
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Flight (2)

As we huddled together in the small depression, we waited with bated breath for the ash hawks to finish their meal and depart.

But as the moments passed by, the birds showed no signs of leaving.

Dae-su Han periodically peeked out from our hiding spot to assess the situation.

Each time, he was met with the same disheartening sight: the ash hawks, still perched around the lava worm carcasses, their sharp eyes fixed on the surrounding landscape.

They seemed to be resting, digesting their meal, but showing no inclination to depart.

Even though the ash hawks weren't tiny themselves, being twice the size of Jackson Lee, the massive carcasses of the lava worms were enough for them.

These hawks devoured everything leaving nothing behind.

Our initial hope began to wane, replaced by a growing sense of unease.

We knew we couldn't stay hidden forever, and the longer we waited, the more likely it was that the ash hawks would discover us.

Dae-su Han's periodic updates only served to heighten our anxiety.

"They're still all there," he whispered, his eyes scanning the horizon. "Not a single one has left."

Chimsy squatted in such a way as to make the baby comfortable.

Because the baby's discomfort meant that our hiding spot would be exposed to the deadly creatures.

Jackson Lee's face was set in a determined expression, his eyes fixed on the horizon, as if willing the birds to leave.

My heart raced with anticipation, as I hoped for a way we could all escape the situation unharmed.

As the empty sky loomed above us, its eerie glow casting an orange-red light over the desolate ground, the group's discomfort grew.

The depression offered little protection from the elements, and the ash and smoke still lingered in the air, making it hard to breathe.

Time seemed to drag on, each moment feeling like an eternity.

Our inability to accurately measure time made it seem more like we had spent an eternity waiting for the ash hawks to go.

The ash hawks showed no signs of leaving, and our hopes continued to dwindle.

We knew we had to act soon, but what options did we have? We couldn't stay hidden forever, and the birds would eventually discover us...

Just as if we willed this into happening by thinking about it, we got discovered by a group of the larger groups of ash hawks that wandered a little bit further than the rest of the ash hawks.

"Damn it!" Dae-su Han exclaimed as he started to think of ways to fight such monstrous creatures.

When the ash hawks' eyes locked onto us hiding in the depression in the ground, their sharp talons extended in anticipation.

Dae-su Han and Jackson Lee, the warriors of the group stood up and took random stances showcasing their readying themselves for the battle about to unfold.

The ash hawks descended upon us, their wings beating powerful and slow, their cries echoing across the landscape.

The remainder of the ask hawks resting where the lava worm carcasses had been moments ago , got attracted by the noise of their mates but remained resting.

Dae-su Han, his eyes blazing with determination, raised his palm, and a powerful stream of fire shot out, more powerful than what he used against the lava worms, engulfing the two nearest ash hawk.

Jackson Lee dashed forward and connected his fist to the body of the nearby ash hawk sending it far away from the depression.

His wounds from the previous fight had been healed when we were all enveloped in Chimsy's aura.

Chimsy, her eyes fixed on the infant, her heart racing with fear, tried to shield her and the infant from the chaos, by moving backwards.

I joined her as he tried to stay clear from the battle area but this was impossible because we were surrounded from all sides.

The battle raged on, with Dae-su Han and Jackson Lee fighting for our lives against the relentless ash hawks.

Dae-su Han's fire proved to be a valuable asset, keeping the birds at bay, but Jackson Lee's fighting skills were equally impressive, his fists throwing the ash hawks backwards while trying to avoid being struck by them.

In the heat of the battle, Dae-su Han's fire began to falter, his energy waning from the constant strain. He had killed up to five ash hawks.

Jackson Lee's fists grew battered even though all he managed to do was to push the creatures back for Dae-su Han to finish them off.

Jackson Lee's movements slowed as the ash hawks continued to press in.

As the battle raged on, Chimsy's eyes remained fixed on the infant, her heart racing with fear.

Since the scenario started she had always been using her aura to protect and mend her newly found comrades especially herself and the infant .

But as she watched Dae-su Han and Jackson Lee struggle against the relentless ash hawks, she knew she had to do more.

With a deep breath, Chimsy reached deep within herself and into her soul, tapping into a power she had never before utilized.

The air around her seemed to grow colder, and a faint glow of dark energy emanated from her body.

The ash hawks, sensing the sudden shift in power, hesitated in their attack.

Dae-su Han and Jackson Lee, taking advantage of the reprieve, struck down several more birds.

But Chimsy's eyes were fixed on the fallen ash hawks...

With a wave of her hand, the bodies of the five of the dead ash hawks began to stir.

Their eyes glowed with an unnatural light, and their talons flexed as they rose from the ground.

The living ash hawks, sensing their fallen comrades' rising back to life, let out a chorus of terrified cries.

Did they know that these creatures were no longer their comrades?

Did they sense that they were no longer the same creatures they knew and served an entirely different purpose now?

Chimsy's control over the undead ash hawks was tenuous at best, but she knew she had to try her utmost best, given what Dae-su Han and Jackson Lee had done so far.

She tried to control more than five but it was impossible.

With a concentrated effort, she directed the five undead birds towards the living, their sharp talons and beaks tearing into their former comrades.

The battle was intense, the living ash hawks fighting against their own undead kin.

Dae-su Han and Jackson Lee took advantage of the chaos, striking down bird after bird.

But as the fight wore on, Chimsy began to feel the strain of her abilities.

Her energy waned, and the aura she used to protect herself and the infant slowly disappeared.

With each ash hawk the undead ash hawks took on, Chimsy regained her energy to fight and her aura was replenished.

So her energy and aura were going back and forth from fullness to almost depletion due to her using her powers on to control the undead creatures and gaining by her energy at the end of each kill the undead creatures made.

Chimsy's energy seemed limitless but so were the ash hawks.

They trooped in one by one to join in the fight and protect their comrades.