
Rebirth in a Webnovel

A man was setup in a ploy by his own lover and ended up dying. .. .. .. .. Now he was in a weird place along with a weird test. What will happen now? .. .. .. .. I DO NOT OWN PLAYING WITH OTHER SUPERNATURALS!! I simply love the work and decided to add my own Characters just for fun. The work for the layout of the book goes to Goyya. I ALSO DO NOT OWN BLEACH, DXD, ONE PIECE OR DANMACHI.

AzraelI · Cómic
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6 Chs


(P.S. This story probably isn't going to be a good one so if you are looking for a good one read the original!)

(PSS: If the original Author wants me to take the story down I will do so.)

"That really is a a lot to take in." Kisuke muttered after listening to all of the information Amir told him. Which itself wasn't a lot, just basic information on what different races there are.

"That's not even everything Kisuke, But you will have a fun time figuring out the rest. I'm not going to spoil it for you." Amir said while giving off a small smirk.

"Well aren't you nice~" Kisuke replied with some sarcasm laced in his voice.

Amir gave a small chuckle before asking.

"Are you going to go around looking for information tonight?"

Kisuke thought for a moment before nodding his head and saying. "There has been a lot of interesting stuff going on recently."

Amir nodded while trying to remember what should happen around this time. 'Isn't this when he meets Cleria Belial?'

"Can I come along?" Amir decided to ask out of interest.

"I don't see why not, But is there a reason?" Kisuke asked seemingly knowing why Amir decided to come along.

Amir nodded his head and responded. "It's going to get interesting and I would like to watch."

Kisuke narrowed his eyes in thought. 'Interesting?' Before he sighed and agreed to allow Amir to tag along.

—4 Hours into the info gathering—

Under the gleaming stars and moonlight, the two had noticed a event going on that involved multiple groups of people. The first is a group of devils, the second is a group of human exorcists and the final group is a human and a Devil. Well that is what it would look like to a normal person but Amir and Kisuke could sense a surprisingly strong Devil hiding and watching the event.

"Now then, how should I mess with them? Hmmm, that one guy is giving me a dangerous feeling and doesn't strike me as a good person. Especially on how he his sneering with that mocking smile while looking at the couple protecting themselves." Kisuke muttered to himself. "Yosh, sounds like a good idea to mess with that guy." Kisuke said with a grin on his face.

He turned to Amir who just shook his head. "I'll let you have all the fun, but meet me back here when you are done."


With that Kisuke jumped down and proceeded to land between the Exorcists and badly beaten human and devil. "Hello everyone, I'm totally not a suspicious person, nice to meet you all."

From in a nearby rooftop.

"Tch yeah right not suspicious my ass." Amir said while rolling his eyes.

—After Kisuke finished—

Using flash step, Amir caught up to the trio who had made it a few kilometers away from Rizevim.

Concealing his presence to everyone besides Kisuke he flash stepped beside him and started running along with the group.

*BOOOOOOOM* after about 5 minutes of running a large explosion occurred when Rizevim unleashed his demonic power in anger after being tricked.

"Uwahh, That guy can't take a joke huh." Kisuke commented once they heard the explosion.

"What did you do?" Masaomi asked.

"I just tried being silly." Kisuke responded.

'Silly?!' Masaomi and Cleria thought.

Just then a voice they hadn't heard came from beside Kisuke. "Silly my ass that was a super devil and you made him look like a idiot."

Cleria and Masaomi's hearts jumped when they heard the voice but when they saw another person that was running beside Kisuke they stopped running and went on guard.

"Who are you?" Cleria asked preparing to flare up her demonic power.

Amir stopped running and turned to the two allowing his face to be seen.

'A child?!' They thought.

"I'm just friends with Mr. Not suspicious here nothing to worry about." Amir said with a straight face while pushing his glasses up his nose.

The two looked at Kisuke for confirmation to which he simply nodded his head in agreement.

"Well let's continue I'm not trying to get close to that angry devil any time soon." Amir mumbled and the group continued running.

—A little While Later—

The news of Cleria's 'death' along with Masaomi spread throughout some factions causing them to send some personnel to investigate. Causing the Furious Rizevim to retreat when many eyes landed on him. Not before promising revenge though.

As for the people who had been able to trick him, they were currently having a midnight snack at a 24/7 convenient store in the center of the town.

Kisuke was enjoying a cup of instant noodles while both Cleria and Masaomi have a siopao and hotdog respectively, as for Amir he was currently eating a sushi platter.

"He really wasn't able to find us, amazing." Masaomi said while munching on his hotdog.

"That guy is smart but too prideful and narrow- minded. He wouldn't even take a glance at places like this and only look for obscure where we might be hiding." Kisuke said while slurping down his noodles.

"You yourself are incredible, to be able to determine how he thinks and what are his next actions." Cleria said while stealing a glance at Kisuke, who had long since removed his mask showing his appearance.

"You give me too much credit. I just met a similar person in the past, that's all."

'You're too humble! Are you really a kid?' The couple shouted in their heads.

After everyone had finished eating, Kisuke asked the two. "What are your plans now?"

The couple looked at each other for a few seconds before looking back at Kisuke. "First of all, thank you. If not for your help, we would have fallen there and that Rizevim probably would have gotten what he wanted. Thank you very much." Cleria said while bowing her head.

Masaomi also followed suit while saying, "If not for you, I would have doubted my comrades. When I saw their pained expressions when they killed 'me', I realized that they really didn't want that to happen. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for that much, you do know that I didn't save you two because I have some selfless justice, right?" Kisuke revealed his true intentions.

"I know, I have this inkling that you are not the type that helps others for no reason." Cleria answered him.

Kisuke and Cleria went on to discuss what he wanted from them in return for saving them while Masaomi and Amir watched from the side lines.


Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards the sound and saw Amir answering a phone call.

"Hello?" Amir asked with a slightly confused tone.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" A voice boomed back from the phone causing Amir to take it away from his ear.

"I went to the store to get a snack." Amir responded while rubbing his aching ear.

"ITS 4 IN THE MORNING AND YOU WENT OUT?" Toshi screamed back.

"Yep, do you want anything from the store?" Amir asked while thinking about getting more sushi.

"what?...NO I DON'T WANT ANYTHING! JUST COME THE HELL BACK!" Toshi screamed with more anger building up in his voice.

"Alright I'll be home soon." Amir said before quickly hanging up his phone before the man could scream anymore.

Looking back up he saw the wry smiled everyone was giving him.

"Well it seems like I need to leave." He bashfully said while scratching his head. Before he left he looked towards Kisuke and nodded his head while saying, "If you need anything just let me know." And with that he used Flash Step and disappeared.

Cleria and Masaomi's eyes went wide at the sight but before they could ask any questions Kisuke resumed talking.