
Tsunade, And a light lie.

After leaving the hospital Sora began training in kenjutsu and fuinjutsu along with his mother, who was really scared of his son's progress.

It usually takes a few years for a person to master the basic forms and changes of a style of kenjutsu and to put them into use in battle as if the blade were part of the body, would take decades of severe training.

Kushina already expected that the son had extreme talent for kenjutsu, because with the strength of the body added to the reflexes, he was practically born for kenjutsu and taijutsu, nevertheless she still underestimated how much talent her son had, in less than three days he could already perform all postures and changes to perfection, and in less than a month he had already mastered the state of one with the sword.

And what made her even more shocked was his talent for fuinjutsu, having Uzumaki blood she already expected him to be highly talented in the fuinjutsu arts, but again she was surprised because he mastered all the basics of fuinjutsu in just three weeks, and in two and a half months he was already proficient in the advanced.

As if that were not enough after learning the shadow clone jutsu, he started making explosive tags and mass storage scrolls to sell, and when she asked why he did this he replied,

"If I sell the scrolls, I'll make a lot of money, and I'll be able to eat Teuchi's ramen every day." (Sora)

Kushina began to laugh at his son's response, while Minato began to think that ramen addiction was in the blood, Naruto on the other hand found the idea of ​​the brilliant brother and began to strive even harder to learn fuinjutsu.

Today it's been four months since Sora left the hospital and returned home, he decided it was time to master the one for all, so he decided to talk to his mother about a place for training, he already had a plan and an excuse to the massive increase in strength that could convince her father and mother about it.

"Mom, I need an isolated place to train and I can withstand large amounts of damage without causing any problems. (Sora)

"And why would you need Sora?" (Kushina)

"Mom, I happen to have an idea as I read some books about a new technique, and if it works it will probably cause massive destruction. (Sora)

"And how does this technique work, could you tell me?" Maybe I can help you. (Kushina)

-Ok, mother do you know that the body has Eight limiters of the correct chackra network? (Sora)

-Yes I know. (Kushina)

-I read in books that a man named Might Duy created a technique called Hachimon Tonkou, and after reading I was curious after reading some medical ninjutsu scrolls and some books on medicine, I came to the conclusion that the reason the user dies when opening the eighth gate is because the body can not bear the load.

-Continues. (Kushina)

"Then what happens if we first open the death gate instead of the opening gate?" (Sora)

"Would a person die faster?" (Kushina)

- I disagree mother, as I said the reason why the person dies and because the body can not withstand the pressure of all the gates, however the gate of death is at the heart of our network of chackra, when we first opened our body it will not be over the burden of the other gates and as it is who governs our entire network of chackra once opened it can strengthen the paths making it possible for the other gates to be opened.

"But that's just your theory. (Kushina)

-But it's a viable theory, I asked her father to call Aunt Tsunade back so she could take a look at the technique if she believes it's workable I want you to let me practice.

"You have a mistake with your theory, the muscles of a normal person can not handle it, and even I who am not a doctor can understand it. (Kushina)

-Exact the muscles of a normal person can not bear the burden since this would cause extreme fatigue in them but I am not normal all my muscles are pink and I have extremely dense muscles outside a vitality greater than Hashirama itself which makes mine possible idea. (Sora)

Kushina was surprised by the logic of her own son and the reason presented, because it began to make sense to her.

"Okay, but you can only practice if Tsunade says it's feasible. (Kushina)

"Thank you, Mother, I love you." (Sora) said and gave a big hug to the mother

After a few days Tsunade and Shizune arrived in Konoha, accompanied by Jiraya who somehow managed to bring her back, after which he took Tsunade to the Hokage room, which ordered the Anbu to call Sora there.

After hearing Sora's theory and studying his body, Tsunade said that it was indeed possible, but it was risky and should be done with doctors on the side so if anything went wrong he could have immediate medical assistance.

Then Minato asked:

"Could you accompany him to look at the technique?" (Minato)

"Sorry, but it is not possible how I developed Hematophobia after losing everything I loved. (Tsunade) said with a bit of a grudge in his voice

Tsunade blamed Konoha for the death of Dan and Nawaki, and despite being a family friend and already having exams for Sora and Naruto she would not help the village to gain another technique to kill.

At that moment Sora stands out and says:

"Aunt Tsunade, would you like to place a bet?" (Sora)

-A child wants to bet with me? What a joke! (Tsunade)

"Aunt, I'm not an ordinary child, and I have over a hundred thousand ryo and I want to bet on you. (Sora)

-Kid and how could you have that money? (Tsunade)

-I'm a fuinjutsu practitioner and I manufacture selling storage rolls and explosive tags. (Sora) replied.

Tsunade turns to Jyraia nodding to confirm what the boy said.

-What would be the bet? (Tsunade)

"If I can cure your hematophobia in the next 24 hours." (Sora)

-If I can get you help me with the technique and back to Konoha to be a doctor in the hospital, and if I fail then I'll give you 100,000 ryo, of course you would have to allow me to heal and would not attack me or divulge how I'll treat you. (Sora)

"Okay then I'll take the bet. (Tsunade)

-Great to accompany me to the Namikaze complex and I will apply the treatment. (Sora)

Namikaze complex a few minutes later in the room of Minato and Kushina.

"Mother, please put a seal of silence around the room and father send all the buses out of the room.

Although they did not understand why the son would ask for something, Minato and Kushina still did as he asked.

"Aunt Tsunade look into my eyes. (Sora)

-OK. (Tsunade)

As soon as Tsunade looked into his eyes, they changed color and became a deep purple with rings around his eyes.

- Kotoamatsukami. (Sora)

Tsunade's eyes were blurry, and as soon as that happened, our Mk knew it had worked.

"You got to say goodbye to Dan and Nawaki, and from today you're not afraid of blood. (Sora)

After using the technique his eyes returned to normal.

His parents, and Tsunade who had just come out of his drowsiness, were shocked at what they saw in his son's eyes were not the legendary rinnengan?

"Does your eyes?" (Minato)

"Yes, father, this was the rinnengan. (Sora) who already knew what his father was going to ask, replied by pretending to be tired.

"But how is this possible?" (Minato)

-I do not know ,a few days ago I could simply turn my eyes on, but I can not keep it for long, and whenever I'm active I get exhausted. (Sora) said while pretending he could barely stay awake.

Then he took a kunai from his bag and cut his finger then showed Tsunade that he had no reaction at the sight of the blood.

"Aunt Tsunade, this is my victory. (Sora) said with a faint smile on his face

"All right you beat the kid, but I will not be a ninja again. (Tsunade)

-I know all I'm asking is for you to go back to being a doctor and help me with the technique. (Sora)

"Okay, I finally lost the bet. (Tsunade)

"Mother, I know you have your doubts about my eyes, but I ask you not to say anything for the moment, let me rest and when I wake up I will tell you everything. (Sora)

"Okay, but when I wake up I do not want lies. (Kushina)

After saying this she left dragging Tsunade and Minato.

Hi, I'm considering saving Karin and his mother, but I'm in doubt because if I save her now I'll change what I had planned.

that's why I leave the choice to you

1 to save

2 not to

danitaiercreators' thoughts