
Rebirth of a Business Tycoon

The story centers around Zhou Ming, a shrewd and insightful financier, who successfully navigates a major stock market crash in Hong Kong. Set against the backdrop of a financial crisis, the novel details Zhou Ming’s strategic foresight and financial acumen.

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · Ciudad
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1223 Chs

Chapter 44: The coronation of Andre?

On Saturday, June 22, the Harburg family meeting was reconvened. On this day, all members of the Harburg family arrived at the family castle early.

Today, the Harburg family castle hall was more crowded than ever before. Many other members of the Harburg family had also rushed to Alsace from all over the world. Since Jefferson had made such a big fuss about coming to arrived at Harburg with great fanfare and openly supported André, everyone has come to the conclusion that André will be the heir to the family. After all, André originally had the most resources in the family, and now he has the support of the Thirteen Sect, so who can stop him?

Caitlin? The actual first-in-line heir?

Come on, no one here is blind. Even when Archduke Ferdinand was the head of the family, he couldn't beat Andre. In the end, he lost even the castle in Bermuda, and now it's just Caitlin, who has nothing. What can she do? Everyone could see how reckless she and the Chinese man had been the other day. They were a joke!

This was the opinion of almost all the members of the Harburg family, although some, such as Caitlin's aunt Princess Louise, were still hoping for a miracle.

She arrived neither too early nor too late. Once she had taken her place, she kept looking for Caitlin and Zhou Ming, but the result was very disappointing. She didn't find them until André stepped onto the lectern.

Today, Andre stood on the lectern in an exceptionally spirited mood. He looked around the hall and said, 'Welcome to Harburg. I am Andre, the owner of the castle. Today is the longest day of the year, and I think it also signifies the Father's blessing on this day!'

'Our family meeting has been going on for almost two weeks now, and a lot has happened in that time. But it doesn't matter, because these were all tests from heaven for the heirs, and in the end, there were no casualties. Andre finally said, 'Harusburg, as a large family, needs a leader in order to achieve family revival. In this regard, I need everyone's opinion.'

As Andre said this, there was an immediate uproar, and everyone shouted Andre's name, all saying that Andre was the family's most suitable heir.

Louise felt disgusted at this, because Andre had obviously asked that question on purpose, just to create a plausible situation for himself.

But what was even more annoying was what Ming and Caitlin were doing. Did they just give up?

Recalling the night before, she called Ming. First, she got a busy signal after ten tries. God knows how busy he was. Then, after a long time, she finally got through, but he was full of confidence, saying that no matter what, they could get everything back. He even said that he could predict with certainty that nothing would happen to prevent the meeting from going ahead. But what the hell was going to happen?

Are they just going to give up? Or have they found a solution, and they just have to wait for it?

Louise didn't know. At the moment, she just hoped that things would be delayed a little bit, and that they would work a miracle for her at the most critical moment.

André seemed to sense something too, and turned to Louise to ask her: 'My beautiful Princess Louise, everyone says I should succeed the family, but I don't think I'm ready. But now there is no suitable successor in the family, which is really a vexing matter. You are a very senior member of the family, so I would like to hear your thoughts.'

If If you can't do it, then just nominate someone else!

If it were the Chinese, he would definitely say that, wouldn't he?

Louise thought to herself, but she would never say that. She thought for a moment and said, 'Since everyone recommends you so highly, there must be a reason, and it also shows that everyone has confidence in you trust in you. However, the position of family leader is indeed very important, and it still needs to be considered more carefully, especially now that the House of Harburg has suffered repeated setbacks. We need to be even more cautious in selecting the leader.'

Louise said a bunch of unbiased nonsense, and in the end, she did not state her position on whether or not to support Andre.

Andre knew was well aware of this. After all, Louise had the support of the royal family behind her, and there was no need for her to publicly break with him like that Hua Xia person. But she also wouldn't flatter him like the others.

Suddenly Andre Andrew suddenly thought of Caitlin and Zhou Ming. He looked around the hall but didn't see anyone, so he said, 'If I remember correctly, our heir, Ms. Caitlin, and her husband should also be here for this meeting, right? I would also like to hear their opinions. After all, Cätheline is the daughter of Archduke Ferdinand, and I'm sure our former leader said something to her.'

With Andre said this, there was a flurry of noise, but after everyone looked around, they didn't see them.

At that moment, someone exclaimed, 'I don't think they dare show their faces in front of you, Andre!'

Someone else agreed, 'Exactly, they are just two barbaric idiots who still want to inherit the Harburg family. Do they think this is like depositing money in a bank and withdrawing it? is there anything that is that easy? The successor to the Harburg family can only be Andre!'

Listening to his name being shouted over and over again, Andre felt extremely good on the podium.

Shout a more! This is how the meeting should have been. If it weren't for those two, I'm afraid it would have ended like this a week ago. But it's the same now. History will eventually return to its original position.

Andre thought to himself. He gestured for silence and concluded: 'I don't have a lot of confidence in myself, but your support has given me a lot of courage. So today, will, as you wish, inherit this great family of Harburg. At the same time, I believe that I can lead Harburg out of its predicament and usher in a better tomorrow!'

Andre shouted his slogan, and received a wave of support and cheers from the crowd below. Andre stood tall on the lectern, enjoying the belated applause.

Finally, he said 'Since there are no more objections, let us begin the final procedure. I call upon the Archbishop of Alsace, Father Denoke!'

As he spoke , Andre made a gesture of invitation, and the others in the hall shouted 'coronation' loudly, which undoubtedly made Louise more anxious below.

Since the House of the House of Habsburg had been the royal family of several European countries in the past, and although this was long ago, the title of Archduke of Austria had not been abolished. The title of is actually a title of an independent monarch above the duke and below the king. Therefore, whoever inherits the title of archduke is actually crowned.

Before the coronation , it could be attributed to internal family political struggles. Once crowned by the priest, it was equivalent to receiving the approval of the Holy See, and there was no chance of change!

Watching the Bishop Denoke, dressed in black clerical attire, walked into the hall with firm steps, and Louise's heart grew more and more anxious, and she even stood up in the end: Damn Caitlin, damn the Chinese, you are the most despicable liars! I really shouldn't believe you, you are the most untrustworthy bastards and scum!

Louise angrily cursed in her heart, but it didn't change anything. Under the reverent gaze of everyone, Bishop Dönk walked up to the lectern.

André also greeted the bishop respectfully. Bishop Dönske then spoke a load of useless nonsense, swore by the glory of the Harburg family and prayed for and blessed the future of the Harburg family. Finally, Bishop asked: 'Andrè, do you accept to carry on the House of Harburg, now and in the future, to the best of your ability and with God's blessing?'

Andrè nodded his head and replied: 'I do.'

Then Bishop asked the hall: 'So are you willing to accept Mr. André to inherit the great Harburg family? Whether you succeed or fail, you are willing to follow in his footsteps? In the witness of God, for the Harburg family?'

'We are willing 'We do!' shouted almost everyone in the hall in unison.

However, Bishop Dönike did not say the next words of the coronation because he heard a loud "no".

This shout froze everyone else in their tracks. Andre on the lectern went pale when he heard the shout, because he knew the voice all too well: it was the damned Chinese Zhou Ming.

Then the crowd in the hall parted automatically, and Zhou Ming and Caitlyn walked out of the crowd, holding a loudspeaker and speaking again on the rostrum: 'I'm sorry, Mr. André, but my wife and I disagree with your decision to inherit Harburg!'

Seeing that Zhou Ming finally arrived, Louise was almost happy to jump up, but she was surprised: why had only Ming and Caitlin come? What could they two possibly do?

André was had an urge to rant and rave, but he finally restrained himself. He said to Bishop Dénoke, 'Bishop, I think we don't need to worry about that madman at all. We just need to follow the coronation process as it continues.'

But Bishop Bishop Denoke shook off Andre's hand and said unhappily, 'Process? I think you are taking this too lightly, Mr. Andre. Coronation is the act of granting power to you from the Harusburg family according to God's will. That is a precious treasure that God has left to people since the beginning of the world, not a carpet that you can walk on every day if you want.'

Finally, Bishop looked down at the crowd below, then put away his Bible and said to André: 'I think you have some family matters to attend to. I won't be involved in this. When you're done, I'll come back and crown you.'

Bishop said, and walked off the lectern, not letting Andre stop him. In the end, Andre could only take out all his anger on Zhou Ming. He pointed angrily at Zhou Ming and said, 'Damn it, why did you have to come? Do you think the two of you can do anything here? Where are the castle security guards? Get him get them out of here!'

However, Andre shouted for a long time without getting a response, so he yelled again, 'Where are the security guards? Where have they all gone? Have all the people in the castle died?'

Zhou Ming meaningfully told him, 'Mr. André, you don't need to shout, your security can't get in because I already called the police earlier to report that a very serious drug deal. So the entire castle and everyone in it is already under control of the French police, and oh yes, that also includes this hall.'

With these words from Zhou Ming words, several doors in the hall were forcefully pushed open and dozens of police officers, each brandishing a gun, rushed in. There was an instant flurry of activity and screams in the hall.