
Deciding future

A month after waking up Sora was discharged from the hospital, the reason behind it was the changes happening in his physique, the first shift was to vitality after 'awakening the lineage' Sora's physique had a tremendous boost.

The human body has three types of muscles which are red, white and pink.

The red muscles are those that allow long efforts, because it has high resistance to fatigue.

White muscles are those that provide explosive strength, whereas red muscles do not have high fatigue resistance, however they contract and intend three to five times more than red ones generating much greater force and velocity.

And the pink muscles that encompass the best of both.

Usually the body would only have some of these pink muscles, but in the case of Sora and different, after their 'wake up' lineage all the muscles of his body became pink, within a period of a single month and not only that he too has gained a massive increase in size of its paths of chackra.

It may not seem like much, but the increase of his ways of chakra granted a massive increase to his physical characteristics, if before he possessed the strength of a low jonin, after the muscles he possessed the physical equivalent to a jonin medium, and after increasing it the paths of chakra he possessed those of a high jonin.

His increased physical abilities were so high that he could barely walk without breaking the hospital floors, and that was before he activated the one for all, you see, one for all is a skill and not kekei genkai, so no can be copied or stolen, only transmitted by the will of the owner of the ability, of course nobody knew the skill and he also did not activate it as it was inside the hospital.

And that is not all, his vitality was raised to extraordinary levels, even higher than Hashirama, which means that he would heal almost everything, as if it were not enough his senses were improved to extreme levels because of the chackra and pink muscles, making it a natural sensor. (N / A as I had said before physical changes can not be hidden.)

So he stayed him to the hospital for a month, because Minato was afraid to remove him before and your son was hurt

Before the changes he and Naruto were virtually identical except for the color of hair and Whiskers marks, now not only did he get taller as his muscles became more apparent.

He now had a height of 1.5 Meters tall which was high even for a nine-year-old ninja child, his muscles were as well defined as those of Might Guy, his face was better defined resembling a little more to Minato, which, by the way, did not leave Kushina happy.

She loved to boast about how the kids had pulled her face and how beautiful they would be when they grew up and now she would have to put up with Mikoto's jokes by saying she had a face like Minato.

For our Mc it was good to have this time in the hospital not only did he have time to check the memories of the last six years, as he can also learn fuinjutsu with his mother, claiming that he did not want to be behind Naruto and also did not want to hold the growth his.

In addition, he managed to note that he was already engaged to Hinata, when he arrived in that part of the memories he almost had a heart attack, because he could not believe that not only did he have a commitment to her as he got her to change her personality to be similar to Kushina.

As for being supported mainly by political causes, he did not care much, as he still remembers how his father was punished by his mother brutally for not having consulted her.

~ Flash back a year ago ~

"What do you mean he's getting married?" How dare you decide to my son's wedding without consulting me? Would you like to sleep the rest of your damn life on the Minato Namikaze couch? (Kushina)

"Calm down, my love was for the good of the village and our son. (Minato) says trying to calm an angry Kushina to the extreme

-To calm down? If you wanted to calm me down, you should not have done this shit, you made our son's marriage a damn date political agreement. (Kushina) said increasingly angry

-But dear Sora enjoys her company, she is kind, talented, and still brave thanks to his influence and above all she likes him, they are a perfect match. (Minato) tried to convince her.

"I do not care, if a girl wants to marry my child she must pass my test, and you denied me the right to do so, besides the fact that you approved of that marriage mainly because you wanted to have relations with the clan hyuga. (Kushina)

"Darling I do not see how she could not pass on her test as I've said before. She's brave, talented, practiced ethics ever since she could understand, plus I see no reason not to take the opportunity and build relationships with a strong clan like the hyuga. (Minato) said trying to reason with Kushina.

And that was his biggest mistake, if he had stopped before that sentence the punishment would have been Maximo a few days on the couch, an apology and would have been terminated.

- That's right then I do not see why you can not sleep on the sofa for the next two months, and since you love the clã hyuga so much you can go eat all your meals with them, because I will not prepare anything for you, besides that while you do not apologize on your knees on top of the washboard you can forget to sleep at home. (Kushina) says with a tone of order

-Kushina this is absurd I ... (Minato)

Before he can finish the sentence a vase is hurled towards him.



And that was how the fourth leaf village hokage found that annoying Kushina was not a good idea.

~ End flash back ~

Sora did not care to marry Hinata, for God had already told he that she would never fall in love with Naruto, and now he knew why, if he would reject it would be impossible for her and Naruto to stay together, apart from the fact that she could convert the love she feels for him in hatred against her family.

And he did not care about having a beautiful wife, without even having to work hard to get it, the only thing that was worrying him was the change in the timeline.

Because there was no kyubi attack would make it impossible for the story to remain the same, meaning that now if he wanted to protect his family he would have to be strong enough to defeat everything and everyone who came in the way


He decided that he would ask his mother and father to teach him fuinjutsu and kenjutsu so that he could take full advantage of several of his requests without arousing suspicion.

He already knew all the fuinjutsus and could also use them, however his previous self never did because he noticed that it was not common and he feared that the parents thought that it was a freak and now that Sora had recovered the memories he would not demonstrate his trumps easily because he knew that Danzo was a threat to be taken into account.

He already started planning on how to get rid of Danzo, after all without the Uchiha massacre, Danzo would not have the same skills or strength as he had in the series, making it much easier to get rid of him, but it was still not something he could do now and not to call attention he possessed the one for all that increased his physical attributes in extreme levels, but if he did not learn to control the force this can reveal weaknesses that Danzo certainly will not stop attacking, hurting or even killing him.

I will keep his relationship and hinata but nothing prevents him from having other women

danitaiercreators' thoughts