
Rebirth Of The Lightning God大

The Razo have been in conflict with the human race for a decade now. With the death of one of their elites, things are looking grim for the survival of their race. Young Seirron has just completed his evaluation. His might is already at the peak of individual power- S class! After being assigned to a special squad, Seirron must learn how to fill in the oversized shoes that were left for him by his predecessor. Follow Seirron as he grows in his path to liberating his race of the parasite as the human race! I will be republishing this book later on. Keep an eye out for it!

Nilo_A · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs

The Evaluation

Seirron nervously rubbed at his crystal as he sat in the waiting room of the evaluation center. Today was the day he would undergo another evaluation of his power. A few weeks back, he had broken through the barrier that had held him back for some time now. After taking some time to get used to his new found power, he had finally come to get re-evaluated.

"Seirron Polli." The speaker in the waiting room announced his name, calling him into the evaluation room. Seirron rubbed his sweaty palms on his trousers as he stood up, taking a deep breath before breathing out again. He ha been here multiple times in the past so he was quite familiar with the procedures; that still didn't ease any of his nerves.

He walked through the metal doors, setting his sights upon the large crystal orb suspended in the middle of the large room by various cables and whatnot.

"Morning, Seirron," The young lady in charge of the evaluation nodded at him.

"Morning, Lana," He replied curtly.

"You know the drill, just place your hand on the face of the crystal and release energy into it," Lana gestured at the crystal before stepping back with a small nod. The angle at which she tilted her head made the faintly glowing blue crystal in her forehead catch the light in the room. An odd chill ran down Seirron's spine at that. With a shake of his head, the odd feeling left him.

He walked to the middle of the room and placed his palm against the crystal. With a dim glow, lightning began to arc over his body, dancing around the crystal. The crystal began to glow in tandem with the increasing output of power he displayed. Soon enough, its glow was bright enough to make one cringe.

After a couple f minutes of maintaining that constant power output, the glow of the crystal started dimming as Seirron withdrew his energy from it. Lana walked in a few moments after the energy in the room had completely settled. She nodded at him again before speaking.

"You've once again surpassed expectations, Seirron." She smiled meekly before continuing," Mid-tier S class. A very splendid improvement," She praised him a bit before getting to the point, "Come back in a day's time. The Association will assign you a spot in one of our elite squads, as well as the promised benefits of becoming an internal member. Congratulations, Seirron," She smiled sincerely before shaking hands with him. He merely flashed a toothy grin while rubbing the back of his neck.

Soon after, he was on his way out of the evaluation center. When he stepped out of the building, he looked up, appreciating the serene view before continuing on his way. Little islands floated around the evaluation center, suspended by advanced gravity devices. The evaluation center was floating on its very own island!

With the passing of time, technology had developed unceasingly as well. Things that could only exist in sci-fi movies and books were the everyday thing of this era.

Seirron casually walked over to the edge of the island where a descending staircase was located. Beneath this whole island was one gigantic parking lot! Every moment, numerous flying cars could be seen landing and leaving the island. Although the term 'flying car' was used, it was merely a vehicle that used special gravity manipulators to remain mobile.

As Seirron descended into the massive parking lot, he immediately headed for the area where he had parked his car. On the way there, an inconspicuous individual with a hoodie covering the person's face was heading in Seirron's direction. Upon passing each other, they accidentally brushed shoulders.

"Remember..." Upon brushing shoulders, the person whispered this word into Seirron's ear with a hoarse, barely understandable voice. The voice grated on Seirron's mind as he vision swam. His steps faltered and he stumbled before abruptly looking back for the one who bumped into him. Behind him was empty space. No one was there. The person who had bumped into him had seemingly disappeared.

"Damn it! Not again..." Seirron massaged his forehead as it throbbed in accordance to every heart beat. He wasn't surprised that there was no one there when he turned around. After all, this wasn't the first time that this had happened. If he was to check the security footage of this floor of the parking lot, he would find that he hadn't bumped into anyone and had simply lost his footing. The whole issue was extremely unnerving.

Seirron merely grunted before continuing on his way to his car. This time, there was a hooded person leaning against his car. The Razo held a cigarette to his lips as he seemed to be waiting for someone. He looked up upon hearing Seirron's footsteps. His deep blue eyes appeared extremely cold and the deep blue glow of his crystal gave him a very menacing appearance.

"Welcome to the team, kid. See you tomorrow," He kicked off from the car, dropping the cigarette and extinguishing it with the heel of his boot. With a soft puff of smoke in his wake, he walked off, giving a half hearted wave in Seirron's direction.

Seirron looked on in confusion as the man gradually left his line of sight. Although this was extremely weird, he was able to feel the life inside the man, so he was sure this wasn't one of his earlier visions.

Speaking of the earlier vision, it all started eleven years ago. Around a month after one of their race's greatest elites, the Lightning God, Roddick died, Seirron had begun having extremely weird visions. In these visions, there would always be a hooded man telling him to 'remember'. These visions would leave Seirron feeling extremely weak and dizzy, such that he would have to be left to rest for days at a time. As he grew stronger, the visions began leaving less and less of an effect on him, with the only side effects being a momentary dizziness or something like that. Aside that, the visions had started appearing less and less. This had been the main reason why Seirron had been striving to grow stronger without rest. He wanted to be free from whatever power it was that was making his life miserable.

Seirron shook his head once more before getting into his vehicle and leaving the evaluation center. He would return tomorrow to be introduced to his new teammates.

He speedily arrived at him home- a little floating island at one of the lesser populated areas of the portion of the planet that the Razo had claimed for themselves. Getting out of his vehicle, he proceeded to descend to the lower level of the island, a hollow space that had been carved out by himself, specially for his training. Just because he had gotten to the mystical S-class didn't mean he would start slacking off. After all, the visions hadn't stopped yet.

Within the hollow space, various pieces of equipment were sprawled about, although not in a disorderly manner. At the center of the room, a large transparent spherical container was suspended. It had various cables connected to it. Just from a single glance, anyone could tell that they were there to help conduct the vast amounts of power that would be coursing through the suspended sphere when it was active.

Seirron's blue-green eyes scanned the room before he proceeded to walk towards the large sphere suspended in the middle of the room. He pulled off his shirt, revealing the layers of rippling muscle. Starting from his chest, and running all the way down, a tattoo with a dazzling blue-green sheen was traced jaggedly. It's rough and sharp looks resembled how one would expect lightning to be. The tattoo was well defined, spreading over his abdomen, and all the way around his back.

He stepped into the spherical device and it sealed itself up seamlessly behind him. Gradually, the power level readings on the monitoring devices in the underground room started rising without stop. B-class, A-class, peak A-class, and finally, S-class.

At the point of the output of power reaching S-class, the tattoos on Seirron's body started glowing. The crystal embedded in his forehead glowed so brightly, it would blind an ordinary person. Slowly, his body started to loose the color of normal skin, turning a bit transparent. With time, his body took on the shade of a translucent green crystal-like substance. Lightning arced around his body, whipping around the inside of the spherical device.

This whole process was how Seirron constantly trained his power, keeping it constantly stimulated. After all, a power like lightning wasn't supposed to remain dormant.

Seirron spent the rest of the remaining hours of the day in the underground level of his home, constantly tempering his newly acquired power.

New chapter is out!

It's been a while since I last wrote out a chapter this long. Seems like I'm regaining my flare.

Please comment, share, and leave a review! I would really love to hear what you think about the book so far.

Nilo_Acreators' thoughts