
Rebirth of Assassins

Spectre the title of assassin who was obtained after completing countless ss-level missions, at the peak of his career, was in confusion killed by the organization. The moment of anger and helplessness of the organization's betrayal, in an increasingly opaque view. Spectre vaguely saw his lover along with the betrayer (organization) standing side by side.

julian_maskandar · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Beauty Wounded

He's currently sleeping on the second floor but it's no problem getting down from there. Taking precise steps and quickly he began to descend holding a slight grip on the wall.

Take the blind spot from the camera that has been placed in his yard, then pass the guard on duty.

Every time the guard looked the other way, he took this opportunity to pass them one by one until he reached the outside of the gate. All it takes is less than 1 minute.

Looking back for a moment, Elly kept her presence as thin as possible as she ran to the target location. His only weapon was the silver knife he kept.

It's not that his family doesn't have guns, it's just that he prefers the thrill of using a knife, although it's a shame there isn't a military knife.

Elly Ardhiona got there faster than expected, hiding behind a tree. There he saw something unexpected 'Fight between clans'.

What confused him was who was fighting against clan takahashi? Seen his opponent wearing black clothes covering his entire body except for the eyes, making it difficult for him to identify their identity.

Elly Ardhiona searched the surroundings but did not find Minaro Takahashi's figure.

Then he turned his head towards the most intense fight. There he saw the girl who had suffered a lot of injuries fighting the middle-aged man who was with Minaro Takahashi before.

Elly watched for a while before being surprised, initially thinking even though this girl was from a prominent family, she was a weak girl didn't think this girl had any martial skills.

What's more she should only be 2 years older than him.

It must be known that in order to have his current abilities, in his previous life he had undergone countless extreme training and life-and-death experiences.

Elly Ardhiona remained behind the tree's shadow watching the battle, closely observing the movements of the opponents of the Takahashi Clan and this fighting pattern felt familiar, she kept watching for a while finally recognizing their identity.

The gentle and calm movement then flowed like the clear water of a lake. Even so, every move of the katana slashed at the opponent, moving in complexity and grace. Coupled with the girl's beauty, it was as if she was dancing.

There was only one clan that used this in its memories.

Clan Yamamoto, one of the 3 major clans in Japan.

Now Elly took a closer look at this girl, studied her face, and couldn't help but be surprised. To meet two scary people, Elly didn't know if this was bad or good then smiled wryly.

"I've read a novel that the protagonist always gets into trouble everywhere? Who would have thought I'd run into this now!"

This girl was 2 years older than him, had straight black hair falling down her back. With a baby face that is smooth stone she is like a porcelain doll, This girl has beautiful blue eyes as bright as the sky.

The delicate body under the clothes that had been stained with blood, however did not diminish her beauty. But this did not surprise her but because this girl was the only daughter of the Yamamoto Clan.

Inari Yamamoto.

In one of her missions in her previous life, Elly had heard that this girl became the leader of the Yamamoto Clan and her fighting abilities were greatly feared.

But Elly also heard rumors that one day Inari Yamamoto was found dead in his room, wearing a red yukata and covered in blood.

At that time no one knew what caused it and it remained a mystery for years to come.

Elly lacked information that caused Inari Yamamoto to commit suicide? But he is very different from the previous picture.

In the past Inari was known to have very cold eyes, moreover almost no one saw his emotions change. It's said, even if you cut off his hands and feet, his face still won't change.

Maybe it's because he's young or maybe he's had an event make him that way? Whatever it is, it's none of his business. Elly Ardhiona stared at Inari's movement of swinging her katana, leaving her in a daze for a moment.

"This girl is very compatible with her Clan arts, now she still has a green body, not fully matured? I don't know how many men will be lost in her charm?

However -" very quickly Elly found many faults in her movements. "That is if she can still live in this fight."

This Water serenity art was the name of the Yamamoto Clan's secret art.

It was easy to recognize them from the way they fought. Movements performed with intricate patterns are at the same time calm as the flow of water. Every movement must hit the enemy's vital points, it's like yin and yang.

But Inari's movement looks stiff, making many slash points out of place, this also allows the opponent to attack back easily and brings new scars to Irna Yamamoto's beautiful body.

Elly Ardhiona wondered what life was like in her Clan, at a very young age she could endure such pain.

The battle had been going on for 20 minutes, now Elly saw that the Yamamoto Clan was getting more and more disadvantaged, 8 people had died by her side leaving only Inari Yamamoto, while the Takahashi Clan still had 5 people by her side.

This was very unfortunate for Inari Yamamoto at the same time his body had suffered a lot of injuries.

Elly Ardhiona predicts Inari will fall in 2 minutes if this continues.

And as expected.

Inari fell down as a punch to the side of the stomach from the middle-aged man sent him flying far to the side.

"Uggh… Ugggh…." Inari Yamamoto felt his whole body go numb, his mind blurry. The previous wound still hadn't healed and he was still pushing the body that was already within its limits.

"Baka! You don't be stubborn and give, you won't experience any of this." A middle-aged man walked over, they were speaking in Japanese.

Inari Yamamoto didn't respond, his cold eyes sneering disdainfully.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man gave a kick to his side causing his weak body to be thrown again.

"Everyone in your Clan is a lunatic, your life is not worth more than your technique? See, even now there is no news from your master! You are so worthless, your bastard has been abandoned.

If my Lord is not interested in you….?" The middle-aged man roared.

He couldn't kill him before he got the technique.

Elly Ardhionam felt that now was the right time to act. He has no desire to save her, the killer bullshit did the rescue? This only exists in novels!

This fight made her blood boil Elly really wanted to know how much she could bring out her abilities. As he went to the nearby Takahashi Clan ninja. Using a move that had been mastered as an assassin, Like a shadow he had hit the target.

Covering his mouth, he calmly poked his throat. Kill takahashi members instantly without time can scream and die without anyone knowing. This continued until only middle-aged men remained.

This time Elly Ardhiona did not use her shadow steps and walked as usual, footsteps heard every time she took a step. Made the middle-aged man and Inari Yamamoto notice him and made them very surprised.

Especially the middle-aged man saw all that remained had died and he was completely unaware of it.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen! Sorry to interrupt your show but do you mind if I get involved?" Elly Ardhiona bowed like an aristocratic etiquette to introduce herself in Japanese, she smiled innocently at them.

"You?" The middle-aged man tried to look around him, trying to find out who killed his men. He didn't think the person in front of him had done it. But he had to accept the fact that this boy was the only one in this area.

Not thinking much, the middle-aged man ran at full speed in front of Elly. Lifting the katana he slashed with all his strength.

This was the characteristic of the Takahashi Clan, the opposite of Yamamoto's technique. Each pattern is full of sharpness and brute force.

Although it looks simple but sometimes that simplicity makes it terrible.

The only reason why Inari Yamaoto was still alive, clearly the middle-aged man had only used half his abilities.

Elly saw this, not fighting head on instead she avoided. With the children's bodies it would be tantamount to suicide holding back his attacks.

Activating shadow steps, he dodged and appeared beside the middle-aged man. Raised a hand and swung the silver blade at the vital point in his heart.

But unfortunately the middle-aged man's speed was also not to be underestimated, he managed to step aside to make him Dodge his attacks.

Elly Ardhiona didn't just wait, she appeared again in front of her, and this time, Elly aimed at her ankle numbing the middle-aged man.

Even so, Elly didn't expect her to be able to move as steadily.

"This guy is troublesome!" He complained.