
Rebirth of the Demon King in an Interstellar Age

Demon king Lucifer, one who is feared by both god and man gets killed by tripping in front of the hero, his soul was trapped in the dark realm his powers were locked. Trapped there for millennials. Times have changed and humans are now living in space. He makes a deal with a dying soul to take control of his body while he recovers his powers and he would get revenge on the original soul's family. He is living a new life, engaged to the second prince of the empire. 'His highness looks like he wants to devour me. Help me!'

Nerdy_apprentice · Fantasía
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67 Chs

Chapter 19

Rosetta sighed in relief knowing that her employer wasn't angry with her for not being able to protect Phoenix. She releases the people from the barrier and they all walk out in panic going around to look for their loved ones hoping they aren't lying dead somewhere.

Roberta stood amid the crowd, before Rosetta could go over and talk to her, she held her hands up. "We'll talk later," she said. "Right now, go and do your job while I find my children."

Rosetta nodded as Roberta turned around to go and find Roger and Rosemarie. She walks toward the soldiers lifting the parts of the tectonic bombs that Augustus had dismantled. "Is there anything I can help with?" she asks politely.

The soldiers looked at her and said, "No ma'am, we can handle everything ourselves."

The soldiers stood respectfully, if they could salute, they would if their hands weren't occupied.

"Okay?" Roberta said the soldiers were about to leave when she called them back. "Sorry," she apologizes. "But is EMT on their way? There are a lot of injured people," she said.

"They are on their way," one of the soldiers replied to her question, and she nodded.

"Thank you," she said as they turned to leave. She then turned around and began to run in search of her sister and her children.

She finds them walking toward her direction and the pink-haired siblings run to her. She opens her arms and then runs in for a hug, kissing both their heads and tears falling down her face. "I'm glad you guys are alright," she said.

They release her and Roger sees her face. "Your face," he said.

Rosetta smiled a bit. "It's fine," she said, gently wiping her tears and avoiding her burns. She looks at Roberta. "I have the week off, can I stay at your place?" she asked.

"You were fired?" Roberta said in a monotone voice.

"No," Rosetta simply replied. "Just given the rest of the week off," she said.

"Okay," Roberta replies.

Roger and Rosemarie who were listening to the conversation among the adults, gasped in excitement when they heard that Rosetta was going to be with them for a week.

"The attack on the mall has failed sir."

The blonde man was watching various footage of the mall. There were a total of fifty people sent to attack that mall. Twenty of them were in the front surrounding the people at gunpoint and the remaining thirty went to create havoc on the remaining people in the mall.

"These people, who are they?" he asked turning the holographic screen to his assistant and showing him the videos of Phoenix fighting, effortlessly killing his men.

"I don't know, sire."

The blonde man rested his hands on his chin and said, "This boy managed to defeat half the men sent there with a very minimum effort."

The next scene showed him getting shot and a hole appearing in his chest. He healed himself with very minimal effort after killing another one of his men.

After a while, the blonde man said, "Find out who he is."

Lucifer woke up very groggy, rubbing his eyes, yawning, and stretching. He looks around in a daze for about ten minutes before registering where he is. "How did I get back to my room?" he said in a tired voice scratching the back of his neck.

He gets up from the bed and walks to the bathroom. He knows how to use the devices in this room and right now he wants to feel the water pour heavily on his head.

He sighed in relief as the water poured down his head. He doesn't know why he feels like this but he's feeling very good.

He gets out of the bathroom feeling a bit refreshed, and just as he is about to dress up, Augustus enters the room without knocking.

"Ahhhh!" Lucifer screams and covers his body with the towel when Augustus enters the room. "Can't you knock?" he shouted

Augustus looks at him from head to toe not reacting at all. "Stop that," Lucifer said angrily.

Augustus stopped and sat down on the bed to his dismay. "You've been asleep for ten hours," he said.

Lucifer stops what he's doing and turns to him slowly. "I slept for that long?" he said. "I didn't even use a lot of my power," he said. His voice was a bit high-pitched.

"And this is a big deal because?"

Lucifer didn't reply. He hasn't slept for this long or deep since his mother was brutally murdered and he was taken in as a slave. He learned to be conscious while his eyes were closed, and since he became a Demon King sleep was no longer required.

'I should have removed the heart when I had the chance,' he thought to himself. He takes some clothes to dress up. "So is Rosetta back?" he asked changing the topic.

"No, I gave her the rest of the week off to rest," Augustus answers.

"Oh okay," Lucifer replies, he manages to wear his underwear under the towel before removing it and revealing the rest of his body. Which is red because of the pressure of the bath he had.

"You seem to care about Rosetta a lot," Augustus said out of observation. "Why is that?"

Lucifer answered him honestly. "She reminds me of my mother," he said. "She might be her reincarnation, but I'm not sure."

"You were born out of a woman?" Augustus asked in shock.

"Of course I was, What was I supposed to be born out of?" Lucifer asked looking at Augustus like he was a weirdo.

Augustus shrugs. "I don't know," he says casually.

"You are a very odd human," Lucifer said pointing at him. By this time he was done dressing up, he walked to Augustus and looked at his blank blueish-purple eyes. "How do you remain so indifferent?"

"It's a gift," Augustus said.

Lucifer thought for a while holding his chin. 'He is very weird,' he thought. "Hey human, let's make a deal," he said.

Augustus raised an eyebrow at him. "What kind of deal?" he asks light-heartedly.

"I am going to remain your fiance until I have managed to obtain my full power, strengthen my body, and fulfill my promise to Phoenix," he said, but he was interrupted by Augustus.

"And what am I going to get in return?"

Lucifer looks at him in annoyance. "I was getting there," he said. "Until then, I'll be at your service anything you want. I am not allowed to kill you and your family, and you are not allowed to betray me or I'll give a fate worse than death."

"You are at my service?" Augustus said in a teasing voice.

"Whatever it is you want me to do for you, I'll do it as long as it isn't something dumb, then I'm at your feet."

"Okay," Augustus said he had this small mischievous smile on his face.

"Great," Lucifer said, creating a knife and cutting himself on his right palm. "You too," he said handing the knife over to Augustus who studied the knife first.

"What for? " he asked.

-Cut yourself and I'll use a contractual spell to seal our deal," Lucifer explained impatiently.

Augustus does this, and Lucifer grabs his hand. "This is not fair," he murmured because of how much bigger Augustus' hand was than his.

A golden magic circle appears between their handshake and soon the deal is made and the contract is fully sealed.

"There we go, " Lucifer said releasing his hand. "It's going to be nice working with you."