
Rebirth of the Reverse Eyes

In his entire life, Rion had never felt happy. He didn't even remember smiling or laughing. When he decided to end it all, he lost his life. Surprisingly, he didn't feel angry. Instead, he felt free for the first time. Instead of going to the afterlife, Rion woke up in another world full of magic. He even had a new name, Arion. This time he had parents who loved him and siblings who adored him. Finally, he could feel true happiness. However, trouble doesn't leave Arion alone. There was a group that wanted to eliminate magic users, especially those from great kingdoms. His family was one of their targets. Somehow, Arion was connected to the mysterious power of a long-lost kingdom. The power symbolizes the past and the future. That makes him the main target of everyone. Both from his side and from the enemy's side. Because that's how much power he's got. “The greater the power gained, the heavier the burden to be carried.” He is the chosen one. Chosen as a human being loved and protected by the gods. And as the holder of the greatest power, with the fate of the world on his shoulders.

CameliaZ · Fantasía
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74 Chs

1. Normal Day

''Should I go?''

There was a murmur from a teenage boy wearing a messy school uniform. He was walking in the backyard of the school, which looked unkempt and abandoned for a long time. Even the school itself was not fit to continue operating.

This school was full of outcasts and troubled students. They always broke the rules, fought, bullied students, and often had run-ins with the police. But somehow they always managed to evade the police and get away with their punishments.

Teachers no longer care about them for fear of becoming the next target. Most of them do not even teach in class anymore. No one knows why the government hasn't closed the school yet.

He sighed tiredly, ''There's no point in me staying here.''

The teenager's face had several bruises that had faded. Not only on his face, there were bruises ranging from small to large all over his body. Looking at the number of bruises, it seemed like several people had mercilessly beaten him for a long time.

''Hey Rion!''

The high-pitched call made him stop his steps. The boy, whose name was Rion, let out a resigned sigh and turned around to see three people in the same uniform as him, but looking like thugs, standing not far from him.

''What?'' He asked flatly but carefully. He was used to dealing with them, so he knew this wouldn't end well. Most of his injuries came from them as well.

''What's with your tone? Are you getting bold with me?'' The group leader, Jack, smirked at Rion as he walked over with his two followers.

Rion gave him a sharp look, ''If you have nothing to do with me, I'll leave.''

Jack chuckled and waved his hand casually, ''Hey, don't be like that. Aren't we friends?''

Rion muttered softly, ''Nonsense.''

''Since we're friends, surely you'll help me, right? I'm hungry, but I don't have any money. Buy me some food.'' Jack's request sounded like an order to Rion.

''And don't forget for the two of them too.'' Jack added casually, which was greeted by the mocking laughter of his two followers.

Rion was silent for a few moments before turning to leave. This happened every day, so he was tired of the constant repetition.

''I'm not your servant. Just buy it yourself.'' Rion said flatly as he walked away.

Jack clucked in displeasure, ''You know, that's not how you talk to a friend.''

Rion stopped and glanced at him sharply, ''Get lost.''

Jack let out a resigned sigh, as if tired of Rion's attitude. He didn't feel like he was the one who caused trouble every day.

''I've been trying to be nice to you. Clean up.'' With a resigned tone, Jack gave orders to his two followers.

The two of them immediately rushed forward. Rion, who had guessed what would happen, was already preparing to greet them. For him, this was a normal routine that happened every day.

At first, he was able to survive their attacks. But due to the many wounds on his body that had yet to heal, Rion was not in a good condition to last long.

He felt a hard blow to his stomach that made him bend over in pain. The pain in his stomach made him drop his guard, and they managed to elbow him so hard in the forehead that Rion felt his vision blur and his balance waver.

When he regained his focus, he was already on the ground in pain and Jack was standing in front of him. He looked at him pitifully. But the frivolous smile on his lips said otherwise.

He crouched down and grabbed his hair, ''You know, I really didn't want to do this. I consider you a friend, so this makes me a bit sad. I had no other choice.''

Rion gave him a hateful look that made Jack smile happily. He let go of his hair and fixed it a little.

''Next time, act like you should. Don't make me sad again.'' Jack said as he stood up and looked at him for a while before nodding in satisfaction.

He moved away with a slight wave of his hand, followed by the other two, ''Bye, Rion. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.''

Rion was silent for a moment before he tried to get up from his position. He gritted his teeth to stifle the cry of pain that was about to come out. He was afraid his voice would invite more troublemakers.

The rest of the day was a blur in Rion's mind. He went home in bad shape. His uniform was dirty and had several tears. His face was covered in bruises, even the corners of his lips were torn and bleeding. His legs hurt so much that he limped.

''I'm home.''

Rion mumbled softly as he walked into the minimalist house that was no longer fit for habitation. Lots of peeling paint, vines everywhere, trash scattered around, and dust everywhere. There were also several cracks in the walls and floors of Rion's house.

Calmly, Rion walked into his room and laid his tired body on the bed. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to drown out the pain in his entire body. Even after feeling it every day, his body was still not numb and it annoyed him. Fortunately, he was used to it.

Not that he wanted to feel it for the rest of his life. It was just that he still had two years left before graduating from school. There was no way he could win against Jack and his followers in the remaining years of school.

Jack was the most powerful student in the school. If he ordered all the students to attack him, they would definitely do it. And if that happened, he was sure that he wouldn't survive. Not that it was bad for him. It was probably a better choice for him.

Even after graduation, he would return home and work for his parents. Work and serve them until his body and soul gave up. He would die without being able to be free forever.

'Ah.. I'll be trapped forever, right?'


The shout brought Rion out of his reverie and he immediately headed towards the source of the voice. From experience, it was not a good thing if he ignored the call for too long.

''Yes, Mother.''

In the dining room, a woman stood irritably at the empty table. Hearing his voice, the woman he called mother turned her angry gaze on Rion.

''Where is the food?'' She asked loudly and impatiently.

Rion stood still and bowed his head slightly. He replied quietly, ''Sorry, I just got home so I haven't prepared anything yet.''

She hit the table hard and said harshly to Rion, ''You're useless! Then what can you do? You can't even do the cooking task properly! I've worked so hard to raise you, and this is how you repay your parents?''

''But the ingredients have run out since yesterday.'' Rion tried to reason with his mother, even though he knew it was useless.

''And then? What does that have to do with me? It's all your job.'' She snorted unconcernedly, as if it wasn't her responsibility as a mother.

''But the money--''

His mother cut in sharply, ''Stupid child! If it runs out, buy more! If there's no money, then find some! If you have to steal, then do it! You did it once, so don't say you can't do it again!''

She walked over and grabbed Rion's hair, ''I don't care. Whatever it takes, get me some money. Don't get caught by the police. I don't want to get in trouble because of you.''

She pushed him so hard that he almost fell over, ''You can't make any money. Then what did we raise you for? It's useless.''

His mother turned and walked away while biting her nails. Rion could still hear her muttering, ''If I had known my son was this stupid, I would never have given birth to him in the first place.''

Rion remained silent during his mother's insults. He averted his eyes so as not to see his mother muttering incoherently. Finally, his mother snapped at him for not moving immediately.

''Get out! Don't come back until you get the money!''

Without changing his uniform or treating his wound, Rion quickly got out and walked away. He didn't care about the stares of those who saw his wound, likewise those who pretended not to see it.

He looked for a safe and quiet place to sit for a moment. Finding one of the deserted alleys that were somewhat blocked by a large trash can, Rion slipped into the alley and crouched behind the trash can that covered his figure.

Rion leaned back and closed his eyes. His body and soul exhausted. He hugged his knees and buried his face in them. A tired sigh escaped his lips.

''I'm not your money-making machine, Mother.''

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