
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Cómic
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52 Chs

I am sorry!

It was 5 a.m when I suddenly got this notification ,but not from my phone.


[Guest 1]

[Nino Nakano]

[Wants permission to enter dojo ]


'Hm now, oh I forgot the time gap. Anyway..' "Yes ". I said and got up from the bed . I brushed my teeth and freshen up before entering the dojo.

"Enter Dojo". I said and after my surroundings changed the first thing I saw was, Nino trying to lift a 200 kgs dumbbells .

"Oi.. what are you doing. " I said and pulled her back cautiously.

"It's way heavier then it looks and it will harm you abdomen muscles ". I said and applied ointment on her red palms gently.

"Huff..Huff..how ca..how can you lift those things". She said while panting.

"Don't think about it and don't try anything carelessly here okay?" I lifted her and sat on the ground placing her on my lap.

"Drink this and tell me what's going on ." I offered her energy drink from the inventory which she gulped down immediately.

After she calmed down a bit she returned the half drank energy drink which I finished.

"I was shopping the whole day around Regent street and ate various sweets on the way. I clicked many pictures also , I will show you when I will return and...." she continued for about 10 minutes happily while fidgeting her fingers playfully.

I just chuckled and listened .

After she finished the listing of things she done , I asked her..

" Anyway ,you came here suddenly, anything urgent". I said casually only to get a cute pout in return.

She turned her head with a bulge on her cheek and said.

"I missed you, that was urgent . I am sorry for being so dramatic." She said turned her head away from me.

"Haha..it's not like that, I was also missing you but I planned to meet you after I go to my family's house. I have to do packing you know". I said and pulled her back in my embrace.

we closed our eyes and was just enjoying each other's presence.

"Say Nino, do you think I should apologise to my father?" I asked her randomly.

"I don't know what happened between you two but I know one thing that parents will only think for our well being so if it's not a big deal then you should."

"You sure sound more mature than your age , do you know? Anyway thanks , I got my clarity". I said and stood up supporting her .

"I won't be able to meet you until Sunday most probably but I will try to contact you through text ". I said as I really had no idea , when I was going to train in dojo for the upcoming three days.

"Don't think I am dying to meet you. I am also busy so I am not gonna miss you." She said but eventually hugged me again .

After some sweet kissing and hugging , she left the dojo and I trained for my daily quest.

I really had to pack my bag so I didn't thought about blacksmithing at all and returned nearly at 6.30 a.m.

I packed my backpack and some of the clothes in inventory . After taking a bath I changed into grey shirt with black joggers .

We left house after light breakfast nearly at 8 as it takes 6 hours to reach our destination.

The place we were going was on a hilly region on the outer skirt of Kyoto district.

On the way I planned out, how I am going to manage my dojo and running back to grandpa house while we were staying there.

Me and mom were seating on the back seat of the cab , enjoying the scenary of the mountain . The city hassle made me forget that how beautiful the nature could be.

Around 3 in the noon we arrived infront of a old classic Japanese house.

I took my and mom's bag and after paying the driver, we entered the house .

All my uncles and their families were already inside chatting happily. Many of then were really unknown to my old self so I just greeted them first and made my way to the room , which my aunt led me to.

Grandpa has a massive complex house ,so taking a seperate room for myself wasn't such an issue.

I texted Miyuki and Nino about my arrival and chatted casually for some time before my aunt called me to eat something.

My cousins are either in elementary school or already have settled in their life, so I really didn't had anyone to talk there.

In the evening , after giving an excuse I left the house to complete my two other daily quest of running 18 km and lifted a 80kg worth of tree in the forest , after cutting it easily with my sabers.

(A/N: Sorry for deforestation ):

When I came back , I saw the person whome I wanted to talk since yesterday.

"Hey dad". I greeted the stern looking man in his late 30s to whome I really resembled if I cut down my hairs to military style .

"Izumi" He said in a surprised tone but regained his serious aura with a cough.

"You should not wander in this vicinity at this time". He said and the uncle sitting beside him also nodded.

"Yeah sorry , I won't". I said and made my way back to my room.

I really saw the wide open eyes of my dad and even some of relatives who knew about my attitude toward my dad.

[Hidden Quest]

[Surprise your relative]

[Reward: 100 exp, 500 coin, infinitude flask ]

(Note: Exp and coins are directly added to the status and flask is sent to the inventory)


[One item added to Inventory]

[Infinitude flask]

[Grade: C]


[Level up!]

[Additional attribute : +20]

I grinned widely when I saw this notification. I was only 80 exp short, when I completed my daily quest , to level up.

'This hidden Quest are hidden gems'.

[You know it]

'This flask , Darbi can you tell me about it?' I asked curiously while changing my clothes.

[You can store any liquid substance and the quality as well the temperature will remain same not matter how much time passes. The storage capacity is just what its name suggest, infinity that means no restriction of the amount of substance. However you can store only one kind of thing at once .]

'Ohho, that's epic . I can store warm water to eat ramen any time'. I smiled at the realisation.


[+5 exp for the dumb host]

"Izumi dinner". My mom called me when I was about to counter the sharp tongued .

"Yeah coming". I said and got out the room.

At the dining hall every person was given a small table for their serving just like the samurai movies I have saw.

Grandpa was sitting in the head position with a IV needle connected to his hands .

He had a wide smile as he saw all his family members at one place.

The dinner was also quite good and some of the elders chatted with grandpa and with each other while we ate.

One of my uncle who is also a teacher asked me various things after we finished our dinner . He is a likeable man and great teacher. He also live in the same town as us and sometime visit our house also.

"Izumi , you have really changed. You always seemed to be in your own world and rarely talked whenever I came but now look at you. And I must admit your looks have become sharper and more manlier , is it because of a girl?" Uncle poked me with a grin on which I just laughed and shrugged the topic off as my old man was listening to this conversation since the beginning ,from the shadows.

'If he is curious then he could have asked me directly'. I chuckled at my father's antiques.

At night well not really night as it was only 9 p.m , everyone returned back to their room.

"Mom , can I come in?" I asked while standing infront of their room.

"Izumi? yeah come inside". Mom answered .

Inside the room dad was reading a book but I was sure that he picked it right now because it was upside down. Mom was chuckling at my dad and looked at me helplessly.

"Ah mom can you get me a lemonade . My stomach is burning because of the spicy food". I said and mom took the signal and stood up with a smile.

"Honey, best of luck". She said to dad before leaving the room.

I sat on the ground and mustered my courage .

"Dad". I said and he closed the book and looked at me with a serious gaze.

"I am sorry" I said with my head bowed.

"What I did back then wasn't my fault trust me, that's why I shouted back to you, but I know it was not the way I should have...Anyway whatever happened I am sorry about that. I really don't like the things are right now between us , so forgive me . " I said and looked the wide black eyes of my father. A tiny drop of tear was visible but he remained calm and answered.

"I am sorry too Izumi. I should have believed you but I distanced myself and didnt took responsibility. " He said in a apologetic tone.

I smiled and replied what was best in that situation.

We chatted casually for a bit and after some minutes I left the room and saw Mom standing near the door with tears in her eyes and a glass of lemonade in her hand

I coaxed her and returned back to my room.

'Foof..it was nerver wrecking'. I sighed .


I woke up at 4 a.m and immediately went to dojo . After training and lifting weights I immediately returned to my room.

"Now the biggest issue". I jumped out of the window and checked the time. It was 4.30.

I already pinpointed the GPS location of my grandpa house and started running.

Without limiter it took one and a half hour to reach the hill .

I was panting like I will inhale the whole surrounding in a one breathe. I collapsed at the foothill and rested there for some minutes before I climbed back to the house.

I saw the same uncle who was poking me about girls yesterday.

"Good morning Uncle Nozimi". I greeted him.

"Mornin , oh you went for a run, very good". He said and continued texting on his phone with a serious and frustrated expression.

"Is everything good uncle? " I asked while sipping water .

"Umm no. Actually the school in which i am employed , needs a maths teacher for supplementary classes.The permanent maths teacher has already taken leave for his wife's pregnancy so he will not stay for extra hours. And the teacher who was going to fulfill that role , is not picking up phone since two days and now he is out of reach. " He scratched his head in frustration.

"Any other permanent teacher isn't available?" I asked.

"No , they have other classes also. I just need a teacher for only a month before the mid terms who can sort the doubts of students for two hours on week days."

An idea popped in my mind suddenly .

'Maybe I can trigger any hidden Quest with this'.