
Rebirth of Internet Hegemon

Rebirth to the year 2001. It was a rather awkward juncture in time. Tencent had risen to prominence, Alibaba had emerged, and even Baidu was raking in profits... What was the point of this rebirth? Well, if rebirth served no purpose, then why not seize the opportunity to enjoy an unambitious life of comfort? But it was a pity that Chen Yu, who had set his sights solely on living the good life, accidentally ended up dominating the world of the internet. =============== The work doesn't belong to me, I'm just a hobbyist translator doing "pro bono" work just like those novelupdates guys. Enjoy this work for free, or if you really want, you can support me and donate some through the usual platforms

Shallowman · Ciudad
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104 Chs

A more exciting world

"Ha-ha-ha, 10 million, 10 million."

"Bro, I've made 10 million."

"How should I spend this?"

Even after leaving the bank, Chen Yu continued to laugh all the way.

However, when Chen Yu returned to the company and saw the busy employees, he gradually sobered up.


He gave himself a small slap.

It was just 10 million, after all.

There was no need to celebrate making 10 million like this.

You see, he worked in the internet industry, and 10 million was nothing in the internet sector.

If a competitor came along, they could easily wipe out that 10 million in minutes.

Thinking about this, Chen Yu couldn't help but become serious.

Currently, 5173 had solidified its position as the top gaming website.

But it was still not entirely secure.

If a competitor entered the scene, there was no guarantee of success in the future.

Moreover, Chen Yu's goal was not just a gaming portal website.

He wanted to use the gaming portal as a starting point and eventually take on the big players.

So, 5173 had no room for error.

"Sis, how have you been lately?"

"Not bad, not bad, I've been leading a quite comfortable life."

"Sis, you're supposed to be helping us maintain the website. Your 'comfortable life' makes it seem like you've been slacking off all this time."

"Slacking off? I've been maintaining the website all along, and the last time 5173's website experienced such a huge surge in traffic, if it wasn't for me securing larger servers for you, you'd be in tears."

"Yes, yes, Sis, you've worked hard."

"Don't try to flatter me, but your good days are about to end."


"The school is asking you to pay hosting fees for their servers."


Chen Yu felt a bit embarrassed. "Wasn't it supposed to be free?"

"It was free before, but with the website's traffic growing so much, keeping it free was causing some concerns."

"Alright, let them charge us."

Chen Yu sighed. After all, it wasn't reasonable to expect the school to provide free servers indefinitely.

With low traffic, it was fine, but when traffic increased, it meant significant resource costs.

Besides, now that they had made some money, Chen Yu agreed to it.

"Okay, Sis, you should talk to the school's leadership and negotiate for some discounts."

Regardless of anything, school servers were cheaper in terms of both quality and hosting costs compared to telecom providers.

Continuing to host at the school would be more advantageous for 5173.

"This is necessary, after all, I'm still in school," Wang Chang nodded.

"By the way, Sis, I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"Do you have any interest in joining us at 5173?"


Seeing that Chen Yu had finally asked this question, Wang Chang didn't reply immediately.

She had witnessed the establishment and rise of 5173. Whenever she thought about 5173's continuous growth every day, it was sweeter than honey.

However, although Wang Chang had a hand in building 5173, her relationship with Chen Yu was more of a partnership.

Even now, she didn't consider herself a part of 5173.

In reality, she had already considered herself a part of 5173, but she had been too shy to bring it up.

She didn't expect Chen Yu to bring it up today.

"Why did you think of asking this?"


Chen Yu felt a bit embarrassed. "Actually, I've wanted to invite you, Sis, and some of your classmates to join 5173 for a long time. But back then, 5173 was just a small website, and I was afraid you wouldn't be interested, so I didn't bring it up. Now, even though we haven't achieved much, we've made a little progress, so I mustered the courage to ask you to join."

Chen Yu was genuinely grateful to Wang Chang. While it had been a partnership until now, without her and her team, 5173 wouldn't have developed so smoothly.

Furthermore, whether it was their technical skills or capabilities, they could easily fit into any top IT company.

To make Universal Technology grow and compete with the big players of the future, they needed to absorb talent like Wang Chang and her team.

Otherwise, relying solely on the current team wouldn't cut it.

This was Chen Yu's primary reason for contacting Wang Chang this time.

"Haha, Little Brother, you're quite amusing."

"Sis, what do you mean? Are you joining or not?"

"Didn't I already join?"

Chen Yu was taken aback, greatly pleased. "Sis, that's wonderful! Welcome to join 5173, no, welcome to join Universal Technology."

"It's not 5173, it's Universal Technology. Hehe, Little Brother, it seems you have big ambitions."

"A gaming website is just a tiny grain of sand in the vast world of the internet. Sis, don't you agree that we should venture into this more exciting world in the future?"

"Well said."

As Wang Chang read the message from Chen Yu, her heart filled with excitement.

The internet was indeed a fascinating world, and she was no exception, just like Chen Yu.

However, amidst her excitement, Wang Chang quickly regained her composure. "Tsk tsk, Little Brother, you almost brainwashed me just now. It's a shame you're not in multi-level marketing."

"Hehe, in any case, welcome, Sis. By the way, what do some of your classmates think?"

"Don't worry, they feel the same as I do."

"That's good. Oh, I'll go and recruit a highly skilled technician for you."


"Li Nan."

"Li Nan? I don't think I know him."

"It's normal that you don't. Li Nan is also my classmate, a bookworm in our class and a programming genius... But some time ago, he was poached by Lin Qifeng, and he's responsible for UC's backend."


"Yes. However, Sina has pretty much given up now, so I should be able to persuade him to join us."

"That's great, Cousin. We must get Li Nan."

Although Chen Yu wasn't particularly interested in UC, he had actually done some research on it. The ability to develop so many features and create UC Show was a testament to Li Nan's technical expertise and vision.

Unfortunately, he had run into this Little Brother Ma at an inconvenient time.

"Don't worry, there's nothing I can't achieve when I make a move."

Wang Chang exuded confidence.


"Chen Yu, where are you?"

"Uncle Qiu, I'm at the office."

"Come to Taojiang tonight for a gathering."

"What kind of gathering?"

"It's the Xinfeng Navel Orange Grand Celebration. All the fruit growers in the county with plantations covering 100 acres or more are attending."

"Uncle Qiu, I'm not a fruit grower. I'm just a middleman. Why should I attend?"

Just after discussing with Wang Chang, Qiu Guoqing called.

"You are the star of the night. Without you, it wouldn't work. Besides, without you, our navel oranges wouldn't sell at a good price. They might even rot in the orchard."

"Uncle Qiu, that's because our navel oranges are of good quality. It's not really because of me."

"Don't be so modest. Remember to attend. Also, County Chief Lan will be there tonight, and he specifically wants to meet you."

"Well, okay, I'll attend."

To be honest, Chen Yu wasn't knowledgeable about navel oranges or fruit farming. He had made a decent profit this time, but he didn't think he could make another one in this field. He just wanted to focus on the internet, though he didn't rule out exploring other areas in moderation.

However, hearing that County Chief Lan would also attend, Chen Yu decided to go. It wasn't about leveraging connections, but he had benefited from the county's tax incentives and, since his company was in Xinfeng, he would have to deal with the authorities on various matters in the future.

That Little Brother Ma is basically a reference to Jack Ma and his ability to recruit experts to make up for his shortcomings in certain areas. So it is either our MC or Lin Qinfeng, or both.

Shallowmancreators' thoughts