
Samui, Sadness, And Plans

A few weeks after: The Rise of the Hangman of Konoha.

There was an emergency meeting in Kumo's boardroom.

"What do you think about it?" (To A Raikage) asked the counselors.

"We must ally the other villages and attack Konoha while we still can." (Elder 1)

-You are crazy? (Darui) asked with mockery in his voice.

-Why you say that? (Elder 1)

The kid killed over ten thousand ninjas in front of the kages without their being able to even see what had happened, and the only reason they survived was because Minato and Kushina interceded. (Darui)

"That is why we would join all the other villages ..." (Elder 1)

He did not even finish speaking when Darui said.

-Old Man if you want to kill yourself, please do it alone, if we start a war against Konoha and the boy really take it seriously he will kill us all, never forget how much Onoki and Rasa are powerful, but neither they were able to put any resistance against 'The Executioner of Konoha' killing all his ninjas one by one. (Darui)

Soon after Darui spoke another old man spoke.

"We know that the chance to win is less than one in a million, but we have no other choice, the boy is an unprecedented threat, not even Madara and Hashirama could generate a slaughter of such proportions without paying a high price. (Elder 2)

"That's why I think you're all boring, you only think of war, but why not consider an alliance with Konoha through marriage?" (Darui)

"What do you mean, Darui?" (A) said with interest.

"It's a fact that we can not suppress the kid, so why not use it to our advantage?" (Darui)

"Do you want one of our kunoichi to be sent as a wife to Minato's son, the same man, who killed several hundred ninjas of our army in the last war?" (Elder 1) asked indignantly only by mentioning the idea.

-Exactly. (Darui)

"Darui, you know that if we send a bride to Konoha, we're admitting that we're weaker than Konoha, are not we?" (Elder 2)

-You are wrong, we can ask that one of the kunoichi of the Inuzuka clan of Konoha be sent to a marriage with Kumo so that we are considered as equal, not only we can strengthen ourselves as well as we could gain a new family of sensors. (Darui)

"Why did you come up with this plan?" (A) asked showing interest in Darui's ideas.

"Raikage-sama, you can not be considering that, can you?" (Elder 1)

"If Darui's plan shows positive points above the war, I will not only be considering, I will approve, because unlike you who are blinded by the hatred that the last war generated I am trying to be rational here. (A) said in a tone of annoyance, for the elders did not even let him hear an idea that clearly would take less casualties than a war.

"Well, Raikage-sama, my plan is quite simple, we will propose a marriage between villages to form an alliance, we will send a girl to be Sora's wife, as he is clearly the most powerful ninja in Konoha, and we will ask a girl to be his wife or B, to say that we are making marriages for the more powerful ninjas of the two villages. (Darui)

-Continues. (A)

-The terms of the alliance will be that we will offer metal trading of chackra and other minerals, which we have in abundance, in exchange for things like the Akimichi clan pills or asking one of the Uzumaki to come and help us make seals, some tags (Darui)

"For so little, that's basically giving our resources away for free. (Elder 2)

"You should take a look at the tag that Minato's children developed, before you open your stupid mouth to talk, it's getting annoying to have to fix your mistakes. (Darui) said as he pulled out a completely gold tag.

-This is a healing tag developed by Minato's children, not only can she heal most of the wounds, but she can also replace cut members, as long as it has not been more than an hour, and the member in question is not much damaged. (Darui)

"That's impossible, there's no such thing as an item. (Elder 2)

"It's like they say to see it, ask for a shinobi of your confidence to come in, we cut off his arm, and if his arm can not be reattached, you can kill me and treat all the previous conversation as if it had not happened . (Darui)

-Great. (Elder 2) said, he then turned to a jonin who was in the room before saying.

"Go get Omoi here." (Elder 2)

Some minutes later.

- You told me to call? (Omoi)

-Yes, Omoi we call you here, because we need to perform a very important test that can define Kumo's destiny, I will not lie to you, you may end up losing an arm, I will not force you to take the test and you will not be punished if you do not want to participate, I assure you. (A)

"I could ask you what the test is." (Omoi)

"Look, there seems to be an extremely powerful healing tag, which can even reattach limbs, but we need to test whether it's true or not, that's why we call you because you have the confidence of the elders and they know you do not will lie (Darui)

-Are you willing to participate? (A) asked in a serious tone.

-Yes, if sacrificing an arm can be of use to help, Kumo growing stronger I will not hesitate, should I cut my arm now to proceed? (Omoi)

Sit down and stretch your arm and do not move, I'll cut it as cleanly as possible after cutting your arm then I'll use the Healing Tag and if it works you should be able to use your Arm right away . (Darui)

Omoi did not hesitate, he sat down and took off his blouse to allow a precise cut to be made, then Darui cut his arm, which caused Omoi to grit his teeth in pain, then Darui used the healing Tag, what struck everyone was that Tag not only reconnected the arm but also helped Omoi to recover from the loss of blood.

After the Tag was used Omoi stood up as if nothing had happened, he moved his arm as if it had never been cut and to everyone's surprise there was not even a scar on Omoi's arm.

-Have I how you feel? (A)

"I feel like it's new, it's like my arm has never been cut, I feel as full of energy as if I just woke up. (Omoi) said trying to explain how he was feeling.

-You can go to the office and get the money equivalent to a class S mission, however never tell anyone about what happened here today, this is a S class secret punishable with execution. (A)

After Omoi was gone, Darui looked at the counselors and said,

"Now you still think I'm giving away our resources for free?" (Darui)

"No, you were selling our resources at a fair price that would benefit the village, I'm sorry for my words. (Elder 2)

-I also apologize, you only wish the best for the interests of the village, I apologize if I offended you. (Elder 1)

Although the elders did not like the idea of ​​marriage, they were not fools, only those Tags could benefit Kumo much, and this without counting a powerful ally like Konoha.

This marriage without doubt would bring huge benefits to Kumo, sacrificing a kunoichi for these benefits undoubtedly was an exchange that would be worth it.

-Okay, now that it's been decided that we should make this alliance happen, we should choose a proper kunoichi, Darui this plan came from you whom do you think is suitable for the function? (A)

-Raikage-sama I believe that Samui the leader of Omoi's team is the most suitable candidate for the role. (Darui)

"And why do you think that?"(A)

"She's the same age as Sora, she's talented, she's beautiful, she's smart, she's calm, she also has no family in the village besides her brother, which means she could get married without generating any serious consequences." (Darui)

"I've already talked to her, and she's willing to marry for the good of the village." (Darui)

"Does anyone disagree with Darui's choice?" (A) asked and noticed that no one disagreed.

"All right, let Samui know to prepare, we will arrange a meeting to discuss the alliance with Konoha in six months during the chunin examination, this meeting is over."(A)

In Konohagakure at the same time Minato was trying to calm a furious Kushina.

-Kushina calm down this is for the sake of the village, Sora is a ninja of Konoha just like Hinata, they have duties to fulfill. (Minato)

"You asshole my ass, you will not use my son for another political marriage, unless you want to spend your life sleeping on the damn dattebane couch." (Kushina) shouted to Minato with extreme fury.

This discussion was happening because Minato wanted Sora to marry a woman from Kiri or Kumo, because the power that the son demonstrated broke the balance between the villages and if a marriage was not realized, surely a war would burst and even if Sora participated, he could not be on all battlefields of the war at the same time, which means that there will be a massive amount of dead to Konoha, and they have already lost many lives in the invasion.

Minato, having learned from the mistake of arranging a marriage without warning Kushina, decided to discuss it with her in advance to avoid a painful punishment, but he forgot that Kushina adored Hinata and did not want her to have to share her husband with another which resulted in the current situation.

-Kushina you want a war? (Minato) said trying to persuade her.

"Of course not, but my son is not a goddamn horse you can just have any woman get pregnant and the problem solved dattebane. (Kushina)

"Of course he's not you think I want Sora my son to be used as a bargaining chip? (Minato)

Kushina was silent because she knew that Minato did not want to have to resort to it, and that the marriage with the Hyuga was only made that way, because Sora already liked Hinata, otherwise Minato would rather massacre the Hyuga clan to force the son.

"Of course I do not want to, but I have to think of the village also this marriage, it's the only way to avoid a war, for if Sora is married to the woman from another village, judging by the reaction he had when Hinata was injured he will not attack this village, I'll leave something very clear from now on, if possible I want him to marry a girl from each of the four other Great Villages, for that would bring peace. (Minato)

"You're pushing the whole bond to Sora, that's too much for a child to deal with. (Kushina)

"You think I do not know that?" I feel like crap for not being able to protect my village and family without sacrificing my children's freedom. (Minato) shouted, he was accumulating these feelings for a long time.

-I had to see Naruto being despised by others simply because the kyubi was sealed in it, I also saw several of the villagers calling Sora the Devil, Carrasco or killer and he being isolated, simply for having killed invaders who wanted to destroy us. (Minato)

"Do you think I'm proud to have to see this happening to my children without being able to do anything to help them?" If I could, I would kill every one of the people who treated them badly, in the most brutal way possible. (Minato)

-But I am the Hokage I have to think for the good of the village, and this prevents me from protecting my children in situations like these, the only thing I can do and apologize to them and hope they can forgive me for being too weak to protect them. (Minato) said crying.

Kushina saw Minato with a broken heart, it was only then that she noticed that Minato was suffering because he felt that he had failed with the children, he was blaming himself all this time for Naruto and Sora, for having to sacrifice their freedom to be able ensure the safety of Konoha.

In all the years that they were together, Kushina only saw Minato cry for the sadness three times, one of them was when he could not save Obito, the other was when Rin died by the hand of Kakashi, and the third was now.

"Minato, I'm sorry I did not know you were going through all this alone. (Kushina) said as she hugged her husband and tried to comfort him.

It was at that moment that Sora and Naruto rushed in and hugged Minato, they had heard all the discussion so far, and they had tears in their eyes, for it was the first time they saw their father so vulnerable.

Dad, you do not have to worry, you did not fail us, you and mother raised us and loved us with everything they had and that's enough for me, so do not blame yourself, please. (Naruto)

"Daddy, I do not care about being called a monster, I have you, my mother Naruto, and Hinata, and that to me is already all I need to be happy, you knew when you told me that Hinata and I could Did I get married really happy? So do not worry you have not failed us and so you do not need something like our forgiveness. (Sora)

_Sora, Naruto I'm really lucky to have kids like you. (Minato) said smiling, while tears still flowing from his face.

Then he and Kushina bent down and hugged their children.

Somewhere in Kirigakure.

Tobi was inside his hiding place as he tried to think of a plan to deal with Sora, but he was not doing well at all.

"Damn, how the hell that brat can be so powerful, even Nagato could not do that, and to make matters worse he still has Rinnegan, if I do not kill that kid it's going to be impossible to do the moon-eye plan. (Tobi)

-Tobi-sama why not try to bring him to our side like we did with Nagato? (Zetsu)

"Because he hates me to the bone, if it were not for Minato to have stopped him, no doubt I would be dead, and no matter what I try, I'll just take a chance before he destroys me." (Tobi)

-Because? After all with Izanagi you can always get out of there. (Zetsu)

-Because he has proven that he can seal the space capacity of this sharingan, Izanagi is indeed a powerful technique, but it is no use to use it if I can not escape, I should have kept Obito alive at least I could use him as currency I change so the little brat can spare me. (Tobi).

Tobi was the reserve plane of Madara, in case Obito discovered that he was the cause of Rin's death, he had kidnapped another Uchiha during the war and this was Uchiha Shisui.

He made Shisui believe that the village had killed Kagami Uchiha to protect Danzo, which was not so far from the truth, because although they were not the cause of death, the council did not punish Danzo and chose to throw everything under the rug.

-Kotoamatsukami will not work on him with that rinnegan, he can simply use the Preta path and absorb the chackra, he can also manipulate the space so I will not be able to drag him to my dimension and let him starve to death there. (Shisui)

"Even if I make all the villages attack together, he can undoubtedly still win alone, and poisoning him inside the village is almost impossible, the only way left is to make Nagato deal with him." (Shisui)

Zetsu black listened to Shisui, but he had other plans, why should he kill someone who can stand next to Kaguya?

Kaguya was a lonely woman she was so powerful that no one could stand by her side and be her mate, Zetsu never planned to find a husband for her before, since there was no one who would have the potential to stand side by side with her.

But Sora had this potential and Zetsu planned to get him and Kaguya together, he just had to have the right chance and he could not only find a suitable partner for her, but he could also find a powerful ally to free her.

-Tobi-sama I believe you should wait before sending Nagato behind him, you should capture the other biju so you could have them attack the village while Nagato dealt with him. (Zetsu)

"You're right this is certainly the safest way to get rid of it, great I'll follow your plan. (Shisui) said before using kamui to disappear.

Zetsu began to sink to the ground shortly thereafter with a smile on his face.

In Konoha a meeting was being held with the council.

"Minator, Sora clearly owns a unique genkai kekei, and he's applied to the laws of C. R.A So when will he begin to fulfill them? (Koharu) asked

-Yeah, I agree with Koharu he, he's almost thirteen years old he should start preparing for C.Ra and honor the laws of the second Hokage. (Civil Elder)

-I do not think Sora saw agree to participate in C. R.A Now, and being very honest no one in this village has the power to force him, I do not think I need to remind you of what he did in the last invasion of Konoha. (Minato)

"You're his father, and you're saying you can not control your own son?" (Koharu)

"In fact, I can not control Sora, I can influence, but if I try to force him, he's not going to listen to me, I do not even need to remind you of how much he loves Hinata, after all he killed over ten Mill people when she was killed and he was going to destroy the villages soon after in the fit of rage he was having. (Minato)

"Then persuaded him by saying it's the village." (Koharu)

"You think I did not try, but he heard from his mother that Hinata would be sad if he married other girls and he refused to listen to me, if you think you can persuade him to go forward." (Minato)

"Then force it, accept it." (Koharu)

-I have to admire, surely you must be stronger than all kages after all, I just said that he killed everyone and you still have the courage to say that you will force him, you have my deepest respect because you, do not call here and see how you force it? (Minato) said with a bright smile.

"I'm talking about you, he's not going to attack his own father. (Koharu)

"Do you think there is only one chance in a thousand Kushina to allow me to force him?" (Minato) asked, everyone on the council to remain silent.

They knew the temperament of Kushina very well if Minato tried to force Sora to be part of C. R.A, Kushina was going to hit him long before hunting each one that supported that idea.

Just the thought was enough to make the council shudder, and they knew that if they insisted Kushina would spare none of them.

I'll be posting another novel today about high school dxd that has a background shared with this story

danitaiercreators' thoughts