
Rebirth Of The Strongest Celestial

Sihle is a poor villager who has nothing to their name. In order to save his home and sister. He and five of his friends must venture into the worlds most expansive VRMMORPG to strike a fortune in the game. One week before launch...Sihle becomes a reincarnotor. Now how will he change his future... The book is slow paced but once it picks it steam rolls... Please vote for book

Lonely_Author · Juegos
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[Message From SKY Ocean Hunter to Styx]

SKY Ocean Hunter- Hey brother, I have a mission for you. A killing quest to be specific.

Styx - I could hunt. I need a break from the dungeons anyways. Hermano A.i. are no fun.

SKY Ocean Hunter - Then kill them all so you can fight people. Anyways here's the details kill and pillage keep everything for yourself. We can work out a proper payment after your done.

Styx - What about the message.

SKY Ocean Hunter - Stop killing my friends.


Styx smiles of all the people they could mess with SKY Ocean Hunter is the wrong one. Raul knows john from when he used to play pure berserkers just before they meet Sihle. Even if John says the reason he's gone soft is Raul. Raul knows the truth. John likes protecting people it what make him such a great friend and Raul so loyal to him.

Styx turns around. He is in the sixth dungeon. His arm weapons start glowing purple. The rogues who he is fighting start failing to his attacks. He is able to predict their movement. He hopes to be a developer one day and has spent most of his schooling studying a.i and these guys are nothing to write home about.

[Message From Styx to Shadow]

Styx - Go to the Horse and saddle look for this guy and watch for me.

Shadow - Boss I can do more should I kill him. Please let me kill him I won't let you down.

Styx - If you can't follow instructions. I can ask Umbra she is keen.

Shadow - :'( Boss I'm already watching him, he is my new favourite channel.

Styx steps back then to the side attacks and repeats. A basic evasive manoeuvre that should work for all these guys here. Styx might not be killing them quickly but he has taken zero damage. Ten minutes later Styx leaves the sixth dungeon. Heading west into town. WHere Thousand Styles Miles and his gang are waiting.

Styx slips on a basic cloak on his way. Covering his tracks before he even enters Pike. The little town seems very busy. From his five agents in town. Everyone is preparing to raid the island. So far only one guild and few teams have tried to make it over to the Shifting Island. Styx believes that the guild is responsible for the opening of the Island. One of his agents managed to the guild members board an NPC ship to the Island. Without their own method to traverse the ocean, they will have to grind levels and collect enough materials for a raft. That reminds Styx to message Tyr.

[Message From Styx to Tyr]

Styx - Amigo please prepare enough materials for three rafts

Tyr - No need SKY Ocean Hunter sent this design over.

[Common Catamaran Desgins]

Info: The design for a simple catamaran sailing ship. Has space for twenty members

Description: Can be used to build the design. Can be traded.

Requirement: Carpenter/ Engineer

Styx - But you are a merchant

Tyr - I have the manpower all thanks to your guys helping Medium Bunz.

Styx - Coincident don't pay for that service.

Tyr that's what you said last time.

Styx - NO! The Blackroot is enough, did you know that eating makes one invisible.

Tyr - For me, it heals.

Styx carries on Tyr had ruined his invisible hand gig. He had already investigated a lot of people in town and wanted to help from the shadow. The powers in the bigger cities are growing while they are running around doing dungeons. Styx slips into the town. The Horse and Saddle is a simple pub. Lightwood finishing. A small sign outside that seems to have been painted by a blind man.

Styx goes to the back of the pub. He sits at a table in the corner and the shadow is to his left at another table sipping a drink. Styx orders a sweet juice from the interface. A few seconds later a robust man with an inviting belly and a handsome black beard. Drops off a sweet pink juice.

Styx says, "Thank you." Even though he knows it's an Ai being friendly is in his bones. It's from his grandmother. He is just glad that she isn't in this game. She prefers one of the folded lands.

Kang says, " My pleasure please enjoy the juice and don't hesitate to order anything more sir." The man leaves bubbling his big frame back behind the bar.

Shadow leans back in his chair and says, "boss they waiting for a courier to bring them something." Shadow sips his beer keeping an eye on Thousand Styles Miles. Thousand Styles Miles is sitting with a loli looking girl player.

"Alright, can you distract?" ASks Styx he plans to kill Thousand styles Miles right here.

Shadow says, "Even better I found his reverse scale." Styx sips his drink waiting for Shadow to continue. Shadow waiting for a signal from Styx. Only when the silence is beyond awkward does Shadow continue. "Uhm, it seems he is a battle freak as long as you challenge him ."

Styx says, "It can't really be that simple can it."

Shadow says, "It is if you talk to that girl he is with first. Earlier he nearly fought with one of his own because they looked in her direction. That party is filled with those types. If you know what I mean boss." Shadow makes a vulgar sign with his hand.

Styx says, "well done let me try my luck then it should be interesting, but won't she react poorly?" Shadow only signal to the other tables. As Styx takes a closer look he can something odd. At each table is a woman uncomfortable and surrounded by men.

"How did I miss it shadow. Are all these women here being held against their will," asks Styx, he feels a tinge of shock. He has always thought himself observant but just now. Shadow can see his bosses distress.

"Boss it's not that simple, the girls guild leader was out levelling when she was ambushed." Says Shadow, he waves the others over. Styx has already pulled out his weapons. Shadow was saved By Styx from a group that tried to rob him and his friend. Even then though Shadow hadn't seen him change his emotion.

Styx walks up to Thousand Styles Miles, of course, his mates didn't respond. Odyessy is like most games the only difference is that the guards have to catch you. If a crime is committed the guards have to investigate and will do so.

Thousand Styles Miles sees the man dressed in a black cloak and says, " Can I help friend."

Styx voice dripping venom says, " You can die for me." Styx swings his daggers, leaping onto the table between him and Thousand Styles Miles. The whole pub comes alive four others move with purpose brandishing blades.

Shadow says, "Fight sisters for your freedom!" He is hoping to create just enough chaos for the boss to finish his kill. Then they will get him out. As a guardian Shadow brings out a massive shield. Protecting Styx from the back while he works. He is joined by his main competition also a guardian. Shadow likes him about as fr as he can throw her. Umbra shield is smaller than his and she has an innate skill of being half-Arknain. She casts 'blessings of the divine' a spell that grants one hundred and fifty per cent increased regeneration to her allies. He is sister is the opposite, where Umbra is outspoken loud and full-bodied. Ebony is mild-mannered and a pristine image of beauty. Ebony is a half-demon she sold her soul for the transformation by killing the demon she made the pact with. She casts with a wand as sorcerer her curse are more potent than any other class.

The other He is unfamiliar with but he knows they are good just by looking at them. One of them is clearly a Psion her spells decimating the mind of the enemy party making them attack one another. The other is something Shadow hasn't seen that kind of weapon before. A small handheld gadget of some sort. It seems to have a retractable blade. If he didn't know that no rogue has that kind of weapon he would have assumed the man to be rogue.

Thousand Styles Miles bends over backwards avoiding the strike. As Styxs' blades fly over his head. Thousand Styles Miles unable to regain his balance falls to the ground. The girls yell and join in the fight if they can get out. Then they can save their guild leader. Styx jumps towards THousand styles Miles his blade striking the ground as THousadn styles MIles dodges and delivers a kick from the ground.

Small scale skills and weapons are being used inside the pub. The fighting is close up and nasty. Three of Thousand Styles MIles party members are trying to get through Shadow, Umbra and Ebony

The others with the help of girls are holding off the rest. the girls are quite skilled in their own right. Shadow suspects they have been ready to fight for a while they were just looking for a chance to strike.

Thousand Styles Miles gets to feet by rolling backwards. Styx follows swinging his weapons with glorious purpose. His fast attack speed means he is attacking every second putting THousand Styles Miles on the back foot. Thousand Styles Miles feeling that he is going to lose the battle.

Thousand Styles Miles attacks quickly forcing a stalemate and says, "You don't want to do this. The consequences will worse than you can imagine." Styx doesn't stop pushing his sword aside. THen swinging again. This time his attacks are precise striking at the knees, slashing at the face, cutting around the arm. Styx picks his opponent apart. His sword is too long to fight in a crowded pub.

Thousand Styles Miles desperate and panicked says, "Stop I will give you whatever you want!" A deathly silence overcomes the room as Thousand Styles Miles begs for his life. The party members in his employ are fresh and are not sure if they should keep fighting.

Styx says, "You should have thought about that before killing my friends. SKY Ocean Hunter says Hello!" Styx drops both his daggers into the chest of Thousand Styles Miles. The man pixelates away As he dies a war cry overcome the pub and the girls go mad. Styx uses the dazzling blue crystal sword that had dropped from Thousand Styles Miles killing every member of the party.

A minute later Thousand Styles Miles appears in the graveyard and says, "Who the fuck is SKY Ocean Hunter?" Thousand Styles Miles is going crazy he dropped his new sword from the Trial tower. The very sword that Styx has in his hand right now.

[Author Note: Unfortunately I can't use shorter names for characters. A) It helps me keep them in check in my mind except for Lux and Nineth Immortal I just keep mixing them up. B) MAybe if you guys drop some cool names I will use those instead since if it's not from me it's easy to remember. IF you do please pick a class and race plus give a name. C) it's going to be rough for a while I'm a slow starter thank you for your understanding.


True strength is the power too not and the ability too should...

Here is class template for those who want to submit a class

Classname :


skill 1:

skill2 :

can have up to four skills

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Lonely_Authorcreators' thoughts