
Rebirth of a Business Tycoon

The story centers around Zhou Ming, a shrewd and insightful financier, who successfully navigates a major stock market crash in Hong Kong. Set against the backdrop of a financial crisis, the novel details Zhou Ming’s strategic foresight and financial acumen.

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · Ciudad
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1223 Chs

Chapter 43: Never-ending

The Prince of Wales was stunned when he heard this reason from Zhou Ming. Even before making this phone call, the Prince of Wales had guessed that the unusual movement in the exchange rate of the British pound today would be related to this Chinese was involved. He never expected him to admit so readily, without any explanation or quibbling, that it was to punish them for their bad faith.

'I think I heard you wrong or Mr. Zhou Ming's wording was not prepared. Are you sure you said punishment?' The Prince of Wales asked again with uncertainty. kukukku√★★

'Of course, I'm talking about punishment. Or, to put it more clearly, because you have the audacity to let the Federal Reserve raise interest rates, which in turn affects Mexico's financial situation, I feel I feel the need to punish you a little; and I feel that the pound exchange rate is a good choice, so I let all my funds go from the UK to Mexico via Mexico,' said Zhou Ming.

The Prince of Wales The Prince of Wales was silent for a while before saying, 'To be honest, I was really very surprised by this. I didn't expect you to do this, and my mother is also extremely angry with you...'

There the Prince of Wales was speaking solemnly, and Zhou Ming was also saying at the same time, 'There is also another piece of news to tell the Prince of Wales. This time, in addition to me, the French are also involved in the looting of the British pound.'

If If the Prince of Wales had previously only been surprised, now he was completely confused. Dou Luo Da Lu Manhua.jide.tv/jd55/.

'I can't understand it, Mr. Zhou Ming, what exactly are you trying to do?' the Prince of Wales asked in bewilderment.

Zhou Ming smiled and said, 'I told you before, Your Royal Highness, that I want to punish or take revenge on you.'

The Prince of Wales was very angry and warned Zhou Ming in a very firm tone, 'Do you know that you are playing with fire? We can quit this Mexican operation at any time!'

Chou Ming's tone was even stronger: 'Of course I know, you can really quit at will, anyway, I have already found the French, you are not the only ones. Or you can also tell the Maronites everything about our plan, maybe they will be very happy about it, otherwise you will have to accept the punishment if you do something wrong!'

'Don't go too far, the Windsors are not to be trifled with!' the Prince of Wales warned.

In response Zhou Ming shook his head helplessly in his heart. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales really had a very limited vocabulary, as he could only say the same few things over and over again. Hearing this, Zhou Ming lost interest in arguing with him any further.

So Zhou Ming continued, 'I don't mean anything by the Windsors, or that I can help you recoup your losses, as long as you sell your pounds with me. I know I know you also have a lot of pounds in your hands, so if you sell them with us, we can help you minimise the negative impact of future falls in the pound exchange rate.'

However As soon as Zhou Ming finished speaking, the Prince of Wales exclaimed in alarm, 'What? You want us to sell pounds with you? Do you know what you're saying? Do you know that we are the royal family of the United Kingdom? Are you asking us to betray our kingdom?'

Zhou Ming was speechless at these words left Zhou Ming speechless. 'Brother, you can say things like that to the media, but saying it to me insults both our intelligence. I won't believe it, and you know I won't believe it.'

'Zhou Mr. Zhou Ming, I hope you can be careful with your words and not lump us in with everyone else!' said the Prince of Wales sternly.

' Well, since His Royal Highness is so insistent, then please withdraw from this action against Mexico, and do whatever you want with the rest. I have other things to arrange, so that's it.'

After giving Prince of Wales, Zhou Ming hung up the phone, next to him, Caitlin also stared at Zhou Ming: 'You actually spoke to the Prince of Wales like that. I think he was probably calling on behalf of his mother. You said that to him, what if they really withdraw and betray our plan to Maroniac? I believe that once something like that happens, the French will have no hesitation in selling us out.'

' is true,' Ming Zhou nodded, but then he changed the subject, saying, 'But there is one thing. If three people see someone drop their wallet on the road, do you think they should share the profit together, or just remind the person in front of them that they dropped their wallet?'

'But they won't be willing to accept such humiliation from you,' Caitlin also cautioned.

'Humiliation? In the face of profit, all face is bullshit!' Zhou Ming said.

It was as As if to prove a point to Ming, as soon as his words had finished, his phone rang again. Ming answered it and an elderly female voice came through: 'Hello, Mr Ming, this is Elizabeth.'

Caitlin was surprised, because it was clear that the Queen of England had made the trip to call, and it was definitely not to have another row with Zhou Ming.

'Hello, Your Majesty, I wonder what I can do for you?' Zhou Ming said politely.

Elizabeth said, 'Mr. Zhou Ming, I don't think we need to be so polite with each other. I'll be direct. I know you were behind the sudden change in the pound exchange rate today, weren't you?'

'No Yes, I think His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has already reported the answer to you on this matter,' asked Zhou Ming.

Facing Zhou Ming's question, Elizabeth suddenly paused for a while before saying, 'I have to say, Mr. Zhou Ming, your attitude is really intimidating!'

'It's not my attitude that's intimidating, but there are things that make me have to do it this way,' Zhou Ming replied.

'I think I can understand what Mr. Zhou Ming meant. So let me be direct. First, I would like to apologise to Mr. Zhou Ming for Charlie's rudeness. Secondly, I would like to ask, in your original plan, when were you going to sell the pound?' said Elizabeth.

If If meeting Queen Elizabeth before had already surprised Caitlin, her surprise had now turned to disbelief. She hadn't expected Queen Elizabeth to actually come and apologise. And Charles Charles is the Prince of Wales. The Prince of Wales is a title and a British tradition. For centuries, the heir to the throne has been crowned Prince of Wales. The same applies to the current heir to the throne, whose real name is Charles.

Elizabeth Elizabeth's apology was surprising, but when you think about it, it's normal. After all, Queen Elizabeth is not a politically reckless prince like Charles. She is a very pragmatic British queen, so she made a different choice between face and interests.

After all It's not like the old days anymore. Even if they are royalty, the wealth of the country does not belong to them. They only have some money allocated after strict scrutiny by Parliament, as well as the wealth handed down from their ancestors.

So In that case, it is more important to protect one's own interests by relying on family wealth than to protect the wealth of the country, which is precisely what Elizabeth decided to do.

Zhou Ming So he replied, 'Let's start tomorrow. But please don't sell in large quantities. Sell in small quantities first, and finally, when the exchange rate of the British pound to the German mark returns to the high 2. level, then sell it all. Only in this way can Her Majesty's interests be maximised.'

After saying that Zhou Ming then reminded her: 'Of course, this time, Her Majesty the Queen must also honour our agreement and not take any actions that would damage the last bit of trust we have left.'

'Zhou Mr. Zhou Ming, please believe that we are now partners with a common goal.' After saying these last words, Elizabeth hung up the phone.

At this time, Caitlin said to Zhou Ming, 'From what I know about the aristocracy, since Queen Elizabeth has said such things , it means she must be very angry. This time she has only held back because of Mexico, but if there is a chance in the future, she will definitely not let you off the hook.'

Zhou Ming but smiled and said, 'In fact, I can tell without you having to say it. After all, they are the British royal family, when have they ever been threatened like this? It's only natural that they It's only natural that they hold a grudge against me, but let's talk about the future later. At least this time they can temporarily listen to me, and maybe there will be other things in the future that will make them even more dependent on me.'

'I I hope so!'

Caitlin sighed. She said this with her mouth, but she didn't believe it in her heart. However, at that time, she didn't know how the future would unfold, nor did she know that this sentence, which sounded like a joke, would come true one day.

Then Zhou Ming hung up on Elisabeth, and almost as soon as he did, the phone rang again.

Zhou Ming and Caitlin were both feeling frustrated: what was going on? Would this never end?

He was were annoyed, but Ming Zhou still answered the call, this time not the British royal family, but Caitlin's aunt, Princess Louise.

She said on on the phone, 'Caitlin, how are things going on your side? Andre will be holding a family meeting the day after tomorrow to formally inherit the Harusburg family.'

Louise Louise put it very diplomatically, but both Zhou Ming and Caitlin knew full well what was going on: Andre was already the one with the most resources in the Harburg family, and now with the support of the illegitimate son of the Grand Shepherd of the Maronites, he was bound to succeed. Who would dare to oppose him taking over the family? including the princess Louise.

Zhou Ming thought for a moment and replied, 'If heaven wants it to rain and a mother wants to remarry, if Andre really wants to inherit, there is no need for us to stop him. I am confident that no matter how much he inherits, I will take it all back!'

'And said Zhou Ming, 'Your Highness, didn't you say earlier that the family meeting would not be held until the day after tomorrow? Who knows what might happen tomorrow.'

'I have to say, you Chinese people are really optimistic!' Louise commented in the end.