
Rebirth Of Chan-Juan

"Kill Chan-juan, Kill Chan-juan, she doesn't deserve to live!" The people said. I've been having a recurring nightmare lately... In the dream, I was taken away by the guards and sentenced to death for stealing, and my people and those I had helped tried to kill me. I cried out my innocence, but the guards' arrows went through my heart anyway. Blood poured from my mouth and I saw a handsome man running toward me from a distance, holding me tightly. "What point is there in living without you, if you will be reborn, I will be reborn with you, together we find the truth." Who is he? Why was he kissing me? I thought this man was a fictional person in my dream world, but one day I saw him in reality...

SassyJen · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Unexpected Visitation

Chapter 11

Unexpected Visitation


I can't believe I was called a coward by a mannerless lady just running her mouth.

I told the guard that my identity should not get revealed as a prince but a chairman's son.

He nodded, and he opened the door; I said aloud to her," Did you call me a coward?".

I walked to her but couldn't even see her face; she looks like a tomboy.

I was shocked that she stood up to my face, still calling me a 'Coward.'

"You have no respect for elders, and you can't admit you are wrong. Instead, you sit comfortably in your car, sending them to run an errand for you; now I discovered you could even talk and walk, so very simple, your driver was wrong, apologies to the driver. We leave here instead of having a long dialogue."

I love the gut she has, but she is damn lucky I am not in the mood in any dialogue; I would have locked her up and the driver, at the end of the day, she will beg me, and I will demand her body and sex her demanding that she would never run her mouth that way, ever again.

"Oh, you are the tough one, that's nice, well I will let you be now, but next time you won't like what I will do to you, crazy!"

I turned back, telling the guard to go, and I know they might be surprised by my actions.

I entered the car as the driver took another route, leaving them behind.

Still driving to Mr. Mark hospital, then I recollected something which triggered my memory, the voice of that lady I heard not quite long ago sounds so familiar to me.

"Where could I have possibly heard that voice before?" I started thinking deeply about it.

The picture kept on playing to me on my mind, but what baffles me was the fact that I can't even picture how her face looks; she was wearing a hoodie and looked like a guy too.

The voice, I must indeed detect it and remember if she is someone I know somewhere.

Arriving at the hospital, I went ahead to Mark's office, he got told I would be coming to see him by my guard on the phone before we left the house.

He welcomed me in and requested I should sit, my guard was still with me, so I had to them to excuse me; they were so stubborn, and I had to yell at them cause what I came to do was personal, and I don't need third parties.

They finally left, and now I was alone.

"Prince Hyun, what is so important that you needed to see me here? I would have come over myself to your place instead of you coming," he said with a brief smile.

" I just prefer coming over and please, before I proceed with the purpose I am here; I want it to be a secret between us, and no third parties will be aware?" I said this to him to get assurance from him before I proceeded.

"Your secret is safe with me, my prince!" he said.

" Very well then, I will brief you what I need help for, and I hope I get my answers here," I said.

"I hope so too; let's just give it a try," he advised.

I cleared my throat, scanned his office before I said to him," I Have been having this strange dreams for some years now; the funny part of the whole thing is that it seems so natural to me, I see my very self called different names, all dreams always end with the fact I meet a girl bleeding to death, telling me she will be reborn. I kept saying to her that I will always be reborn with her and dying with her all the time."

He removed his glasses and fix them back before he said, "You said it feels so real. Do you have any scar or mark?" he asked.

I nodded yes in approval.

He asked how come the mark and if there is any similarity of the character in the dream.

" I noticed when I hugged her with the arrow she got shot with, it penetrated through my chest, and I have the mark on my chest when I was born," I said.

"Did you notice anything else?"

"I am no more having more dreams about it but seeing things with my two naked eyes, displaying right in my front, seeing this like the old era, I see my very self dressed like a prince, my best friend and guard Ming called someone else, I thought I am imagining things but it's getting me mad, these days, I need your advice please, am I going crazy?" I asked him, throbbing my hair.

He took a deep breath and said, "I don't believe to be reborn, but what you summaries, I feel, those dreams you had before are already part of you, maybe you are a reincarnation of someone."


"How dare he threaten me for next time? Well, I am certain we won't even meet at all," I said to myself before the driver of the cab signal me to get in the car so we leave.

"He's lucky I didn't get a picture of his face, I would have dwelt with him badly," I concluded, and I entered the car.


In few minutes, we arrived at my destination. I was about to come down from the car when the driver told me to be careful with my tongue to not get in trouble.

I just ignored him; he so ungrateful, by the way, I helped him let out his right, and this is all he could tell me.

I took my flowers and checked for my mother's number, and went in to drop the flowers, sitting on the ground.

" Hi, mom, sorry I came late, this is crazy, I hope you are fine, and you love the flowers, right? It hurts that I just got ideas about you on pictures alone! I wish you could reply to me now, I can't believe this is our first meet mother, but I want to say I love you. I forgive him, but please I am hoping dad gives me an open heart to be in his life, not a stranger to him," I said so many things to mom as tears kept dropping from my eyes.

After spending close to hours with mom, I took another cab to dad's address; on getting there, I couldn't go in; I watched them from afar.

I can't believe my dad is not looking very healthy; then I heard him called Xinyan, oh my stars, I can't believe Xinyan will look somehow like me in reality, is it that I am not viewing her pictures properly.

I walked close to the gate to feel the beauty of the home, still wishing I could go in right away.

I was too carried away and ended up kicking a trash can that got their attention. As Xinyan said, "Who is there?"

"Oh no, they can't see me now, I can't let them, but I can stand my ground is school trip that brought me here, oh shit, hell no,"

I argued with myself.

To be continued.

Do you think Xia father and cousin will see her?

Will Hyun buy what Mr Mark told him?.