

**You have gained 50 EXP.**

**Experience: 450/3000**

Lyria was panting, her face flushed with exertion and triumph. "I did it, Emma! I really did it!"

Emma scratched in the dirt, "I'm so proud of you, Lyria. You're getting stronger every day."

They continued their training over the next few days, facing various monsters and honing their skills. Emma herself was growing stronger, inching closer to her next level.

**System Alert: Forest Bear approaching.**

**Forest Bear:**

**Health: 300/300**

**Strength: 40**

**Agility: 25**

**Intelligence: 20**

**Luck: 15**

**Description: A formidable predator in the forest, known for its brute strength and resilience.**

This time, Emma knew the fight would be tougher. "Stay back," she wrote to Lyria. "This one is dangerous."

The Forest Bear lumbered into view, its massive form casting a shadow over the clearing. It roared, shaking the very ground beneath their feet. Emma faced it head-on, using her Wind Slash to create some distance.

The bear charged, its powerful paws swiping at Emma. She dodged and countered with her Fire Breath, scorching its fur. The bear roared in pain but didn't back down. Emma knew she had to finish this quickly. She unleashed her Aqua Blast, hitting the bear square in the face. Blinded and disoriented, the bear stumbled, giving Emma the opportunity to strike with her claws.

With a final, powerful blow, the bear collapsed.

**You have gained 200 EXP.**

**Experience: 650/3000**

Emma turned to Lyria, who was watching with awe and concern. "Are you okay?" the girl asked.

Emma scratched, "I'm fine. Just a bit tired."

Lyria ran to her and hugged her tightly. "You were amazing, Emma."

Emma nuzzled her gently. "Thank you, Lyria. You're doing great too."

Over the next few days, Emma and Lyria continued their training, both growing stronger. Emma faced more challenging monsters, each victory bringing her closer to leveling up.

**System Alert: Venomous Snake approaching.**

**Venomous Snake:**

**Health: 120/120**

**Strength: 10**

**Agility: 40**

**Intelligence: 8**

**Luck: 10**

**Description: A quick and deadly predator known for its venomous bite. It relies on speed and stealth to catch its prey.**

Emma defeated the snake with a swift combination of Wind Slash and Aqua Blast.

**You have gained 70 EXP.**

**Experience: 720/3000**

Finally, after several more encounters and intense training sessions, Emma reached level 28.

**Emma's Status:**

**Level: 28**

**Experience: 200/3500**

**Health: 1200/1200**

**Mana: 600/600**

**Strength: 70**

**Agility: 70**

**Intelligence: 52**

**Luck: 45**

**Race: Emerald Dragon**

**Skills: Fire Breath, Enhanced Senses, Wind Slash, Scale Armor, Flight, Aqua Blast**

Emma felt the surge of power that came with leveling up, but she was more focused on Lyria's progress. The girl had become stronger and more confident, handling herself well in their training sessions.

That evening, they sat by a campfire, the stars twinkling above them. Emma used her Fire Breath to keep the flames burning, and Lyria leaned against her, looking content.

"Thank you for teaching me, Emma," Lyria said softly. "I feel so much stronger now."

Emma scratched in the dirt, "You're doing great, Lyria. I'm proud of you."