
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Cómic
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52 Chs

First Dungeon 1!

After coming back home with a whole lot of things about what happened some minutes ago , were making me shiver in exitement and happiness.

'Shiittt,,, Shiba san asked my number...'

I danced in complete happiness here and there for few minutes as I recalled all the words and gesture I have heard and saw today.

'Christmas arrived early for me this year'.

After few more minutes I went to change my clothes .

Since I wanted to explore my first dungeon today, I thought it will be better to finish my daily quests first as I don't know how much time it will take to complete one dungeon even it is classless ,it was still a dungeon with no fairy singing hymns but filled with monsters roaring.


'This rain will probably last long'.

I decided to leave the running quest for now as the rain was in full swing and there was a slight chance that it will stop, some time soon.

I changed into my trousers and a over sized blue t shirt as I felt more comfortable during workout in loose clothing.

I went inside the dojo after eating light salad and garlic bread for lunch .

Mom always prepared my lunch even sometime dinner before leaving for bakery in the morning .

Today I had to train for one and a half hour and the time gap between the original world and dojo also reduced by 30 minutes.

'I guess my exp matters more than level when it comes to time gap huh.'.

Since the system was giving me free exp time after time ,my exp bar was filling without me doing any extra work. I needed 200 exp this time to level up and I already had 38 exp as bonus from the system.

I bought the armor from the inventory which cost 800 ,my precious coins from my vault.

'I hope it is worth it'.


[Bulking Buffalo]

[Grade : F]

[Effect: User's hp will increase by 50 units and the chance of getting vital hit is reduced by 5%]

After my purchase I wore the gray somewhat ragged armour over my t shirt and surprisingly it got soaked in and disappeared completely.

"Hey! This is pretty cool and it doesn't weigh much".

[This is the invisibility effect which is applied for any accessory bought from the system shop but Host remember ,if the armour recive great damage, then the invisibility effect might not work].

" Thank you for the info ..ah yes can you tell me your name ,it's odd to call you a system even you are a fairy".

[Sure its #TheQueenOfNightmare.]



[It's Darbi]

"You are a true Otaku aren't you"


[Correct! That's why I was appointed for a host like you!]

'Why you sound so depressed about it ..'

I practices some hand combat combination and did some thigh kick boxing all while wearing the protective gear to increase my stamina.

I gave about an hour on my slashing methods and bluffing combination with the two knives on the wooden practice dolls . I wanted to increase my proficiency with my only weapons before I enter the dungeon.


[Daily Quest!]

[Practice your skill in dojo for 90 minutes]

[Status : Complete]

I started lifting dumbbells and weight bars for the strength training without much break as the time gap between the two worlds were making me run out of schedule .

After 10 minutes and lifting a bar of 50 kg for very few time another notification arrived.


[Daily Quests]

[Lift 800 kgs in total]

[Status :Complete]

[Remaining :1]

[Time remaining: 2 hours]

"Shit it's already 6 p.m in the outside world , I have to do something about the sprints".

I came back to my room with body overflowing with sweat but my body wasn't tired at all even after two hours of continuous training .

I changed my upper wear and wore a jacket and dashed toward the streets.

The rain stopped luckily before I came back from the dojo so I ran for 10 minutes in full pace and recived a notification even before I started to ran out of breathe .


[Daily Quest]

[Run for 5 km in one attempt ]

[Status : Complete]

[Remaining : 0]

[Reward: 75 exp, 1000 coins and a marking spray]

(Note: Marking spray is sent directly to host's inventory . Exp and coins will be added to the status.)

'Marking spray ? Well I should go back home first.'

I jogged back home and reached at 6.30 .

'It seems mom isn't back yet'.

I took a shower , ate a full bowl of ramen and even packed some instant ramen and a mini kettle inside my inventory.

I changed into comfortable joggers and and a white t shirt . And packed two pairs of clothes just in case .

'Inventory is op in its own sense'.

[It does have a limit host and you can't keep a living object inside the inventory]

"Yeah I know ,you told me already before ."

I wrote a note for my mom that I will be staying at my friend's house today so she won't get worried .

At 7 p.m I was ready with my weapons in my hand just in case of surprise attack , to enter the dungeon.

"Wait where do I put this key".

I was holding the dungeon key between my index and thumb finger and my knives in the left hands, wondering about the important matter in hand.

[Dungeon key upto class C could be used at any regular door, just put the key near the key hole. ]

"And what about keys above class C?"

[From Class B to Class X , a designated place will be provided with the key where it can be usable.]

" Grade X , hmm that's something new. Well I have to know many things about this system yet ,so for now here I go".

I put the key near my main door of the apartment and despite of key entering the key hole , it's end changed into a skeletal hand and immediately twisted the door knob .

I was shocked and creeped as the same time watching the weird scenario but what's more shocking was my locked door opened slightly and rather than a scene of apartment corridor , it was complete dark outside .

'Now this is something interesting'.

I brimmed with excitement and stepped outside or I can say inside of the dungeon for the first time.


[ You have entered a dungeon!]