
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
39 Chs

Flight (3)

As the battle raged on, Dae-su Han's flames danced across the battle area, engulfing ash hawk after ash hawk.

Seven of the creatures had fallen to his flames, their charred remains a testament to his growing power.

And then, in the heat of the battle, it happened.

A notification popped in front of him, in the middle of the battle.

He didn't pay any attention to it but I did.

It hadn't been the only notification that popped up in front of him.

Each time he killed an ash hawk this notification popped up in front of him.

"Congratulations, you have defeated an ash hawk. You're a step closer to your next level."

"Congratulations player. You have levelled up

New level: 2 "

Dae-su Han's eyes fought on as he felt his strength and agility increase a immensely, his senses heightening to greater levels.

His flames, too, grew more intense, their heat and light increasing exponentially.

The ash hawks, sensing his newfound power, faltered in their attack, their cries of fear echoing across the landscape.

In matter of a few moments he sent three more ash hawks to the great beyond.

Jackson Lee, fighting alongside Dae-su Han, did not share in his joy.

Despite his valiant efforts, he had not managed to kill any of the ash hawks.

His knelt on the ground drained of all his energy, his eyes fixed on the ground with a mixture of disappointment and frustration.

He didnt know about Dae-su Han's leveling up but he was sad about not contributing to the battle.

Even though he didn't manage to kill the ash hawks he helped to keep them from overwhelming Dae-su Han with their sheer numbers.

Chimsy, meanwhile, stood at the edge of the battle, her eyes fixed on her undead minions as they tore into the ash hawks.

Eight of the creatures fell to her minions' relentless attack, their lifeless bodies strewn about the landscape like discarded puppets.

Just then she too saw a notification appear in front of her after her undead minions eight kill.

"Congratulations player. You have levelled up

New level: 2 "

She had also been receiving notifications each time her undead minions killed an ash hawk.

"Congratulations, you have defeated an ash hawk. You're a step closer to your next level."

Her eyes gleamed with malevolent intent as she felt her powers grow stronger, her control over the undead increasing exponentially.

Her minions, too, seemed to sense her newfound power, their attacks growing more fierce and relentless.

She was able to add two more undead to be under her control.

As the two fought, their leveling up had a profound impact on the battle.

Dae-su Han's flames began to engulf larger and larger areas, his attacks growing more powerful and precise.

Chimsy's undead minions seemed to become more coordinated, their attacks growing more strategic and deadly.

The ash hawks, sensing their newfound power, began to falter in their attack, their cries of fear echoing across the landscape.

After precisely sixteen kills Chimsy leveled up again and felt her power triple.

Her control over her undead minions grew and she was able to add two more undead to be under her control.

She wasn't the only one to get more powerful but her undead minions too.

Their strikes became more coordinated and swift and movements were more elusive as they evaded more attacks from their live comrades.

"Congratulations player. You have levelled up

New level: 3 "

In the end, it was a decisive victory for the three fighters.

The ash hawks lay defeated, their bodies strewn about the landscape like discarded puppets.

Dae-su Han and Chimsy, and stood victorious, their eyes fixed on each another with a mixture of respect and awe.

Jackson Lee was on the floor with his gaze downwards as he tried to catch his breath.

Walking up to him i patted him on the shoulder and said "Well done" even though he didn't feel like it, his contribution to the fight was the most important.

Without him we could've been the ash hawks desert.

Chimsy leveled up two more times and so she was in level 5 with more immense power and could control more undeadminions, up to thirteen of them .

Dae-su Han leveled up once and was in level three, with an increased power.

Jackson Lee's contribution to the fight was very pivotal.

Without him we would've been swallowed in a tide of talons and beaks, and been devoured by these insatiable creatures

With his unwavering courage and unrelenting spirit, he fearlessly faced the creatures, even though it had been barely moments since he had been forcefully introduced into such strange and inexplicable circumstances.

Just a few perhaps days ago he was just an ordinary guy who lived a normal day to day life with his musician friend.

Nothing at all was crazy about his life...but then all it took was a few inexplicable things for his entire reality to change, and for him to become stronger than he could even imagine.

His part in the fight with the ash hawks was super important.

As the ash hawks swooped down, their razor-sharp talons extended, Jackson Lee stood firm, his eyes fixed intently on the creatures.

He punched the ash hawks away, his blows landing with resounding thuds.

The birds recoiled, stunned and disoriented, giving Jackson Lee the opportunity to protect the rest of us from the relentless attacks.

Jackson Lee single-handedly held off the ash hawks as he expertly dodged and weaved, using their momentum against them.

He noticed Dae-su Han's struggles to keep up with the ash hawks' relentless onslaught and increased his rate of attacks on them.

With a series of swift punches, he sent the birds hurtling towards Dae-su Han's fire attacks, effectively reducing the load and allowing his comrade to regain his footing.

The ash hawks, now caught in the crossfire, began to falter, their numbers dwindling as they succumbed to Dae-su Han's unyielding assault, made easier by Jackson Lee.

Jackson Lee's punches and Dae-su Han's fire attacks formed a synergy that was nothing short of devastating.

As Jackson Lee punched and dodged the ash hawks, he expertly redirected their attention towards himself, creating an opening for Dae-su Han to unleash his fiery onslaught.

The flames engulfed the ash hawks, finishing them completely after Jackson Lee had dealt them deadly blows.

The combination of Jackson Lee's physical prowess and Dae-su Han's pyromancy proved unstoppable, as the ash hawks struggled to withstand the relentless barrage.

The duo's synchronized assault was a beautiful display of combat harmony, with each warrior amplifying the other's strengths to create a maelstrom of destruction that left the ash hawks reeling.

Together, Jackson Lee and Dae-su Han formed an unbeatable duo, their synergistic attacks a testament to the power of teamwork and strategy in the heat of battle.

They discovered a new level of their relationship on that day and somehow it deepened their already strong bond.

But this didn't stop Jackson Lee from being disturbed.

Dae-su Han stood at the end of the relentless onslaught, his flames dwindling, his breathing labored.

The ash hawks' persistent attacks had taken their toll, his body not as battered as Jackson Lee's but still not as he was before the fight.

Yet, despite the wounds due to the attacks from the ash hawks that slipped through Jackson Lee's defense he still felt so energetic that he could walk several miles more.

Then Dae-su Han looked at Jackson Lee. The whole situation was messed up. From just looking at his friend he could tell what had happened.

He had figured out how they got energy after each single kill and how that had played out for Jackson Lee since he did most of the killing.

So Jackson Lee was on the last straw of his energy.

He stood on the precipice of collapse, his energy dwindling to a mere spark.

The relentless onslaught of the ash hawks had pushed him to the brink of exhaustion, his muscles screaming in protest with every punch and dodge.

His breathing was labored, his vision blurring at the edges as he knelt watching the ground.

All of the meat he had eaten before the fight had disappeared leaving him utterly hypoglycaemic and on the verge of collapse.