
Rebirth in the Other World as a Dragon

【Rebirth+Giant Dragon+Western Fantasy+ System+Slow Pace+Bringing Sisters+Evil Keeping Order+ New Version of Western Fantasy Worldview】 Born again in a western fantasy otherworld as a red dragon, wearing a crown given by an old woman, twenty percent human nature, fifty percent dragon nature, and thirty percent divinity, constructing a peculiar red dragon who loves to collect tolls, loves to cook, and loves his sister.

SlNZL · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 24: I'm going to sand them all.

  Body slumped, Karel, a mix of yellow sand and green cactus flesh crashed on the dragon's torso, braced himself.

  Swinging from side to side shook the dragon's head.

  Shake off the yellow sand and pulp stuck to the dragon's head.

  The dragon's head lifted to look at the location where its prey had escaped.

  Angela was swooping down, pouncing on the damn pack animal as soon as she could.

  Seeing this scene the white vertical pupils immediately lit up with excitement.

  Damn pack animals actually made Lord Karel lose his dragon.


  Crawling and sprinting up on all fours.

  Sight locked on the pack animal that Angela had pounced on.

  As he approached, Karel opened his dragon's kiss, and his sharp dragon's teeth, glinting with cold light, bit down on the pack animal's head.

  The dragon's head yanked back hard.

  A piece of meat ripped.

  The pack-beast's neck dropped to the ground, and its massive body completely lost motion.

  Looking at the dead pack animals on the ground while chewing the meat in his mouth.

  The anger in Karel's mind was gradually subsiding.

  Two fledgling dragons don't have to greet anyone.

  Mercy crouched down and began to tear at the meat on the pack animal's back to feed.

  The meat on the back is the most flavorful, so it's best to start there.



  The dense and subtle sound of movement made Angela stop eating.

  It's not right.

  It's not the sound of wind and sand.

  The wind didn't pick up at all.

  The blood-covered dragon's head lifted.

  The blue vertical pupils quickly coalesced.

  The body is dog-like, long-necked, with stout hind limbs and much more slender forelimbs, the carapace is short, high at the shoulders and low at the hips; there is no other hair on the dark, robust body except a long black iguana in the middle of the back behind the neck.

  The head is short and round, with a pair of dark red round pupils that reveal ferocity and hunger.


  A group-living magical beast living in the desert, carnivorous and carrion-eating, its rank is judged according to its size, and it has the highest growth potential in the second ring.

  The stout hind limbs give it a not inconsiderable running ability, and the sharp claws on the forelimbs make a good pair of weapons, and the Kodo's bite is so strong that it can spit out a black flame that makes its prey faint.

  These kodo presenting encircling gestures little by little are tightening the encirclement.

  The head of the dragon counted in his mind as he scanned the area.

  One, two, three... Twenty-one.

  There were twenty-one Kodo's in total, and all of them had reached the low adult level.

  There are too many to have a chance of winning.

  The mind quickly analyzes the results.

  Angela nudged Karel, who was still buried in his food next to her.

  Prepare to greet her and run.

  Shoved a little, Karel made a little bit of room and continued to eat with his head buried in his hands without looking up.

  Angela: ~~( Theo Theo ) ~~~

  This guy.

  Raising the dragon's claw, he did not hesitate to slap down at the buried white dragon head.

  "��������� Ow���"

  "Angela what are you doing~!"

  "Didn't I already make room for you!"

  "You'd better look around before you lash out at me."

  Four weeks?

  Hearing this, Karel looked up and around.

  Right up against a pair of dark red round pupils.

  The True Dragon Inheritance quickly gave information about these creatures.

  This thing is kodo.

  Are they treating themselves like prey?

  An angry color emerged from the white vertical pupils.

  These fucking shitty species.

  "┗|`O′|┛ Awoo~~~!"

  Karel let out a growl, milky.

  The kodo's that heard the growl didn't fluctuate, they were still slowly tightening their circle.

  Look at these kodos.

  It's not the same picture as expected.

  Shouldn't it be these low-blooded things shivering in place after a growl of their own?

  Whatever, these things deserve to die anyway!

  "Karel, let's go, not fight these guys first."

  Angela spoke up.

  Angela was of course furious about all this Kodo grabbing.

  She was able to suppress her anger, though, and wasn't going to start a fight with these kodo's for a while.

  There are so many of these kodos.

  Might as well follow these guys back to the nest and take note of their nest location.

  And then when August wakes up just take all this stuff in one fell swoop!

  That much kodo is good for a long time at least.

  "┗|`O′|┛ Awoo~~~"

  "I'm not leaving, I'm going to kill these shitty things!"

  The dragon's body braced itself, and the gaze in its white vertical pupils grew cold.

  A headache. This Karel guy's been acting up again!


  "��������� Ow���"

  A growl interrupted what Angela was trying to say.

  "Shitty guys, all of you, go to hell!"

  After making the declaration, Karel lunged at an approaching kodo with a flutter of his wings.

  Angela: ( ̄_, ̄ )

  Spreading his wings, he shook them and flew up into the sky.

  The moment Angela took off two Kodos swooped down on her original position.

  But because Angela had already flown away two Kodo's could only pounce.

  Hovering in the air, Angela gazed headlong at Karel on the ground.

  Pounced on, Kodo spat out a ball of black flame that dissipated head-on directly into Karel's dragon head.

  What the hell? It's a little confusing.

  The daze dissipated away as he shook the dragon's head.

  Opening his dragon's kiss, he bit down on Kodo's neck with precision.

  Give it a hard yank.


  With a sound of cracking bone, Karel ripped a large piece of flesh from Kodo's neck.


  Kodo hissed and lost motion.

  This is what happens when you go against the True Dragon.

  A look of satisfaction appeared in the white vertical pupils.

  The next second, however, Karel instantly felt a sinking sensation on his back.

  Two kodos bit Karel's hind legs, and one jumped right up on his back and bit the wing.

  Looking at Kodo on his back, Karel is furious.

  Fucking shitty breed.

  Fuck me!

  The dragon's kiss opened up to spit out the cold air.

  The Kodo on its back didn't react to being hit in the head by the chilling spit, white frost quickly coalesced on its head, but it still clenched its wings in a death grip.

  Realizing that the dragon's breath wasn't working, Karel opened his dragon's kiss and took a direct bite at Kodo on his back.

  Just then a Kodo pounced and took a bite of the neck, deflecting Karel's dragon's kiss straight into an empty bite.

  The neck eating pain is driving Karel crazy.

  The dragon's body quickly rolled over the sandy soil.

  The yellow sand that was stirred up for a while flew up in the sky, blocking the line of sight.

  In the sky, Angela's vertical pupils coalesced slightly.

  The dragon's kiss opened slightly.

  A blue arc of electricity flickered inside.

  Feeling about done building up her strength, Angela's dragon body swooped down towards the ground.

  Wash into the yellow sand.

  Blue arcs of electricity lit up in the sand and dust.

  After a few seconds a figure broke through out of the yellow sand and flew into the sky.

  It's Angela.

  She carried the wretched Karel in her paws.

  At this moment, Karel had a torn out wound on each of his two stout hind legs, and an area of his neck had a shattered dragon scale that was oozing dragon blood.

  There were many wounds, but the bleeding was minimal in all of them.

  Looking to Karel, who was carried in his paws.

  "It's so heavy you~"

  "Can it still fly by itself?"

  Angela asked with some strain.


  Hearing Karel's reply, Angela let go of her paw.

  Released, Karel unfurled his dragon wings and spun in the air, quickly stabilizing his form.

  White vertical pupils filled with rage quickly locked onto Kodo on the ground with his head tilted back.

  The dragon's body swooped down again.

  This guy.

  Seeing this scene, Angela instantly felt her brain ache.

  The blue dragon wings behind him vibrated.

  Halfway through Karel's sprint, Angela's body blocked in front of her.

  "Get out of the way~ I'm going to kill them all~!"

  Karel's white vertical pupils glared roundly at Angela in front of him.

  "To deliver?"

  The two short words were like a pot of cold water poured over Karel's heart.

  "Those kodo's are on the defensive."

  "I won't stop you, but I won't go down there a second time to save you."

  Karel was completely absent-minded.

  It seems like you really can't beat those shitty species down there.

  If it hadn't been for Angela just now, he might have died in the mouth of this group of shitty species.

  But it's so upsetting.

  Looking down at one of the kodo's with their heads held high.

  The white vertical pupils revealed an intense look of unwillingness.