
Rebirth in the Other World as a Dragon

【Rebirth+Giant Dragon+Western Fantasy+ System+Slow Pace+Bringing Sisters+Evil Keeping Order+ New Version of Western Fantasy Worldview】 Born again in a western fantasy otherworld as a red dragon, wearing a crown given by an old woman, twenty percent human nature, fifty percent dragon nature, and thirty percent divinity, constructing a peculiar red dragon who loves to collect tolls, loves to cook, and loves his sister.

SlNZL · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 34 - The Sandman

  The sands below were filled with yellow sand, which obscured the view.

  The fiery red vertical pupils shrank.

  What a strong breath.

  What in the world is the big guy coming out of the ground.

  "August~ You're so heavy~"

  "I can't fly anymore."

  The sound is a little strained.

  Hearing Angela's words, August withdrew his gaze from the ground.

  By the way, one is still hanging upside down.

  "Angela you let go first."

  The next second August's body starts to fall up.

  At the sound of August's words, Angela simply let go of the tail she was holding.

  There was no greeting.

  Of the three fledgling dragons Angela has the weakest constitution.

  She'd been exhausted for a long time.

  The thick dragon wings covered with red dragon scales unfolded.

  The figure made a nice turn in the air.

  Stabilized his balance and began to fly normally.

  Zhen Yi pulled up taller and stationed himself side by side to stop beside Angela.

  The afterglow glanced at Angela.

  Her dragon's head was buried downwards and her eyes were glued to the ground.

  Angela this guy should know what's coming out from underneath.

  After all, he's a schoolteacher.

  "Do you know what kind of magical beasts are down there?"

  August asked directly.

  "Can't be sure," she continued without looking up.

  "There are too many magical beasts that like to survive in the desert floor."

  "I have a feeling the Wraith down there might be a Sand Snitch."

  I'm sorry.

  The body is thick, round and long, gray skin covered with a layer of transparent viscous liquid, the head does not have five senses eyes only a mouthparts, the grade can be identified according to the body type, five rings of growth potential.

  The viscous liquid secreted from the skin helps the Sand Snake to drill quickly in the sandy sea, where it possesses extremely fast drilling speed, and the many sharp teeth affixed to its mouthparts are very sharp, helping it to quickly churn up the prey it swallows.

  The Sand Snake belonged to the earth-fire dual system magical beasts, and the Sand Snake that opened its mouthpiece didn't necessarily want to devour its opponents, but might also spit out scorching flames from it.

  The Extreme Old Age state stage of the Sha'quan is capable of using earth magic with a proficiency of five rings and below.

  Weaknesses: water-based.

  Gazing down at the sand and dust rising from the sky below.

  If it's true that there's a sand cat underneath as Angela guessed.

  So much commotion.

  I'm afraid this is an extremely old stage sandpiper.


  With the sound of wind, a white figure landed side by side next to August.

  The stationary Karel didn't say a word.

  Eyes dead set on the sand below.

  None of the three fledgling dragons made a sound, just burying their heads together and looking their eyes to the ground.

  The sand and dust began to slowly dissipate.

  The silhouetted bulk of a huge creature slowly in revealed.

  Soon the sand and dust cleared completely.

  It was a huge creature.

  The long body poked out of the sand and stood upright toward the sky.

  The back half of its body remained buried in the earth.

  The body alone that poked out of the sand was more than ten meters long.

  The layer of clear, sticky liquid covering the gray skin glowed in the sunlight.

  Look at these distinctive features.

  Kinda made Angela guess right.

  It's really a sandpiper.

  Looking at the size, I'm guessing it's an extremely old stage eight or nine.

  The reason for the appearance of this sand catfish can be guessed without having to think about it.

  August's eyes turned to the bodies of Kodo scattered on the ground.

  One or two...


  The mind counts them all over.

  The Kodo corpses were definitely missing a few.

  This sandpiper is obviously here for the buffet.

  Or the white-knuckle kind.

  The vertical pupils narrowed slightly.

  Not cool, very cool.

  However, the very old stage of the sand catcher was a five-ringed magical beast.

  Even when wearing a crown of flame it was definitely not an opponent that could be fucked with on its own.


  Looking down at the feeding sand cataracts.

  The blue vertical pupil moved, glancing at August in the afterglow.

  So what would you do now?

  Being robbed of the food they hunted for themselves was an absolute disgrace to the arrogant red dragon.

  Getting into that state of mind August was able to easily crush a ring.

  And what about this five-ringed sand catcher?

  Expectation sprouts in the mind.

  Angela didn't say anything.

  Only the afterglow kept a silent eye on August.


  "Ow~ Damn it~!"

  "How dare the damned lowlife rob us of our food?"

  "August~ Let's do it together!"

  The white vertical pupils had been filled with anger.

  Karel raises his dragon wings slightly.

  Skewing her head to look at Karel.

  Her dragon's body was slightly arched, already in a state of readiness.

  "I can't beat a five-ringed demonic beast~"

  "I give up on this hunt."

  Speak up about your decision.

  Vertical pupils stared downward at the feeding sand jacks.

  Fifth-order Sandpiper.

  This cactus forest should be its territory.

  It won't leave here.

  Just wait, I'll be back.

  Raising his dragon's head, August swung his dragon wings in a dry and unmistakable motion.

  Is that your choice?

  A flash of disappointment flashed through the blue vertical pupils.

  If she could, Angela would love to know what August's limit is.

  Unfortunately, he was too sensible.

  Swinging her dragon wings, Angela followed towards the back of the front.

  Seeing that Ryudu has left.

  Karel glanced down at the sandy sandals.

  What a big guy.

  Looking down in glanced at his small frame.

  The long neck shrank.

  Can't fight can't fight.


  The uneasy feeling surged up again.

  Looking ahead at the two backs that had become dots.

  "Ow~ You guys wait for me."

  Karel after an owl fought to stir up his wings.

  Catch up for a while.

  Finally caught up with the two dragons.

  Karel flied out to August.

  Hear the wind.

  August skimmed the side.

  What comes into view is Karel's big stupid head.

  "Heh heh~"

  Karel cracked a dragon kiss slightly.

  The white, sharp dragon's teeth were exposed.

  Looking at the stupid guy.

  What's this about?

  "Heh heh~"

  "August~ I know where Kodo's lair is."

  "Let's go sand them all~"

  Hearing Karel's words.

  August's eyes lit up.

  But can you trust anything this Karel guy says?

  Never mind, let's ask Angela.

  The dragon's head looked backward.

  Seeing August cast a glance.

  Angela picked up speed.

  She had just heard the conversation between the two dragons.

  Three fledgling dragons flew side by side.

  "Karel and I once followed that pack of Kodo's to their lair."

  Hearing Angela's words.

  August had a bottom in mind.

  "Let's go let's go~ Let's go kill all those shitty species"

  Karel, who spoke, looked impatient.

  Skimmed Karel.

  This guy is quite the dog lover.


  There must be a lot of old and young people in there, right?

  The dragon's kiss cracked slightly.

  A large, fishy red tongue stuck out and licked the dragon's kiss.

  The depression in his heart also dissipated quite a bit at this moment.

  August immediately nodded his dragon's head.

  "Okay~ Then you guys lead the way"

  "Ow~ No problem~"

  With that said Karel flew to the front of the pack.

  After only a short while, Karel lowered his speed and flew next to Angela.


  "Angela it's better if you lead the way~" whispered.

  August: ~~( Theo Theo ) ~~~

  Angela: ~~( Theo Theo ) ~~~

  Karel inclined his dragon's head in the face of the gaze cast by the two dragons.

  It's confirmed, this guy definitely forgot the way! x2