
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Cómic
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52 Chs

Sharing Umbrella!

I returned to my class and saw Hori san and Yuki chatting about something . Well from my memory I knew that they stay together all the time but surprisingly Shiba san was also a part of the conversation at the moment.

I tried to hear what they were talking by enhancing by auditory nerve.

'It feels gross to control my nerves at will but it is advantageous sometimes'.

They were taking about club stuff and about after school plans.

Hori san rejected as well as Shiba san for the Karoke invitation.

I knew that Hori san had lot of housework after school and also had to pick up her brother ,but I didn't knew why Shiba san rejected .

'Dont tell me she have a boyfriend already. No..no this is definitely not possible. But what if it's true. '.

I was afraid of the worst outcome of my conflicts . I thought it will be truly devastating to see my crush for whome I wished to God for, going out with someone else.I can't even think about Shiba san with someone else .

'I have to confirm it soon or my mind will become a mess'.

At the last period our homeroom sensei asked me to stay for extra classes as my marks were disappointing.

'Huh...I never in my previous life got less than 80 and now ...'

[+5 for narcissist host]

'I an not praising myself , it's the truth'.

I stayed after everyone went back home and I noticed that Shiba san didn't looked in my way at all after lunch break.

'My love ship sank before even hitting the water'.

[+1 exp for pessimist host]

'If exp is so cheap for you then why not give me in bunch?'

[And make you op protagonist or something. Please , my favourite type is weak to strong not instant strong so hold you horses sir host.]

'Dont read novels and start watching some isekai anime for my sake'.


I spent rest of the hour solving high school mathematics which wasn't difficult for a university graduate at all.

When I solving the paper I noticed that the clouds went dark and soon rain started pouring down .

'So the umbrella was meant for this . I guess system is a bit motherly sometimes'.

[Ara~ I could be beautiful Onee san rather than mother for you host.]

'This fairy is definitely watching anime on wrong sites '.

My sensei declared not even ,doubted directly declared that I cheated.

So, I solved another set of questions but this time in presence of the accuser himself.

This time I didn't took an hour and solved it in 15 minutes. In the previous set I was chatting with the system and watched the rain time after time that's why it took almost an hour but when it came to my innocence, like hell I would have slacked off.

"Hmmm...it seems I doubted for nothing. Well keep it up Mikamura kun " He said while raising his thumps up.

"It's Miyamura sir. Anyway, can I go now?" I asked while packing my things back in my bag.

"Yeah but don't forget there is a test next week, so work hard".

I just nodded and picked my bag and took out the umbrella from the inventory on the way.

Since the school was almost empty ,I used the inventory with much caution however I did hid inside the toilet just in case.

At the shoe locker I saw an unexpected presence.

Shiba san was standing there alone and it seemed like she waiting for someone.

'Now or never'.

I inhaled a lot of air and gathered every ounce of courage before walking toward her.

"Hey Shiba san , you are still here." I asked while changing my outdoor shoes as the shoe locker is just after the entrance.

"Oh hey Miyamura kun, yeah student council work "

She said with a fresh smile which didn't contained any type of tiredness at all.

"Oh is that so. Anyway if you don't have umbrella then you can take this one , my home is just after the second turn so I can run for it". I said while pushing my umbrella toward her.

"No no how can I let you get drench in this rain , you know summer' s first rain always makes a person sick . "

I was speechless at her mythology and I didn't showed on my face how much cute she was looking with her complete confident look like she gave me some important knowledge.

"I also live in that direction then how about we share the umbrella". She said while texting someone on her phone . Her ears were red as I saw them when she tugged her hair strand behind them , giving me a full view of her flawless face.

'Ah , I will melt at this rate . No this is no time to get mesmerized. I have to act like a man now or it will be too late .'

"If you don't have a problem then let's go". I said while unfolding the umbrella .

I was freakin nervous as she grew closer and closer to me but I remained calm , well I tried to.

Her sweet scent was so alluring and watching her with this distance made my heart go doki-doki with a loud scream.

I was the one lifting the umbrella as I was about three inches taller than Shiba san .

We exited the school building together with a breathe distance between our shoulders.

I bumped unintentionally sometime to her but she didn't reacted .

'Well no one reacts on just some slight touch in this era .' It was still 7 years back from my previous timeline but I knew for sure that no high schooler would react on these simple matters.

"I thought you started disliking me because I talked to you in school Miyamura Kun." She said without looking toward me.

"No , never. It wasn't like that. Well I rarely talk to someone in school and when you suddenly greeted me , I got startled but only that nothing else ". I also said while looking toward the road , not trying to be super enthusiastic.

After a minute of awkward silence I used my last bit of luck and asked.

"Do you have a girlfriend\ boyfriend".

We asked at the same time and this time while looking at each other.

Both of our faces went complete red and we looked in opposite directions again in a sync.

After a couple of second she said in a low tone.

"No I am not in a relationship ."

"Same here". I answered while facing down as my embarrasment could be seen even by a child right now.

'Hahhh...I finally asked it but what now? Should I ask her to suddenly to date me... Nope this is impossible , I am happy with this much development for now.'

To break the built up silence I spoke first'

"So you also live in the same direction huh Shiba san".

"Yeah it seems we both commute through same route but never crossed path ." She said , this time with a smile . Her ears were still red but not like before and her smile was as beautiful as ever.

I was peeking at her all the time so her small gestures were fully scanned by my eyes .

After about 10 minutes we were near the shrine where Shiba san stopped infront of a car .

"Okay Miyamura kun see you tomorrow, my ride is here now so bye. Umm yes, can we exchange contacts if it's okay with you?"

I gave her my number before she left in the car.Her sudden asking my contact was shocking but I was thinking something else so I didn't really thought about it.

'If she had a car then why did she shared umbrella with me?..'

[+5 exp for our dense host ]

'Huh...dense me. No way'

[Hahh.. Ignorance is such a bliss]

"Shut up or I won't go to the dungeon"

[+15 exp for the great host who gave opportunity to a lowly fairy like me for his assistance. *tears*]

"*Sigh* This corrupt system is really something else." .