
Different minds

Everyone was back to their tents for rest. More likely huddled in their groups to discuss and analyze the situation.

Inside the tent of crown prince Yang Jisheng from Qing his brother Yang Fusheng, Lu Sui son of general were in solemn mood. "Your highness.. this subject thinks huajin is for sure scheming something.." states Lu Sui.

"Brother.. this prince too am of same mind.. Shiyou seemed eager to have lord of valley in huajin.." speaks Fusheng.

"Umm..benwang was also suprised on his daring invitation.. but after thinking through we need not be worried.. we are here to show our friendly stance to Nanling and the lord of valley..benwang's intention of peace is not hidden to Pei Jin...unless we get involved benwang is sure that Nanling also wishes to be on friendly terms.. whatever thoughts huajin have we will remain far...remain calm and composed" replies the crown prince.

It was not hidden to world that Jisheng was an intelligent youth thus after his assurance other people reagained their calm and composure. Lu Sui had come back to his tent after some time.

"Is there something you have yet to mention?"asks Lu Sui. "You.. know me well.. it is not that I didn't but rather I too am not sure of it.. Sui.. Pei Jin is a very dangerous man.. now with lord of the valley it is like a tiger with wings.. I think it won't be far huajin will face crisis.. Shiyou is indeed a tiger but his viscious and malicious nature exposed to public has him shackled.. not to forget his new place is being eyed upon.. like myself Pei Jin too must know about this and must have prepared 100 steps..if Shiyou is even a bit carless then he will be engulfed by Pei Jin.. to us it might seem huajin scheming something but though unsure benwang has feeling that Pei Jin has his own plans and schemes.. whatever it may be we just need to maintain our stance without getting involved.."explains Jisheng.

While similarly in the tent of Zhang Anshi crown prince of khan kingdom they too were discussing about their future steps. "Your highness..huajin has clearly shown their intention of roping lord of the valley.. it will be a dangerous situation for us if he manages to do so.. Shiyou has great appetite like his father and we all know if given chance he surely would engulf all the other nations.."states anxiously Ding Liren son of general.

"Imperial brother..Shiyou definitely has planned something..if not he wouldn't push the matter of inviting lord of valley while giving her free pass to do as she pleases.." analises Zhang Jue brother of crown prince.

Finally the crown prince speaks with a smirk on his face "Shiyou is trying to act modest.. he is being too clever than he should be..no one from Nanling is a fool.. their rivalry with huajin is deep to bone..the peace in surface is just a facade and everyone of us are clear on it.. Pei Jin is far more capable dangerous and viscious than Shiyou credits him to be..if it comes to scheming then benwang thinks Pei Jin is cut above Shiyou..

Unlike Shiyou..Pei Jin doesn't have any rival left to compete for his position..with betrothal to lord of the valley he had managed to cover up for his viscious nature in public..the inner court cleaned to perfection.. now tell benwang such a person is it so easy to topple?.. and not to forget the lord of the valley..the way she carries herself doesn't match her age.. she is not an easy person to tackle.. benwang thinks she is equally or even more dangerous and difficult to handle than Pei Jin.."

Everyone listened to his explaination then princess Zhang Chunhua adds her own thoughts "imperial brother is right.. this princess felt the bond between two is not fake..a viscious man like him to be so caring for a women is surprising and shocking.. he isn't a man to get involved with women for power which means he truly feels for lord of the valley..and though young able to catch such person eyes and heart she too is not a simple person.. Pei Jin is already a step ahead to Shiyou with this union.. now the current Nanling has truly become a fortified mountain to tackle..we have already lost to Pei Jin and are clear on his schemes, intellect and bravery... it would be foolish of us to challenge Nanling.. he has the means and support to engulf us and Qing at any given moment..thus the wisest option for us is to cement our friendly bonds leaving a way out for ourselves.."