
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Cómic
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52 Chs


"I will introduce myself , Outsider. I am Nidhan Chefron , the youngest child of the family. Now back to the point , if you want my father's and almighty Dragon king's blood then you have to win it or you better return empty hand". The man said with pure elegance mixed with arrogance , like a noble young master.

The king and queen had different looks on their faces.

The king had a smirk on his face which showed that he was also willing to this and queen had her brows frown .

'Maybe she is worried'. I giggled and replied.

"I accept as recieving such a treasure as what The King told me, without any decent struggle would have hurt my pride. " I said what I really thought as recieving such gold with just recieving some pressure was like collecting dragon balls with ultra instict.( ref .DBS )

"Hoh, so weaklings also know words like pride and self respect huh. Not bad". He said and I felt his mana enveloping his body slowly.

"It's better to mock with our hands rather than mouth don't you think?" I said while pulling out my staff from inventory.

And after narrowing his gaze in anger , he disappeared but I got a hold of the technique they were using after watching it third time so I knew , they didn't disappeared just hid their mana and moved on their feet in a speed which was incatchable to human eyes.

'You are unlucky prince that I am not much of a human".

3rd Person POV:

Izumi pierced his staff on his back side only to get it caught by the hands of prince.

"So you saw through my movements , intresting. But you have to do a lot more than this ". Nidhan said disappeared again and this time Izumi didn't caught his presence at all.

Izumi started checking his surroundings actively but he found nothing , suddenly a cold sweat dripped down his spine followed by a punch on his back.

The force of the punch was so devastating that Izumi was blown away and got crashed on the wall.

'He is strong' . Izumi thought .

'Activate Stealth' Izumi shouted in his mind and soon the both contender disappeared from the arena.

It didn't took long before another punch fell on Izumi ribs and he was again sent flying toward the entrance.

This time he spat some blood too with his 2 ribs , broken . His stealth wasn't working against Nidhan as the skill already stated that it won't work against the beings with higher perception.

"So that's it huh. You are more weaker than I thought". Nidhan mocked Izumi who was coughing while crouching down.

'Activate Saint's blessing'. he healed himself and started thinking for the best way to fight the monster.

He depleted a lot of mana and accumulating mana again in his body requires time which he didn't had.

He stuffed his staff back in the inventory and called for another skill.

'Activate Buff berserk'.

[Activated Buff berserk]

[All stats would be increased by 20 ]

[Time remaining: 10 minutes]

He suddenly felt strength rushing in his veins and perception soaring skies.

He suddenly vanished from his site and with a ferocious speed leaped toward an unguarded Nidhan.

Nidhan got surprised on the unexpected development and even with his extraordinary reflexes he couldn't dodged the round hose kick of Izumi.

Izumi kicked Nidhan's face brutally and before he could get slammed on the wall , Izumi appeared at his back and stabbed his staff (which he pulled out less than a second from the inventory) on Nidhan's vital point near his medulla.

*Kwhwak* Nidhan face distorted as even the dragons had the toughest skin Izumi have ever faced, the vital points were still vulnerable to his precise techniques of staff wielding.

"Now it's time to end the game ". Nidhan gained his posture less than a minute after spitting out some drops of blood .

Nidhan's body started emitting extreme mana which was comparable to the aura he faced from King when he was ordered to kneel down.

Even with that , Izumi didn't felt killing intent from Nidhan and started to prepare for his next attack.

Izumi had mana left to use only magic attack and after that he would be sucked dried and before he could charge himself with mana, Nidhan would defeat him without a doubt.

'We are equal on strength but his speed...' Izumi concluded as Nidhan again disappeared from his sight and Izumi could only feel a tiniest faint of after image.

"Fwooo" Izumi inhaled air and closed his eyes.

'Focus'. Izumi thought and focused on the mana which was flowing faintly near him.Darbi already told him that his compatibilty with mana is exceptional so he relied on his senses rather than his eyes.

Suddenly he felt something approaching him from the front.

With quick easy steps , he angled his body and Nidhan passed through Izumi.

Izumi hit the sensitive point near Nidhan's calves and knee joints to paralyze Nidhan and as expected Nidhan stumbled and got crashed to the Minister seat from which minister already disappeared a long ago.

Izumi knew that he had less time so he didn't waited and approached him with ferocious speed.

"Huekk" Izumi tapped lightly near his collar bone and heart. Since Nidhan came here without any preparation, he didn't had any armour nor he covered himself with defensive magic.(He can't use it but can borrow it ).

"Kwaahk* This time Nidhan spat out a mouthful of blood.

In eyes of others, Izumi was only tapping his staff's butt on Nidhan's body occasionally but only a true expert can tell that Izumi was only hitting those spots where a living being were so vulnerable .

'Magnificent' King Bali thought while smiling faintly as the god of war loved sparing and watching two youth fighting infront made him look forward to the day when he could fight Izumi as an equal and worthy opponent

"Dear~ we should stop them. Nidhan is nearing his limit. He might go berserk any moment now". The queen said in a low tone with her brows frown but Bali only kept his calm and watched the spar happily.

*Rumble* And it happened.

Whenever a dragon race looses their calm in a battle , the battle itself becomes drug to them and allure them to go berserk and destroy whatever comes infront.

A sudden change happened to Nidhan. His body started rising in height and his nails transformed into claws with nails extending upto 10 cm in length. His tail which was silent until now was waging in rage.

The eyes of the man or to say beast were red which made Izumi drop sweat but not in fear but excitement. Izumi lips curled in a smile as he hadn't fought with anyone except for the kraken which gave him goosebumps until now .

When dragon king saw the temperament of Izumi even after Nidhan went on berserk, his smile also rised up and unconsciously he clench his fist in stimulation.

'Activate clear mind'.

*Growl* Nidhan growled like a fierce beast and after walking in an arc, he jumped in the air. This time his speed was easily catchable, but still the strength he enhanced was slightly different from before.

*BANN* The floor where Izumi was standing ,changed into a crater after Nidhan landed there. Naturally Izumi drifted from there as getting smashed by a half human foot would be life threatening even for Izumi.

Izumi was feeling killing intent from Nidhan so he knew it is not a normal spar anymore. He would have taken out his Sabers but penetrating that skin was nearly impossible so he sticked with his staff for now .

'I have to end it soon .'

Izumi ran toward the already approaching Nidhan and as a distraction threw his staff on the ground. Nidhan fumbled a bit but the trajectory of his pace didn't changed and he wildly dashed toward Izumi.

The staff after getting hit on the ground , bounced back flatly in the air and with quick steps Izumi jumped and grabbed it .

He used all ounce of his stamina in his quickest attack and after gripping his staff he immediately pushed it toward Nidhan forehead.

Obviously the lightning speed which Izumi extracted by pushing his limits was too much even for Nidhan to handle and the butt of staff easily touched his forehead.

'Activate Thunder Clap'. Izumi activated the weapon effect as soon the staff came in contact with Nidhan skin.

A huge ball of thunder and vibration engulfed the area. Nidhan was in the centre of it so he recieved the most damage .

"Hhaaaaa". A scream from his mouth left out .

The vibration lasted for 10 second and Nidhan was threw at the entrance of palace with smoke emitting from his body.

'Buff berserk deactivated'. At the same time his remaining period of berserk skill exhausted out.


Smoke and dust was rising near the entrance where Nidhan crashed .

"Fueeeh I thought it won't end ...." Izumi thought came to a pause when he saw that Nidhan was not there after the dust subdued.

Izumi eyes went wide as he thought that his final attack would have done the job.

*Slash* Suddenly he felt warm near his torso and a liquid flowing down his leg.

Without his notice, Nidhan slashed his claw on his abdomen.

Nidhan's rage was on its peak and Izumi has just lost his enhancement and without that Izumi wasn't able to even see Nidhan's movements.

Izumi didn't thought much of the wound as a slight distraction could cause much more fatal wound to him.

After jumping back to make some distance between them , he steadily made a fighting stances and tried to dodge Nidhan's furious attacks.

*Slash * Stab*

Many attack flew toward Izumi but he wasn't able to dodge even half of them.

His back , stomach , legs, thighs every thicker part of his body were wounded but luckily Izumi dodged the attack which was about to land on his vital parts which could have killed him.

After one minute of one sided assault, Izumi was in a complete mess. This was the first time he faced such condition in his both lives . Blood was flowing all over his body with his clothes tattered in rugs and face distorted that normal human would vomit after a glance.

Queen had tension all over her face and even king Bali thought that this was going overboard but before he could stood up to stop them , a sudden movement of Izumi stunned everybody in the hall and the most astonished , was the reciever .

Izumi bare fist made a hole in Nidhan's chest and the movement were so fluent that even Dragon King was a surprised.

[Skill Last Resort in use']

[All stats will rise by 20%]

[Time limit : 1 minute]


Izumi POV :

'Where am I ?' I thought as I opened my eyes and found that I was in a familiar surrounding.

'How I came back in dojo and what happened to my quest. Fuck it hurts'. I frowned as my entire body was aching . The last thing I remember was a sudden notification in my head about a skill activation but since I lost my consciouness, I really don't recall anything about what happened after that.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

I opened my eyes and saw a familiar figure sitting beside me with her eyes dyed red and face full of tears .

"Mi..Miyuki? " I muttered in a faint voice after I saw Miyuki . She didn't heard me and continued rubbing my hands to warm me up.

Her face showed how much she cried and made me realise how idiot I am .

'But how she came without my permission?' I thought on which I got an answer from the person I was thinking about the most some minutes ago.

[I summoned her , host]

'Darbi ....

[Keep your talks for later. This child has been taking care of you since 8 hours . Atleast reassure her first]

'TF? 8 hours?'

"Miyuki it's okay. I am awake now".

"I... Izumi". She said with faint sound and tears started welling again in her beautiful big eyes.

"Fwaaahhhh". She started crying like a child and hugged me tightly.

"I am sorry for worrying you." I apologised as I knew how much it is painful to see someone you love, dying infront of you.

"I , i th..tho..."

"Shh it's okay. I am fine now. " I helped her to calm down with my body roaring in pain.

I don't know why but this was the first time my body was begging me out of misery .

'Darbi what happened to me and what about the instant dungeon. I want to know everything so please...' I asked her after calming Miyuki down for 15 minutes.

My upper body has many cut marks but no blood was there as a bucket and cloth near us told me what could have happened.

[This might shock you but you actually attacked Dragon King]
