
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Cómic
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52 Chs

Another anime , seriously!


"30th floor , high security apartment and tutoring a Nakano . I have a feeling of something unbelievable thing going to happen". I muttered while exiting the elevator .

*Ding * Dong*. I pressed the doorbell nervously.

*Click*. After just five second the door opened and what I was thinking striked the reality.

'Pink long hair, blue eyes, black butterfly ribbons , title Nakano . She is definitely her'. I didn't spoke loud but I knew whome I was standing in front of.

"Come inside" After checking me from head to toe , the girl said in a arrogant tone.

After I entered the flat, what I saw was marvelous. A huge living room probably two times of my whole house came into my vision.

I didn't checked much as the girl infront of me was a bit more concerning.

After we sat on the floor with a study table in between , she spoke.

"So you are my new teacher. You don't look like a university student. Are you sure you didn't lied to my father" She said while narrowing her eyes and doubtful face.

'She is sharp but..'

"Yes I am and it doesn't matter Nakano san , what is my age . If I can teach you well and get your marks improve then that's it, don't you think?" I said .

"Nino . You can call me Nino , sensei." She smiled refreshingly and stood up.

"Please wait I will bring something for you" She said while leaving toward the kitchen probably.

'Darbii....what the fuck is this. Another anime how is it even possible'.

[Why are you shouting like this even you just checked her ass right now.]


[Geez calm down host. You remember when the Supreme One asked you about the wish and you thought about the girl you wanted in your world]

'Yeah I just thought about Miy.....Shit..'

[Yeah now you remember host. When you thought about the girl you like , there was a just a blink of thought of this pink head also .So God added her in this world just in case u want change your preference ].

' That's what happened. My mind was in chaos at that time but still...'

Nino Nakano was the second priority in my most loved Waifu list that's why my mind diverted at the time of making wish.

"Please have these cookies , they are home made". She came back with a glass of water and a small plate of cookies with different kind of shapes.

'Its still weird that she doesn't have siblings . ' I said while sipping the water as my throat was dry after yelling, in my mind tho.

After just a second she banged her hand on the table and yelled.

"How are you still awake." She asked while widening her big blue eyes in disbelief.

"Oh so you did drugged the water huh. Not bad but I have a high endurance Nino san" I chuckled as I remembered that she drugged the Male lead of the anime ,also on his first day.

"That's not possible . Tell me how you do that"

"That's not important . Tell me Nino san , why do you hate a tutor this much?" I asked while munching the cookies.

'Its good.'

"I don't want to answer and I don't want to study either so even you are my tutor don't expect anything from me." She said while crossing her arms and enhancing the already big mounds under her white shirt.

'WTF I am thinking'. I knocked my perverted thoughts aside.

"Nino san I know you don't like to be around strangers and I can guess why is that, but your father is concerned for you more than you can expect". I said while staring at her, with a serious look.

"Dont talk to me like you know me . If you can guess that I don't like being around strangers then don't teach me and go away" She said while standing to leave.

"Nino san wait".

I also stood up and blocked her path . Now we were standing at a hand distance.

Her eyes went wide and she bit her lower lip.

"One week. If you don't like my company and pass the test at the end of week I will not show my face in front of you again . But if you fail then you have to study obediently". I said .

"What if I don't want to agree any of these and just ask my father to change my tutor ?" She said with a smug face and raising her head to match my eyes.

"Then what about a reward. If you pass the test then I will do whatever you want me to for a day but yes not something illegal". I said as I really wanted this job and I knew about Nino personality from my previous life memory.

[Lover Quest]

[Get on the good side of your student]

[Status: Complete ]

[Reward: Dungeon Key]

(Note: The reward is transferred directly to the host inventory)


[New item added to inventory]

[Dungeon key]

[Grade : E]

'So my trick worked huh' .

"Done and don't go back on your words . " She said while offering her hands with a sweet smile.

"Yes ofcourse I will but for this week don't play prank on me again" I said while I grabbed her small hand.

"Sure. Then again I will be in your care sensei".She bowed while cluching her fist with a victorious look I didn't knew why.


'Darbi two things ,I want to ask' .I asked while sitting on the train seat, going back to my home.

[Yes host ]

'How her drug didn't worked on me '

[You can resist any type of drug, venom or poison available on this planet except for some . But yes your Hp will drop eventually according to the poison level]

'Got it. And other thing the dungeon key I received is class E . The previous one was Classless yet I had so much difficulties. Do you think I am ready'.

[No host . Your death is exceeding 70% if you were to enter with your current weapon and stats.]

'So I have to raise stats huh. Let's see I had 150 available stats points and I can use it on my strength and stamina and also ....'

[Umm...host one thing]

'Yeah tell me ' I said while exiting the train with lots of people around.

[The required level to access magic element section is level 7 and you are at currently level 6 . You just need 200 exp to level up]

I paused for a second however I was pushed by the crowd so I again resumed my walk in excitement.

'That means I can access magic element if I do daily task for two days.....'.

I clecnched my fist and started walking down the streets.

[Host dont forget you can' t access your stats in your home world and without the access you won't be able to increase your intelligence and there is only a gust of magic available in this world]

'And because of that I won't be able to practice much magic huh.'

[Same goes for your S rank skill]

' Sword dance ? I am planning to learn it after getting some experience in battle as I don't know why but I think that skill is somewhat important and will help me a lot in future'.

[You got that right . It indeed is a reliable skill]

I returned home and told mom about the part time job on which she obviously scolded me and gave me a concerned look.

"Izumi , you could have asked extra allowance if you needed but why you are wasting your precious high school life when you can enjoy it". She said with same concerned look which I don't like to see my mom with.

"Mom it's okay and I will be tutoring only one student. The pay is very generous and I have free time so why not ." I said while taking her hand in mine to reassure her .

"Alright but if I see you getting overworked then I will call your employer directly . Your mom has her own connection so don't take me lightly okay." She said with confidence.

"Yes mom I know. "

I chuckled and after sometime we enjoyed our peaceful dinner.