
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Cómic
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52 Chs

Forced drama!


"Miyamura , you rock man."

"You totally have the talent , you will probably become one of the best . "

"Yeah , you should have joined us sooner".

Right now I was in basketball court , giving my trials for the selection.

I just had to defend against 3 players and score 10 points and I did, well it went too well and before the first half I actually score 30 points.

My 6 feet height and my natural speed helped alot . The agility I showed made our coach drop his jaw. Before starting the game I decreased my speed with the limiter more, as in the heat of the game I would probably have left only after image and , that could have caused chaos .

I was praised and cheered by many others from the stands.

Since I tied all my hairs for the first time in the school, I thought sensei will scold me for piercing but it didn't happened . However I have to wear sleevless jersey in practice after today thats why , I have to do something about my tattoos also.

'This is a hassle'.

[It's cool host. You can probably make a harem like this]

'I am already worried with two girls and you are asking the impossible'.

"Thank you guys. I hope I can help in the upcoming tournament." I said while wiping my sweat with a fresh towel .

I noticed someone approaching me and with the sweet smell of vanilla shampoo, I knew who she was.

"Hey Miyuki , you are still in the school". I said without turning back .

"Mohh..Izumi you forgot we have a date after school". She said after standing infront of me with a bulge on her cheek.

"Oh Ye-yeah . I didn't forgot , just didn't remembered". I said with a forced chuckle .

"That's the same thing . Anyway you were so cool right now when you were playing basketball. ". She said with bright eyes and her white cheeks were little red which gave me a refreshment after the tiring session.

"Oh is that so, then I have to perform better to look more cool in front of my girlfriend ." I said and moved my face closer to her .

"Umm..Iz-izumi ummm.." She was stammering as my face was about a inch apart from her.

Her face had a blush who can mesmerize any being alive.

"Are you nervous by any chance ?" I said and blew air near her right ear which made her shivered from head to toe.

"Izumi ...you are becoming mean." She said while rubbing her ear .

After some more flirting, we left the indoor court and were on the way collect our bags from our class. It was almost 3 , so we decided to go mall directly from here.

"Um , Miyuki I want to say something ." I said when we packed our books and was about to leave class.

"Yeah tell me ". She said and stopped where she was standing and faced my side with a smile on her face.

'Her smile is making me more nervous but I have to tell her...'

I told her everything about tutoring , test , festival , date and lastly the confession from Nino . All the time her mood was nothing different from usual one and on the contrary her smile grew even more.

''So what will you do from now on Izumi?"She asked while staring at me in anticipation.

"I am leaving this job as staying with her feels like ...." I was shot down by Miyuki.

" ...feels like you are cheating on me right?" She said without having a inch of sorrow or sadness.

'Does she really likes me ?' I thought as I really hoped somewhat jealous or sad reaction, but nothing.

"If you are thinking that I am happy about this situation, then I am not Izumi but why am I smiling right now because I have already talked Nino before, about this."She said while taking out her phone and showing me Nino' s calls history .

'They talk a lot.' I saw about a dozen of calls from each side and they were not less than an hour of duration in each one.

"We met each other when we were kids in a party and when her mother died , I went to her house once in a while but after she entered the junior high, she isolated herself totally." She said and this time , sadness was written on her face.

"She never let anyone near her , and I don't know how but the day after you saved me from the kidnapper , she texted me and said only one thing ' It's about Miyamura Izumi'." She was saying those things which I never have imagined in my wildest dreams.

'They were in contact since 5 days.'

"I was obviously thinking all about you, so naturally I grew more curious what she have to tell.i came to know , after her call that you are teaching her as a part time job . Then she told me everything about what was happening inside her mind and how her heart started beating fast whenever you near her. The funny thing was , all the things she was feeling was happening to me also.I knew ,like me she was also in love with you. I don't know how but she traced out that we are close to each other , that's why she contacted me and on Saturday she told me that she is going to confess to you tomorrow..." This time I shot her down

"...So you thought to confess first huh.So it was like that. You just didn't wanted to loose from Nino san and did what you did . Well it is not so surprising to know that the ice princess suddenly fell in love with a loner . " I said with a disappointed tone .

"No Izumi it's not..." She said with a shaky voice and on verge of tears.

"Yeah I know . And Miyuki let's leave the shopping for now, I have to help mom in bakery so see you tomorrow. Bye" I said and after grabbing my baf and jumped out of the window from second floor.

I heard her shouting me to stop but I didn't had so much capacity to accumulate all the things right now.

I rushed back to my apartment and saw nobody inside.

"Mannn..this suckkksss.." I threw my bag , coat and shirt on the floor.

"Enter dojo". I entered dojo without trying to think anything else.


*Swish * *Slash*

I don't know how much time I spent here but about two hours ago I got the notification that I have completed my daily quests and lot of notifications is pending.

Since my mind was already in a mess , I didn't wanted to check those rewards from my dungeon and focused on my training.

I destroyed all the levels of D rank killing drone.

The pain I was recieving was helping to forget the things happen an hour ago.

My whole body had red and black marks of bruises and clotted blood.

[Host it's already 6 hours]

"I need more training for next dungeon" I said while slashing my saber to try new combination but my body was betraying my efforts.

[Host your HP is less than 20 , you will collapse if it goes down than 10]

"Activate silent mind". I said to control my emotion as what Darbi said was concerning but my mind was telling me to go on .

I exhaled a lot of air and my mind calmed down a bit . I stored my saber back in the inventory and checked my body thoroughly.

"Three broken ribs, right shoulder is slightly dislocated and sprain in the left ankle". I said as checking those things weren't painful with 'silent mind.'

[Host , you should get some rest . Your body isn't ready for this much training yet]

'Yeah I also thought so.'

I came back to my room with wet pants as sweat was all over the place .

When I opened my eyes in my room , I saw two figure which made me a little startled even with my skill intact.

"What you guys doing at this time and why are you even in my room". I said to the two girls who were shocked like they saw ghost on my sudden entry.

"Huh..when did you..and Izumi you are hurt all over you body". Miyuki responded first and tried to approach me.

"Wait Miyuki I am soaked in sweat right now. Let me take a shower first." I said and left room with my clothes.

~In Izumi room~

After Izumi shut the door behind me , Nino woke up from her trance .

"How is he hurt everywhere. And he is still angry , I saw that what should we do Nino? " Miyuki asked Nino who had a crimson red face.

"Miyu ...did you see his body..kyaaaah...he is so hot..." Nino screamed and rolled on Izumi's bed .

"Wait..we are not here for that. We have to calm him down first and clear everything ." Miyuki also had a blush as she was also in a daze after she saw Izumi chiseled body for the first time but she knew what was the first priority at the time.

~Izumi POV:~

"Fuckkkk , why they are in my room . How mom could allow two girls ,like its nothing. And I don't have stamina to activate my silent mind again. No no..I have to gather my shit all together and face it ". I said while standing under the shower and thinking how to handle the situation.

I changed into a loose sleevless t shirt and boxers and returned to the room with lot of nervousness.

My mom was cheering me up and said she will listen to music so I am free to do anything.

'She is just enjoying my situation. Mom is so carefree'. I thought as I stood outside my room and opened the door slowly .

I saw the two sniffing perverts on my pillow and bedsheet and the shocking things was they were enjoying themselves like they found a treasure.

"Umm...what you g...

"AHHH I wasn't...oh Izumi you are back". Miyuki said and threw my pillow like a kid get caught in the act.

Nino was still sniffing tho.

"Nino he is here". Miyuki poked Nino and she finally reacted and stopped her act and sat on the bed .

"So why both of you here?" I asked and grabbed my watch to see the time.

'Its only 8 p.m. I guess dojo timing is now ahead of this world'.

"Izumi , why you ran that time? You never listened what I wanted to say and decided everything on your own." Miyuki said with a frown and Nino also made a serious expression which I had never saw.

"Miyuki ,my mind was in a mess and I didnt knew how to react on the situation. I mean you guys were in contact from a while and I started to wonder that you both just didn't wanted to loose to each other...." I said and sat on the chair infront of them.

"Izumi you are wrong. Totally wrong here. How can you be so fool . Miyuki loved you from the day you saved her in the shrine and she told me that. I came to like you after you started teaching me. I found about you guys when I saw you both under same umbrella. That's why I contacted Miyuki as I knew you both were in love to each other ,so I have to tell her in the first place before confessing it to you .You are just overthinking nothing else ." Said Nino while she grabbed Miyuki hand who was crying like a baby.

"Sniff* And I thought if *sniff* Nino confess to you and you guys start dating then I ..what I will do . That's why I proposed you before her. It was not a rushed decision however I wanted to make my confession special." Miyuki said while wiping the tears from her face.

I stood up and sat between the two and held their hands .

"Miyuki don't cry. I told you it hurts me when I see you breaking down like this.And I am sorry too. I drew the wrong conclusion myself and made the situation a mess . Please forgive me." I said and rubbed her hairs gently.

Miyuki hugged me tightly .

After some minutes she seperated herself and looked at me with red eyes .

"Ah now one thing I want to ask. Where did you got that bottle out of nowhere in the festival and how you teleported yourself in the room. And how can you get that much bruises and cuts when you were inside the room. Since we saw your bag and shirt when we came here that means you were in the house , so don't try to lie my dear sensei ?" Nino asked the topic which I didn't wanted to anwer right now.

[Host it's a long day , don't you think]

'It is Darbi , it is '. I sighed along with Darbi.