
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Cómic
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52 Chs

First upgrade!


The figure of the creature finally came into clear view after a minute. From the bizzare footsteps , I already knew that the size of the creature would be abnormal but the most surprising thing was my second target actually came out on its own.

The armadillo infront of me had some similarities compared to the original armadillo I have saw on the T.V but only two things made me genuinely believe that I am in a different world right now.

First the enormous size of the armadillo which can be compared to a mammoth of ancient time or twice the size of a regular elephant .

Second the huge iron plates which was covering the whole body of the giant being except for the portion around its innocent face just same as regular armadillo.

'I gues i can extract the plates without killing it.' I sighed in relief .

[The iron plates is the pride of armadillo so you have to restraint it ]

'I had figured that much already'. I took out my staff from the inventory while thinking about using brute force as my blades had a little chance to be able to scratch through it.

I took the tall staff in my hand and swirl it around before taking the fighting stance .

The armadillo had a aloof gaze toward me from the start but after it saw me getting equipped all of a sudden, the gaze turned into glare mixed with furiousness in it.

The armadillo started it hefty steps toward me but it's movements were too slow even compared to a tortoise so I took the initiative to attack first.

I sprinted toward it and jumped high in the air ,when I was about 10 meter away.

My jump was higher than the height of the creature so I got the time to adjust my body for an impactful landing.

I swirled my staff again in a cool way and positioned its butt toward the top most iron plates.


The armadillo was totally oblivious of my presence as it was searching me in the surroundings so when my attack connected on its back , a huge squeal of pain and surprise , roar came from its mouth.


A huge crack in the iron plate was visible where I landed , deforming the shining plate in two parts.

'I have to adjust my strength without the limiter'. I sighed before activating the second part of my plan.

'Activate Thunder Clap'. I activated the effect of the staff immediately, before the armadillo starts running an amok.

A transparent white semicircular field started forming from the top of my staff and within a couple of second it covered the whole body of armadillo and some part of the surrounding also.

Electricity and vibration was sensible to my instincts but I didn't felt any harm from them at all but that wasn't true for the armadillo as its legs lost its strength and the huge body collapsed powerlessly on the ground with the huge roar dying down each second.

After 10 second the field disappeared with a *TNNN* sound and the scene infront told me about the true power of my weapon.

The trees were burnt and destroyed at the same time and nothing was left beside a huge black patch around us like a huge fireball landed on the spot .

The armadillo was in crucial state but still alive , fortunately.

I used my strength to remove the plates however it was very much difficult to do it with my bare hands but in the end I took out two iron plates , completely exhausting my stamina . It took me about 4 hours to slowly detach the plates from its body.


[Collected materials

1. Armadillo plates - 2/2

2. Wild boar leather - 1/1]


[Instant dungeon ]

[Collect material for metal knives]

[Status: Complete]

[Reward: 10 additional attribute ]

"Huh, I got reward and more to that additional attribute , is this for real.' I said in excitement as getting more attributes will help me in my next dungeon.

[I told you , instant dungeons are not something to take lightly ]

'Hah, you are right but now what should I do with the material?' I said while crossing the smoky gate and entering back inside the ameliorate.

[Pour your mana and follow your instincts]

I inhaled unhurriedly and calmed my panting nerves .I felt my whole body surging with mana which I filled myself with before coming back. I touched the anvil and my metal knives and released my mana toward it.

The anvil accepted my mana but metal knives showed some resistance first but in the end I managed to connect myself with them.

I opened my eyes with a huge grin on my face as suddenly I got the idea what I had to do.

The furnace was already at its highest temperature so I took out the baking jars and placed my metal knives it it.

After putting the plates of armadillo in the flames, the metal started melting. I waited and prepared the other thing.

I took out a small bucket and poured some water in it and placed it on the other tray beside my blades to boil it.

After that , I threw the body leather of boar in the water .

I took out my flame heated knives which were ready to be hammered.

Its colour were crimson red which was really astonishing. I took the cup in which the metal was being melted and poured it cautiously on my blade.


A hissing sound was released with some smoke from the blade and after first blade was done ,I put the jar of armadillo metal back in flames and started my crafting on the first blade with a small hammer .


The flames were heating my body but thanks to heat resistance I managed it somehow and continued my hammering.


Slowly and steadily, I reformed the blade to the desired shape which was resounded in my mind as soon I poured my mana into it. My metal knives gave me the idea on how it could be upgraded, like it has its own life. I was surprised but felt happy that my weapons are cooperative.


After 30 minutes on each blades a new short knives were formed . The straight blade was slightly curved upward . I took out the leather which was fully boiled and pasted it into the handle and let it cool for another 30 minutes .


[Weapon Upgrade]

[Metal knives]

[Grade: Classless -> F]

[New effect : none]


[Hidden Quest!]

[Upgrade one weapon on your own]

[Reward: 1. 1000 exp

2. Skill- Wisdom]


[Level up!]

[New magic element is now available!]

"Damn, this is the true fruits of my hardwork I was looking for". I said while literally jumping in joy.

I took my knives and looked it as I have bought something new. The hilt had a brown colour stripped belt and the blade was shining like water puddle in the sun.

I slashed it in the air and beside the after image it was leaving behind, nothing was different.

"Well it was originally classless so it's okay".

I rubbed my back of head and kept the knives back in inventory.

"Let's see the new element".

[Magic element]

[Saint blessing]

[Grade : B ]

[Consumption: 90 MP]

[Cost: 50000]

[Effect: User will recieve the healing abilities of heavens saints and would be able to heal mortal illness and injuries.]

(Note: It take 3 hours to get fully inherit the skill . This skill is upgradable upto class SSS)

"I have enough coins so let's buy it". I said before placing my order


[One item added to Inventory]

[Magic element orb]

[Grade: B]

I took out the green orb immediately and burst it in my hand. The first element took 30 minutes for inheritance so I knew higher level magic will take more time.

I came back in my room at 7 p.m . Mom was at home and dad was also coming back tomorrow as he was threatened by his wife repeatedly.

'Poor dad.' I sighed and dashed toward kitchen to fetch an instant noodles pack but on my toes.

"*Ahem* Izumi , you are eating those noodles again." My mom said with a cold tone making me drop the cup instantly.

I picked up the cup back and before turning toward mom , I said in a serious tone.

"Mom do you know, cup noodles can stick inside the intestine and block the digestion completely?" I said with the most hefty tone I could have mustered.

"And you are still eating it ". She said with a concerned tone this time .

"It's unhealthy that's why I am obliterating its existence. Bye~" I said and sprinted back to my room before she could erupt.

While I was slurping noodles in my room I opened my skills tab from the menu . The new skill which I got as a reward was truly unexpected. I learnt it without a second thought.


[Host acquired new skill!]


[Wisdom ]

[Level : 1 ]

[Consumption: None]

[Effect: User can share memories and knowledge with others. The shared memories can't be altered but it can be trimmed.]

[Shared entities: 0/12]

(Note: The trimming of memories depend on host intelligence. The level could be increased with the intelligence which will eventually increase the available slot of entities to which host can share their wisdom to]

"Hoh it's nice. Darbi , can you elaborate the hidden characteristics of this skill?" I asked her as I knew that this skill is complicated more than it seemed.

[With pleasure~First , you can't take information from someone else and only can give them. Second, once you shared a memory with a person an entity will be registered so you can increase the quantity of memories of the same entity in the future also without increasing the alloted slot. Third, you can give someone your wisdom but the given thing can't be taken back unless they forget about it naturally.]

"That's a whole lot of information. Anyway thanks ". I said and threw the empty cup in the dustbin.

"I guess I should check on those mafia guys until Nino returns". I realised that I haven't paid visit to the the gang which attacked and destroyed our vacation.

Since Nino would be back during midnight , I decided to meet her tomorrow and laze around, but suddenly I recieved a notification.


[Optional Quest!]

[Save the Beauty]

[Visit the Dundon Clock tower]

[Time : 20 minutes]

[Reward : Hidden]

[Penalty : None]

"Hmm, optional but wait Dundon Clock tower in 20 minutes , Fuckkk". I exclaimed and jumped out of my window after activating stealth to not get reported as a suicidal case.

"Darbi lift the speed limiter". My speed flashed in an instant and I dashed toward the last station around 35 km away from my house .

When I was hopping through the buildings to avoid the people and vehicles , I asked Darbi.

'So there are rejectable quests too".

[That's what the name suggests. And host you are leaving craters behind]

On her call I stopped my foot and realised that there was actually a crater formed about 40 cm in diameter.

"Fuck , am I landing this hard".

[Your strength is increasing as much you are practicing so you better watch out ]

I smiled wryly and in 18 minutes reached the big clock tower located in the middle of a local colony. The clock tower is famous for its haunted story and most recent news was some of the local gang members have made the tower their base. Obviously, no one was found when police surveyed .

I searched for the beauty I came to save , hurriedly but I found no one. A minute passed still no one was out there as it was already late in night, only some people were strolling around.

I checked all the alleys nearby but didn't found anything however when another minute passed I heard a faint scream about 300 m away in the north and like that I failed my first quest after the rebirth.