
Rebirth in the Other World as a Dragon

【Rebirth+Giant Dragon+Western Fantasy+ System+Slow Pace+Bringing Sisters+Evil Keeping Order+ New Version of Western Fantasy Worldview】 Born again in a western fantasy otherworld as a red dragon, wearing a crown given by an old woman, twenty percent human nature, fifty percent dragon nature, and thirty percent divinity, constructing a peculiar red dragon who loves to collect tolls, loves to cook, and loves his sister.

SlNZL · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 32 - This guy's being stupid again.

  The sinuous dragon's tail turned into a stump in the air.

  Four high jumping kodo's flew straight backwards.

  This flying magical beast is so strong.

  It's not on the same level as those two at all.

  Chief Kodo took a step back in his steps.

  August's dragon head turned to Chief Kodo, no ripples in his cold vertical pupils.

  It's backing up.

  What showed in those round red pupils was timidity.

  Trying to escape?

  That's not good.

  I haven't had my fun yet.

  The vertical pupils began to coalesce.

  The dragon's kiss cracked slightly.

  Two red magic circles immediately unfolded in front of the dragon's head.

  A red mark surfaced in the sight.

  This is the marking seal.

  The target was, of course, this Kodo alpha.

  Mark the location of the Kodo chief directly.


  Cold and childish dragon words fell.

  As August's dragon speech fell.

  The sizzling air around them heightened dramatically.

  Sensing that something was wrong, the Kodo chief immediately took a running step.


  With the sound of an explosion, small red mushrooms around three meters high rose up.

  Rolling waves of heat spread from the center point.

  Having just pounced on a Kodo's ready to go down on Karel suddenly felt a heat in his back.

  Immediately afterward a huge impact came from behind.

  Karel, who hadn't reacted to what was going on, was just pushed straight out by the impact.

  August gazed at the small red mushroom that was dissipating.

  The power became lower, only about the power of higher level magic.

  Coverage has also been reduced by nearly half.

  Is it because of that state?

  August speculated silently in his mind.

  The dragon's head shifted its sight slightly to look up through the smoke.

  Karel, who had been dropped, slowly braced himself.


  Shaking the dragon's head, he spat out the gravel in his mouth as he did so.

  The impact didn't do her much damage.

  Shaking off the sand and gravel from his body, the white dragon scales still glowed in the sunlight.

  Karel: (〃 > Petri dish <)< p>


  With the sound of wind, a blue figure fell from the empty space next to him.

  It's Angela.

  Landing on his feet, he looks over at Karel, who is spitting.

  "Is everything okay?"



  "Nasty sand."

  "Damn it, who did this~!"

  "I'm gonna sand him."

  "Nuh-uh~ It's August's magic."

  "To seek revenge on him?"

  Angela raised her dragon claws to point at August in front of her, her blue vertical pupils staring calmly at Karel.

  Hear that.

  Karel scowled.

  Ignore it all.

  The dragon's wings unfolded and his body flew low, directly lunging down towards a kodo.


  Not far away, on a piece of sand, Chief Kodo stood still, his fierce gaze dead set on the red flying magical beast.

  There were no burn marks on it, and the black mane on its back still flowed in the wind.

  The burst magic didn't hit it, relying on its nimble speed it avoided the dangerous one it had just used.

  The smoke slowly cleared.

  The kodo alpha was still standing upright.

  The vertical pupil moved slightly up and down.

  It didn't have any wounds on its body.

  No injuries?

  It seems that the burst is still too slow to activate this magic.

  Since popping doesn't work, let's make it quick.

  The fire-red vertical pupils were slightly condensed.

  A new red magic circle unfolded in front of the dragon's head.

  "Flaming arrows."

  As the dragon's words fell.

  Red flames appeared out of thin air and quickly coalesced, first a triangular arrowhead followed by an arrow.

  Soon a two meter long flame arrow coalesced and hovered in front of the dragon's head.

  Aim for Chief Kodo.

  The flaming arrow instantly shot out.

  A long red tail flame was instantly pulled out of the air.

  Standing on all fours the Kodo leader stared intently at the flaming arrows that came hurtling down.

  Until after the flaming arrows closed in.

  The limbs flexed and powered up for an easy leap to the right.

  The flaming arrow grazed the body of the Kodo chief.

  Landing on the ground and looking at the flying Wraith, the Kodo leader bared his teeth directly.

  The scene was all in August's eyes.

  And taunting.


  The dragon's kiss cracked open, and the sharp, snow-white, pointed dragon's teeth flashed with cold light.

  The red magic circle in front of the dragon's head lit up once.

  Still too stupid.

  The flaming arrow that flew over his head folded back in the air and drew a semi-circular arc before shooting directly toward the back of the defenseless Kodo leader on the ground.


  The arrows of the flaming arrows hit accurately.

  Looking at the arrow that ran from the Kodo chief's back to his abdomen.

  A flash of displeasure flashed through the red vertical pupils.

  Too bad it was that close to sticking its head in.

  Looks like the accuracy needs more practice.

  But at the end of the day this guy should be able to zap his head if he doesn't duck.



  The Kodo leader let out a hiss.

  Its abdomen had been penetrated away.

  The limbs loomed and trembled as they strained to hold themselves up.

  Raising his head just in time to lock eyes with the red flying magical beast.

  The gaze shown by the other man was familiar to the Kodo chief.

  It was the kind of gaze that only came from playing with prey.

  As the top predator in the land, Chief Kodo does this sort of thing all the time.

  But one becomes the played.

  This infuriated Chief Kodo's mind.

  This red flying wraith must die.

  A dense ferocity erupted from the red round pupils.

  Black flames burned from the Kodo chief.

  Looking down at the flaming arrow in his abdomen.

  Manipulating the black flames wrapped around the flaming arrow attempting to override.

  There is no effect.

  The red flaming arrow did not move.

  Chief Kodo raised his head again.

  The round red pupils locked onto the red flying magical beast.

  Since you can't override this magic then destroy the other side.


  Hearing the chief give the order.

  The remaining sixteen Kodo's split into two charging at Karel and Angela in a desperate gesture.

  Fourteen Kodo targets open their mouths in unison at August.

  Black flames poured out.

  Facing the black flames pouring in from all directions.

  August, standing at attention, is unmoved.

  Can this black stuff be considered a flame?

  No, it doesn't count.

  Let the black flames pour onto the dragon scales.

  Sure enough, it was just like what was written in the legacy.

  Not the slightest bit warm.

  This stuff can't even be called a flame.

  Let me show you what makes a flame!

  Lifting his front paws he stepped heavily into the sand.

  The dragon's kiss cracked and expanded to its extreme angle.

  The next moment red dragon breath poured out!

  The red dragon's breath directly and easily overpowered the black flames after it came into contact with them.

  The devastating crushing advance.


  Dragon's Breath hits a Kodo.

  The struck Kodo whimpered and then lay straight down on the sand emitting an octogenarian aroma.

  The dragon's head turned.

  The pouring dragon's breath swept around the corner toward the next Kodo.



  Easily disposing of the Kodo who lunged to his death.

  Angela raised her head.

  A large tongue stuck out to lick the blood from the dragon's kiss.

  Sweet flavor.

  While reminiscing, he turned his eyes toward August's position.

  There the red dragon's breath was raging.

  It didn't look like he needed his help.


  Is he already that strong even without entering that state.

  Ectoplasmic dragons are so nice.

  That's when Karel came up to Angela and asked.

  "Are we going to help him?"

  Looking over there at the rampaging August.

  It always feels like going over there would be a mistake.

  The shockwave from that magic just now was.

  Hear the questioning.

  Angela deflected the dragon's head to look at the guy beside him.

  It's starting again.

  This guy is selling stupidity again.

  This is a situation where any fool can see that watching from afar is the best option.

  When it's over go up and give a couple compliments even if you can.

  Going up to help?

  August can look a little manic these days.

  A misfire is probably a whiteout.

  Don't want to pay any attention to this fool who sells stupidity.

  Angela backed up silently.

  This range doesn't look too safe either.

  Looking back at Angela.

  Karel deflected the dragon's head.

  This guy has such a nasty look in his eye.

  It made the dragon feel a little bit like punching the guy.
