
Chapter 16: Marriage with sisters?

In the park of Konoha a few days later.

There were two people below a cherry tree a boy and a girl, the boy was lying on the girl's lap while she caressed his hair, these people were Sora and Hinata having one of their dates.

"I need to say something very important to you." (Hinata) said in a heavy tone

-Hinata you know you can tell me anything, just like asking me and if it is within my reach I will definitely perform. (Sora) replied without even opening his eyes

"Could you marry Hanabi and me at the same time?" (Hinata)

Sora was shocked at what he heard. He opened his eyes and sat down and looked at Hinata.

-Hinata sorry, but you can repeat I think I heard wrong. (Sora)

"Could you marry Hanabi and me at the same time?" (Hinata) asked again.

"Why would you ask me something like that?" (Sora)

-Is anyone forcing you because of CRA? (Sora) said with concern and a bit of murderous intent.

Sora could tolerate almost everything but his family and loved ones were always his bottom line that should not be passed, if someone threatened Hinata he would kill everyone involved without even blinking.

"That's not it, Sora, it's just that Hanabi is going to be forced to marry a pig that a counselor calls a son, he lives in a brothel, beats ordinary family girls who do not want to be his, and treats them like toys, a lot of atrocities he has already done, but it is not possible to interrupt this marriage without Hanabi being related to someone they are afraid of, and in this village only you place enough fear on them to retreat. (Hinata)

-Hinata I want to make it clear if this is what you wish I will have no problem in marrying you and Hanabi at the same time and I will try to be the best possible husband for both of you, but I want you to understand that if you wish you can solutions. (Sora)

"Like what?" (Hinata)

"Hinata, I can always force them to cancel the marriage, all I have to do is go there and break several bones of them until they agree. (Sora)

"It is not possible Sora, if you interfere with matters of the Hyuga clan without a valid reason, the other clans would not calm down, for what would prevent you from doing the same with their clan. (Hinata)

"I can kill all the members of the counselor's family, no one needs to know that it was me who did it, I can get in and out before anyone notices what happened. (Sora)

- People would suspect, as he is about the protection of several jounin it would be impossible for anyone to notice anything wrong unless someone much stronger did in case you would be the main suspect. (Hinata)

Sora was speechless even though he did not expect Hinata to have thought so much, after all it seems like there would be no other way.

"Hinata, I have no idea at all if they were a shinobi clan, I could negotiate, but with these civilian advisers they only want influence and they would never lose the chance to become part of the Hyuga family." (Sora)

"Then you would marry?" (Hinata) asked with expectation and a little sadness.

"If that's what will make you happy, yes, I'd marry them both smoothly. (Sora) said as she smiled at Hinata and thought that something was not right as this story seemed too convenient, that Hinata's sister was forced to marry and the only way to prevent him from marrying Hanabi was only a few days after the proposal of the CRA is refused.

"Sora, I know it may sound selfish, but could you please try to mark the dates of my marriage and Hanabi for the same day?" (Hinata)

-OK I will try. (Sora)

"You did not even ask why?" (Hinata)

"You're asking me for it, and if it's something to make you happy, I'd try to do it even if it cost me an arm." (Sora)

"Thank you Sora, meeting you was probably the luckiest I could ask for in my life. (Hinata)

Hinata then kissed Sora's lips for a moment before stepping back with a smile on her face.

"Hinata, could you tell me why Hanabi is being forced to marry?" (Sora)

"It was because of the elders of the clan that they wanted this marriage to gain more influence with the civilians. (Hinata) said angrily.

"And how did you come up with the idea of ​​marrying Hanabi and me to avoid marriage?" (Sora)

"My father suggested it would be necessary for anyone to be feared that this marriage would be canceled. (Hinata)

Then Hinata told Sora the conversation her father had with her yesterday.

~~~ Flashback the day before ~~~

At Hyuga headquarters the day before.

"Daddy you can not be serious, how can you make Hanabi marry that pig?" (Hinata) screamed furiously.

"This is not something I want, but the elders are pushing hard for this marriage to happen, the only way to avoid it would be to find someone with influence and the council feared to the point of trying not to antagonize, but that is impossible and you know of this. (Hiashi) said calmly as he put on a pained expression.

"But you're the head of the clan you're the one with the most power, how could they force you?" (Hinata) said in a slightly calmer tone.

"Even though I am the head of the clan I can not get over the will of the elders, I can not, unfortunately, be like your boyfriend terrorizing everyone after massacring thousands of shinobi. (Hiashi) said with an even sadder face as if to say that to make Hanabi to marry was killing him inside.

-It is! If Sora intercede would it be possible to cancel the marriage? (Hinata) asked with hope.

It would be possible if he took Hanabi as his future wife, but that is not realistic, Minato made it clear that Sora was against the CRA, because he did not want to hurt you in any way possible. (Hiashi)

"But could not he just intercede so the marriage was not carried out without commitment?" (Hinata)

-No, unless he wants to start a war marriage is a matter of the Hyuga clan only a clan member can intercede, but if he wanted to marry his sister would be different, as that would directly affect him so he could interfere without any repercussions. (Hiashi)

Hinata was silent for some time, after which she looked into her father's eyes.

"If I persuade Sora to take Hanabi as wife would the clan accept?" (Hinata) asked with a little difficulty.

- The clan would accept, because they fear Sora above all and do not wish to see him angry if they are the target. (Hiashi) said with a difficult expression as he thought about how Minato was brilliant in suggesting this plan.

Hinata turned and started to leave and when she reached the door she turned and said to her father.

"I'll talk to Sora about it, I'll ask you not for an answer to the marriage offer until I return." (Hinata)

-You have my word. (Hiashi)

Then Hinata left the clan room.

"Hinata forgive me for making you suffer like this, but it is necessary for the Hyuga clan to grow stronger. (Hiashi) whispered to himself with a little sadness on his face.

~~~ End of Flashback ~~~