
Is it normal to come back to life?

A month later...

Edwards looked at Choon-hee's face, which was now smiling better. Choon-Hee could even be carried out of the room using a wheelchair.

Do you know dreams? Edwards felt like he was having a pleasant plan because his wife had already looked fine.

He took his wife slowly and pushed the wheelchair while taking her to the garden behind the house, and they were silent for a moment. Edwards then placed the wheelchair near the tree, then sat on the bench there. Looking at his wife from the front, Choon-hee's face was ashen and thin. But the beauty of the face made Edwards smile immediately.

"Why?" asked a confused Choon-hee as Edwards looked her in the eye.

"So beautiful. I feel you are the most beautiful Goddess. I also feel that now I'm in heaven Because I can see you wake up and open those beautiful eyes again." Edwards' words made her a little happy but a lot sad.

"What have you been doing for the past ten years?" Choon-hee asked in a low voice.

"Many things I don't know how to answer." The man took a deep breath.

"You're sad. Aren't you? I'm sorry for leaving you in a bad way." She said. The woman took her husband's hand and kissed him gently.

"It doesn't matter. Why apologize? It's not your fault. It's fate, which is going on unknowingly." Edwards looked at his wife's slightly odd hands, Cold and too white. He thinks it's because his wife hasn't been exposed to the sun for a long time.

"Am I going to be alright? I'm against God's Fate. I should have died long ago." Choon-hee's words left Edwards speechless.

"Discussions about destiny or God's provisions that have become the belief of humankind are still the culprits that prevent changing circumstances in the course of human life. But this kind of discussion is not something new. Why do you have to question things like this?" Edwards asked, trying not to worry too much about his wife's question.

Because Edwards believes in a stream, one considers that our provisions, attitudes, and destiny are God who determines without human involvement. Here, God is like a puppeteer who plays puppets. The other stream believes that all human attitudes and provisions carried out are the will of humans themselves, without long hands from God.

The issue of belief in these two views is still pervasive in the life of our society. Especially in people who adhere to the understanding that God has predestined all the provisions of life in the world and the hereafter. By doing nothing, how to eliminate the problems faced by their efforts. Sometimes it is difficult for us to accept the fate that befalls us, especially if it is in the form of difficulties or failures… something we do not expect to happen to us, something that, according to our understanding, is not good for us.

But why should Choon-Hee think like that? even Edwards had pushed such questions out of his little brain.

"You know Edwards? While in the endless darkness, I had many nightmares. I'm scared, restless, and in that unreal life, I wonder. Where am I? Why does God treat me like this? I can only pray God's will for us is an ongoing, unavoidable, and unknown event. All and not support from what befalls us, all from our side, no one can escape mercy, and the misfortune inflicted on someone. God warns that a person's deeds during her life do not guarantee her condition at the end of her life. It all depends on God's will.

There is a person who always lives but still does good deeds with the deeds of the inhabitants of heaven until the distance is only a cubit. God's destiny provides for her, and then she does the deeds of the inhabitants of Hell until she enters Hell. On the other hand, a person will forever live a life of charity with the acts of Hell until the distance is only a cubit, but it is God's destiny. Then she does the deeds of the inhabitants of heaven until he enters it. Is it current? Is God's future like this? Is God Glad I'm alive again? Or is my everyday life Hell?" Edwards fell silent again, unable to utter any sound to reply to his wife's words.

Everyone who returns from the dead will talk about God, and he will return with many changes and words that are difficult to understand by common sense. So what should Edwards do now? He could not refute his wife's words.

Now his wife can come back to life after death, one of the fates that have been changed strangely.

Ever since eternity has been interesting. Moreover, the immortality of power over wealth and the throne. Maybe women too. Of course, the bloody battles we inevitably witness or hear from bedtime tales for the sake of the eternity of the two things.

In the past, people had to do tremendous and deadly battles. Later, education came and offered another way, without an all-out and bloody fight.

However, science offers us a way to reach it, regardless of right or wrong. After all, knowledge is not a matter of right or wrong but whether it is helpful for others or oneself.

But what happens if what is at stake is eternal age and a-mortality? Or, say, against the fate of death? Can science, once again, provide that way? The answer now is yes.

Most teachings in religion are not very interesting to listen to, except to offer a wish that there is life after death. And that is the only essence of life. So, people said. And Edward was well aware of all of that.

"Edwards?" Ask Choon-hee

"Yes. Yes. I don't know what to say. Are you not happy to be alive again?" Edwards asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

"I'm happy, and it's just that I feel weird. How can I go through ten years without feeling anything, but everything will be fine? As long as you and our Children are there." Choon-Hee held my hand even tighter. I immediately nodded in understanding.

"You will be fine, everything will return to normal, and we can be happy. Remember one thing, this world will continue, and we must follow everything well. Don't be afraid. I will always be by your side. I promise." Edwards kissed his wife on the lips, and he gave a smile as beautiful as possible.