
Rebirth in the world of Martial Arts

Li Wei, a former soldier and martial arts enthusiast with a degree in medicine, discovers an ancient book that transports him to the mystical World of Martial Arts. Awakening in the body of a low-level disciple at the prestigious Jade Valley Sect, Li Wei uses his modern knowledge and combat skills to rise through the ranks of a society governed by the cultivation of Qi. In this realm, power is everything. From the foundational Qi Refining Realm to the legendary status of Martial Legends, each level of cultivation is exponentially harder to achieve. Li Wei's unique blend of modern science and ancient martial arts sets him apart, drawing both admiration and envy. As he navigates the complex politics of the sect, he encounters Zhao Lian, a formidable core disciple with a sharp mind and an icy exterior. Together, they uncover ancient secrets, face deadly challenges, and confront a looming threat that could destroy their world. "Rebirth of the Martial Sage" is a thrilling journey of strength, strategy, and romance in a land where only the strong survive and legends are born.

Diamond_Rain · Oriental
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17 Chs

Preparing for the Tournament(Revised)

With the sect tournament just three months away, Li Wei intensified his training. He knew that the tournament was not only an opportunity to prove himself but also a chance to gain access to higher-level techniques and resources. To achieve this, he needed to demonstrate his mastery of the basics and his potential for growth.

When Li Wei first arrived in this world, he inherited one year's worth of Qi from the original owner. His diligent efforts had helped him cultivate an additional three months' worth of Qi since then. Realizing that he needed to make significant progress in a short amount of time, Li Wei decided to seek external help to accelerate his cultivation.

Li Wei decided to visit the market in the nearby town where sect disciples frequently went to purchase cultivation resources. The market was bustling with activity, filled with stalls selling various herbs, pills, and mystical artifacts. The air was thick with the scent of rare plants and the hum of negotiations.

As he walked through the market, he observed the various stalls and their wares. Some sold basic herbs, while others offered more advanced pills and elixirs. He needed something potent yet within his means.

Approaching a reputable vendor, Li Wei asked, "Do you have any pills that can enhance Qi cultivation for someone in the Qi Refining Realm?"

The vendor, an elderly man with a wealth of knowledge about cultivation resources, nodded. "Yes, I do. We have several options, but I recommend the 'Golden Leaf Pill.' It's a mid-tier Yellow Grade pill known for its effectiveness in boosting Qi absorption and refinement."

Li Wei examined the pill. It was small, with a golden hue and a faint, fragrant aroma. "How much for this pill?" he inquired.

"Five hundred contribution points or fifty silver coins," the vendor replied.

Li Wei considered his options. He had saved up a decent amount of contribution points through various missions and training achievements. Deciding that this investment was worth it, he handed over the required points and received the pill in return.

Returning to his quarters, Li Wei prepared himself to consume the pill. He knew that the effects would be most potent if he used it during his cultivation session. He sat in a meditative posture and swallowed the pill, feeling its effects almost immediately.

The Golden Leaf Pill released a warm, energizing sensation throughout his body. He could feel the Qi within him responding, growing more vibrant and easier to control. He focused on refining this surge of energy, guiding it into his dantian with precision.

The process was intense. He felt his Qi cultivation accelerate, the pill's potent effects pushing him beyond his usual limits. Over the next few weeks, he continued to feel the benefits, his Qi increasing by an additional three months, bringing his total to one year and six months.

"This progress is promising," he thought. "I need to maintain this momentum and push even harder."

Li Wei realized that his previous approach to training needed refinement. Instead of focusing solely on the same techniques, he decided to incorporate a wider variety of exercises and combat scenarios. He sought out challenging terrain within the sect grounds, practicing his movements on uneven surfaces and in confined spaces to simulate real combat conditions.

During sparring sessions with fellow disciples, Li Wei experimented with integrating the "Basic Palm Strike," "Iron Fist," and "Mountain Crushing Fist" into fluid combinations. He found that using the techniques in rapid succession not only increased their effectiveness but also helped him understand the flow of Qi between different forms.

In one particularly enlightening session, Li Wei faced an agile opponent who relied on speed and precision. By anticipating his opponent's movements and reacting swiftly with well-timed strikes, he began to see how the flow of battle could be influenced by his control over Qi. Each dodge and counterattack became an opportunity to refine his mastery further.

Li Wei's training wasn't just physical. He also spent time strategizing and visualizing his fights. He mapped out potential scenarios, considering how to counter different styles and techniques. This mental preparation was crucial in helping him react instinctively during sparring and training sessions.

Over the next few weeks, Li Wei continued his rigorous training. He focused on achieving a higher level of mastery in the "Mountain Crushing Fist," aiming to reach the basic mastery level of 20% for this mid-tier Yellow Grade technique.

One afternoon, Li Wei decided to test his progress using wooden dummies he had acquired from the sect's armory. These dummies were robust, made from ironwood, standing about six feet tall and a foot wide. They were designed to withstand strong strikes, making them ideal for testing martial techniques.

Setting up the dummies in a secluded clearing, Li Wei prepared himself. This time, he aimed to enhance his precision and control, not just raw power.

Li Wei began with the "Basic Palm Strike," targeting the nearest dummy. Summoning his Qi, he delivered a focused strike that caused the dummy to crack at its core. He then moved to the next target, using the "Iron Fist" to splinter the wood with a single punch. Finally, he approached the farthest target, executing the "Mountain Crushing Fist" with both power and precision. The force of the strike caused the dummy to explode into fragments, a testament to his improved technique.

"The improvement in my control is evident," he thought, examining the results. "Each technique feels more refined and powerful."

To further hone his skills, Li Wei engaged in sparring sessions with other disciples. These bouts provided him with practical experience and helped him apply his techniques in real-world scenarios. He faced a variety of opponents, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, allowing him to adapt and refine his strategies.

In one notable match, Li Wei sparred with a senior disciple known for his formidable strength. Despite the initial intimidation, Li Wei focused on his training and the principles he had learned. By using his agility and strategic thinking, he managed to hold his ground and even gain an upper hand at times, showcasing the progress he had made.

As Li Wei trained, he observed other disciples preparing for the tournament. Mei Ling, the librarian, was known for her intelligence and quick thinking. She spent her days poring over ancient texts, looking for strategies and techniques that could give her an edge in the competition.

Jin Chen, a fellow outer disciple and one of Li Wei's occasional sparring partners, focused on refining his swordsmanship. Jin was determined to showcase his skills and earn a place among the inner disciples. His intense training regimen was a testament to his dedication.

Meanwhile, Cheng, the bully who had previously confronted Li Wei, was also preparing. Unlike others, Cheng used his family's wealth to acquire high-grade pills and rare herbs, boosting his Qi cultivation rapidly. He was often seen boasting about his progress and intimidating weaker disciples. Cheng's arrogance made him a formidable opponent, but also a target for many seeking to prove their worth.

As the day of the tournament approached, Li Wei felt a sense of anticipation and excitement. This was his chance to make a name for himself and gain access to more advanced techniques and resources. He was ready to face the challenges and prove his worth.

Instead of merely reflecting on his journey the night before the tournament, Li Wei engaged in a different kind of preparation. He decided to spend the evening in meditation, calming his mind and centering his thoughts. He visualized the tournament, imagining each fight and how he would respond. This mental exercise helped him feel more prepared and confident.

"This is my moment," he thought. "I have trained hard and prepared well. Now it's time to show what I can do."

As he drifted off to sleep, Li Wei's mind was filled with thoughts of the tournament and the challenges that lay ahead.