
Rebirth Of The God Of Souls

Alternate Name: The God Of Souls System! Surrounded by terrifying Gods Deus stood his ground, even with all their tricks and underhanded means they were still killed by his hands! The shackles of a powerful barrier held him but his power was still unfathomable! Sadly, he has to die at the hands of his former rival and friend, who attacked and killed him when he was at his weakest! Chill up! Things are still going according to plan. Deus knew that he would die one day worse still, at the hands of his crafty, two-faced friend who betrayed him in the past. But that was it... He is dead, but his vow to kill Zeus still lives on... All hope is not lost, he left a package for his reincarnated self in the near future, along with a mission to kill Zeus, the Emperor of the Upper realm Million of years later... A gangster and bastard from the Maxwell Family, with an unknown heart disease, discovers a shocking secret... He, Leon Maxwell is the reincarnation of a powerful God by the name, Deus Anima... ┏━━━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━━━┓ Congratulations, Leon Maxwell my reincarnated self, the Soul Merging process has been completed. You've obtained a legacy from the God Of Souls, Deus Anima... THE GOD OF SOULS SYSTEM ┗━━━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━━━┛ 'What?! I'm the reincarnation of the God Of Souls?! ' ***** With this System, Leon would cave his path to power... Even after getting reincarnated his anger has not been quenched and his thirst for revenge has risen even more... "Wait for me, Zeus. I'm coming for your head!" ***** Join our discord server.... https://discord.com/invite/dyhAPQhnsy

Justin_Gabventure · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
252 Chs

System Awakening

The next day...

In the open streets of the slums, which could be as dirty as it could get. A street could be seen with multiple poor-looking, makeshift stalls beside the three meters local pedestrian road

It was afternoon, and Multiple figures could be seen running. Their figures were short, lean, and immature and seem to be the epitome of hunger.

They all have masks covering their faces.

Chasing behind them with an oversized bat in his hands, was an elderly man.


"Catch the Thief!"

"Catch me those B*stard Gangstars!"

Many people were in the street doing their business and saw them, some joined the chase while some minded their own business.

A gang like this is a small one, they just do mediocre stealing, the real gangs of the slums are feared so badly because their crime is organized and also the fact that are well armed with guns and some of them are Cultivators.

If those gangs make an appearance on these streets, everybody will run helter-skelter.

Nevertheless, in this masked group that was running, Leon was at the back, breathing heavily.

'Damnation... '

He cursed as he continued to run without pause but yet it was visible that he was starting to slow down his pace.

If he continued running like that, he would be left behind by the group and if the angry mob caught him, he would be killed by burning.

That's the danger of being a gangster in this place, especially when you are part of a small gang, but if you are part of a big gang. No mob would dare chase you when you are in operation. And if they dare and later catch and kill you, then those guys would have to be alert for the rest of their lives because the person gang would later come for payback.

But Leon's gang is a small one so they do not use guns, that's what gave the crowd of slum dwellers the right to chase after them.

Meanwhile, Leon the one at the back started clutching his heart before breathing more and more heavily.

'Fuck! It's starting.. '

A sense of despair came over him. He started sweating buckets.

The heart disease effect, which he dreads so much and has plagued him ever since he was a kid has started.

After running for more than an hour now, this was bound to happen.

But now was not the time, he knew it. If this continues then he is good as dead as he did not know if the others would stop and help him.

'My heart... Not now! '


He clutched his heart in despair, starting to feel dizzy. He tried to shake the dizziness off him.

But no matter what he did, he knew that if this chase continued, then he would be as good as dead... Because the dizziness he is fighting against right now is sure to catch up to him sooner in later.


"Guys, I can't carry on..."

He said in the middle of his heavy breath while gasping heavily.

At this point, he had slowed down to the point that he was merely walking, not running as usual.

His heart was pounding like crazy, he stopped and looked back to the crowd behind him.

'I can't die here, I still have to avenge that bastard that dumped my mother like that... '

This was the only thing that was keeping him going.

This sheer will, and determination even when all odds are against him.

But he knew that his body couldn't keep up.


He shouted again upon seeing some of the group hesitated.

"Continue going, I will help him" A female voice was heard from one of the masked little gangsters.

The girl looked around in search of anything that might be of help and soon spotted a deserted bicycle.

The owner must be not too far away.

But she didn't care, she ran to it and brought it to Leon.

Leon was happy that Lia helped him, but he was disappointed in himself.

His heart disease is his major setback in life.

Putting her leg on the pedal in readiness to speed off, she turned to him and said:

"Climb in, Leon"

Her voice was soothing to his ears.

It made him fight the dizziness and use the last bit of strength to climb to the back of the bicycle, hold her by the waist, and...


Lia took off with the bicycle.

At that moment, the bicycle owner came back and saw them taking off with his bicycle, so he chased after them along with the mob.

"Hey! My Bike" The guy shouted.

But at that moment, Lia, Leon, and the rest of the gang are too far away to catch up to...


Meanwhile, Leon was breathing heavily on Lia's back

"Thanks, Lia" He muttered.

Lia nodded in response.

But then Leo saw something that shocked him.


 System Awakening . . .



 Synchronizing System...



The Souls are in Sync...



 Merging of Souls... ACTIVATE!


'What the... ' his eyes widened in surprise, shaking off the dizziness off him.

Lia who was riding at the back was surprised at the way he acted...

'Was he faking the dizziness... '

She did not know why he suddenly stopped acting dizzy, so this was the only plausible reason she could think of.

Leo himself who was watching those words with wide eyes suddenly felt the dizziness reemerge.

'Fuck, am I seeing things... '

That was the last thing on his mind before he succumbed to the dizziness, and with that, his mind went blank.

Leon has fainted. His head resting at the back of Lia.

Lia sighed at Leon's weird action before putting more focus on riding the bicycle.

She was slowly catching up to the rest of the gang that was at the front.

'Leon, please endure, we will soon have enough money to treat your disease... ' she mused to herself with a sigh.

With all this...

These little gangsters escaped to the distance, leaving the mob far behind with no hope of catching up to them.

The raid was a successful one...