
Mudanças de Hinata e noiva?

The changes in Hinata's personality came from the fact that she wanted to stay with Sora our MC did not know, but the attention God mentioned came in the form of attraction for women they would always feel the will next to him consecutively wishing to be close to him the more they could, the longer a girl stayed with him, the greater the effect.

Already for men they would feel that mc was a person of confidence and the more they stayed around the mc they would trust him, this is due to the fact that mc's body was baptized with the effects of faith energy in the most pure.

In the beginning she would look like in the Canon always looking from a distance, but over time the desire to get closer to him got bigger and bigger so one day she gathered courage and asked to play with him, which our mc accepted.

One day she asked what kind of girl he liked he replied that he liked women like the mother who is brave but kind to those who love it motivated Hinata to change from shy personality to a braver one after all she wanted to stay as maximum as possible with Sora , and if he fell in love with her they could be together forever.

Which gave results, because the more the girl grew to become brave and gentle more Sora would play with her, which in turn made her continue to grow stronger, because without the shyness the full potential of the girl was showing itself to the world.

The mere age of 5 Hinata could already defeat an experienced Chunin in melee combat, she also asked the father methods to improve the junken because he said that the progress she had was not enough and if she did not grow faster she could not follow Sora .

His father was extremely surprised by her daughter's statement, and asked why she thinks so, so she said that he already has a physique comparable to that of a tall jonin and the reserve of a high genin chackra. (N / A: his abilities are hidden from everyone by the desire of number 15 the only ones that are not are the physical because he is innate and he was born with him active at all times thus not being able to hide, and immunity to genjutsu because is permanent like the physical and is made by the body).

Surprised by the subject Hiashi told her daughter if she was sure, and she confirmed and said that she heard from Sora himself that his physique was different because of some lineage he possesses and not only is his body more powerful, he is immune the genjutsu and what was checked is transmissible to the children, and the matter had been confirmed by Tsunade herself.

After learning about it he quickly asked for favors in the hospital to know if it was true and when it was confirmed, he called a meeting of the clan elders with extreme urgency.

"I called a meeting here today for a matter that might decide the future of the Hyugas. (Hiashi)

"Which would be so important you could not wait in the morning." (elder 1)

-How do you know the eldest son of the hokage Sora and Hinata are very close because they are always together correct? (Hiashi)

"And what does this have to do with the future of the clan?" Do not tell me you want to marry her with the boy, do not you? (elder 2)

"Yes, I want them to marry, and I want the hyuga clan as one to make the offer." (Hiashi)

-Hiashi this is a joke that is not funny you know that we must maintain the purity of our lineage how could you consider something absurd tact and still say that and for the future of the clan? (elder 1)

-Simple because the boy has a unique lineage that added to our clan could easily make us the number one clan in Konoha. (Hiashi)

-What do you mean by that? (elder 3)

- His lineage not only makes his body naturally stronger but also from complete immunity to genjutsu (Hiashi)

-That's absurd, does not have physical existencet (Old Man 3)

"From what I heard it was checked by Tsunade herself plus the physical and transmissible to the children. (Hiashi)

"How authentic is the subject?" (elder 1)

-The information is completely true I asked a favor from a friend of the hospital and he checked the diagnosis. (Hiashi)

"Now think of it a byakugan with a physique as strong as a Senju, reserve of Uzumaki chakra, and completely immune to genjutsu what do you think would happen? (Hiashi) said smiling

"A kage-level shinobi guaranteed. (elder 1,2,3)

"Now think if Hinata has several children with him?" (Hiashi)

-If they own the byakugam (elder 2)

"And why would not they?" His kekei genkai mainly affects the strength, density and amount of chackra and not the eyes, research has already been done on the subject and it is highly probable in cases like these that the children possess the two kekei genkai. (Hiashi) [N / A] I saw no reason why it would not be possible after all to form the rinnengan and tenseigan by joining strong physical with strong eyes, so following the logic should be possible if the mc only had an extreme physical ]

After hearing the reasons and arguments all decided.

-I approve the decision of the Clan Head (elder 1)

-I approve the decision of the Clan Head (elder 2)

-I approve the decision of the Clan Head (elder 3)

-I approve the decision of the Clan Head (elder 4)

-I approve the decision of the Clan Head (elder 5)

"Great, I'll let Hinata know and I'll send the order to the Hokage tomorrow." (Hiashi)

"Wait a minute if the kid has a unique genkai kekei that is child-friendly, would not that mean he's included in CRÃ laws?" (Old Man 4)

-I believe so. (Hiashi)

-That's great we can ask some clan girls to be allocated to him so we would not only contribute to Konoha but also strengthen the clan (elder 5)

"If the matter is raised I will propose this idea directly to the hokage, but first we must make sure that Hinata is the first wife so we would gain mastery over that subject. (Hiashi)

-YES. (Elders 1,2,3,4)

Moments later Hiashi went to Hinata's quarters and said,

"Hinata, are you awake?" (Hiashi)

-Yes, father I am. (Hinata)

-Hinata you are my daughter and became my pride, but now I need to talk about the clan with you, but first let me ask you do you like Sora? (Hiashi)

he asked even knowing the answer.

-Yes. (Hinata) replied an embarrassed Hinata

-Hinata me and the elders talked and we thought you and the son of the hokage would be a perfect couple and we want to make a commitment not only would be good for the Clan as you could be with Sora. (Hiashi)

Hiashi waited for his daughter to absorb the information, he knew that his daughter could already understand politics after all, she was the heir of the clan and had been trained since new to have insight on this kind of subject.

- But father and if the hokage or Sora do not accept? (Hinata) asked with fear in his voice

-You do not have to wonder about it after all, the kid likes your company and a marriage of a clan like ours and the son of the hokage is beneficial to the village there is no reason to reject do not worry. (Hiashi)

"Then it would be wonderful." (Hinata) replied with a big smile

-That's great, rest well, because tomorrow I will visit the hokage. (Hiashi)

The next day Hiashi went to the office of the hokage in the morning, still anxious about the subject of the marriage he did not have to wait long and was soon called to talk to Minato.

-Hokage-sama today, I come here in the name of the whole hyuga clan on a subject that says respect for my daughter's future. (Hiashi)

-What subject can be so serious about Hinata-chan is she well? (My born)

Minato showed a lot of concern for Hinata, as she was one of the only close friends of her son Sora, and because he hoped the two would marry one day, as he would not only stabilize his power as Hokage but would also find a good wife for your son, two birds with a single stone.

-Hokage-sama do you know that your eldest son and Hinata are right next? (Hiashi)

-Yes. (Minato)

-Hokage-sama I hope you understand rumors are arising and for the honor of my daughter and clan, the hyuga clan asks for a marriage between Sora Namikaze and Hinata Hyuga. (Hiashi)

"Of course not for now, but we want at least the compromise of both sides, so not only would the rumors be stopped as the dignity of the two clans would be preserved. (Hiashi)

Minato was now in the Clouds, he was thinking about how to convince the Hyugas and suddenly the marriage falls on his hand so it almost made him dance for joy.

"Well I agree, however, Hinata must marry the namikaze think of Hinata's happiness before denying it, Hiashi I know she is the heiress, but nothing prevents her from continuing after the wedding just as Kushina represents the Uzumaki. (Minato)

After a few minutes of Hiashi 'consider' he replied.

"Very well, I agree. (Hiashi) replied with a reluctant face

But inside he was in pure joy not only did he get the wedding, but the Hokage also saw him 'compromising', now if the CRA issue came out later, he could ask for more people from the hyuga clan to be sent and probably would be accepted, for they have already yielded the heir to them.

"We'll announce the wedding later today, I'll call the council." (Minato)

[N / A: In the anime Naruto was born on the 10th of October I searched for the year, but I did not find it so if you know put in the comments the link of the information that I correct]

Well I'm thinking and make our mc more focused in the way of taijutsu and fuinjutsu since he practically does not need to ninjutsu with one for all they would like to leave their opinion in the comments

danitaiercreators' thoughts