
Rebirth:I'm A Favourite With Them

"How could the biological daughter of the Lin family turn out like this?" "She spent the first eighteen years of her life in the slums, mingling with hoodlums and turning into a little thug herself. Even after returning to the Lin family, she couldn't shake off her base nature. Fighting, skipping school, and now she even wants to steal Saira's fiancé." --- Zuri, who grew up in the slums, was finally recognized by her biological parents at the age of eighteen. She thought her hardships had come to an end, only to find that life in a wealthy family was the beginning of another nightmare. Yearning for familial love, she became the easy target of bullying within the social circle. Under the repeated schemes of the adopted daughter Saira, she became the disgrace in her parents' eyes, enduring endless torment, and ultimately met her demise at the hands of the cousin she trusted the most. Reborn with hatred back to the age of eighteen, Zuri was determined to make those who once harmed her pay the price and reclaim what was rightfully hers. However, by chance, she discovered she wasn't her parents' biological daughter. Shockingly, the formidable financial magnate, the world-renowned genius doctor, and the heartthrob actor adored by countless women were all her real brothers. In this lifetime, Zuri, who had never been loved, was spoiled endlessly by her brothers. Yet, the eldest young master of the top family in the capital, Leo, declared, "My wife, I'll pamper her myself."

Jax2025 · Ciudad
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220 Chs

Chapter 219

Zuri thought about Shen Menglai and the looks of anger on the faces of the girls she passed on her way. A shiver ran down her spine.


Once again, she felt the power of Owen's charm.


She had attended his concert before and knew he was popular, but now she realized she had underestimated just how famous he really was.


As Zuri walked along, she felt that anyone who looked at her had some hidden motive.


The morning classes ended without incident, which allowed Zuri to breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed no one recognized her as the person in the photo. As long as the situation calmed down, this whole matter would blow over.


Xu Zexi turned to look at Zuri and suddenly said, "Zuri, your eyes look a lot like Owen's rumored girlfriend's eyes."


His comment instantly drew attention from all around.


Every Owen fan in earshot fixed their eyes on Zuri's.


Zuri's heart skipped a beat. "Do they?"


Another male student added, "Now that you mention it, they really do look similar."


Zuri's lips twitched. "What a coincidence!"


Shen Menglai squinted her eyes, staring intently at Zuri. And indeed, they did look very much alike.


"They do look alike, but it can't be her," Shen Menglai said.


Zuri sighed with relief, but before she could fully relax, she heard Shen Menglai continue, "Zuri may be beautiful, but she's not the type my Jing-ge likes."


The girl next to her echoed the sentiment.


"Exactly. Zuri is pretty, but not pretty enough to win over my idol. Hmph, whoever that little vixen is, she'd better not let me find out who she is."


"If I find out, I'll scratch her face up so bad she'll never dare seduce my idol again."


Zuri's mouth twitched as she listened to their crazed words.


She resolved to avoid Owen in the future.


Meeting him was too dangerous; it could be life-threatening.


In the cafeteria, Azura and Zuri sat in a corner eating. Azura couldn't help but say, "It's a good thing that paparazzo didn't get a shot of your face, or you'd be done for."


Not just done for—she'd be skinned alive.


"What is your brother going to do about it? Issue a statement or just let it blow over?"


"Let it blow over."


Issuing a statement would likely just make things worse.


Azura thought about it and agreed. "Yeah, you're right. Once the hype dies down, it'll all be over."


After lunch, the two walked out of the cafeteria.


At the same time, An Ruoxi and her roommates were just leaving the cafeteria next door.


"Ruoxi, what did the fan club president say? Does Ge really have a girlfriend?" one of the roommates asked.


Ever since they saw the news that morning, none of them had been able to concentrate on their classes or enjoy their meals.


In their minds, Owen belonged to everyone, not just one person.


Whoever dared to take him away would not be forgiven.


To outsiders, this might seem insane, but among fans—especially those who considered themselves "girlfriend fans"—the sense of ownership was even stronger.


An Ruoxi was one of the most prominent of those "girlfriend fans."


"There's no news," An Ruoxi replied, her face dark and her spirits low.


A roommate couldn't help but speculate, "Could it be that they know something but just aren't telling us?"


"I doubt it."


"Why hasn't Ge issued a statement or posted on social media?"


"Why won't he just clarify things on social media? Could it be, like some are speculating, that he's tacitly admitting it?"


An Ruoxi immediately dismissed the idea. "Impossible! If Jing-ge really had a girlfriend, there's no way I wouldn't know."


The three roommates saw her expression darken and didn't dare say any more.


If they kept talking, An Ruoxi might explode.


They liked Owen a lot, but An Ruoxi's obsession with him bordered on madness.


"It could be photoshopped," one of the roommates suggested, trying to comfort her.


"Exactly. There are so many unscrupulous media outlets out there that will do anything for a headline. Who knows, we might see his studio issue a legal letter in a couple of days."


"Owen-ge is known for being clean-living. There's no way he'd be easily swayed by some little vixen."


With the roommates taking turns comforting her, An Ruoxi's expression improved slightly.


Suddenly, An Ruoxi caught sight of a figure that felt too familiar.


She took off in pursuit.


The three roommates were puzzled, but fearing for her safety, they followed.


Soon, the group rounded a volleyball court and spotted two women walking side by side up ahead. One of them was Zuri.


"Ruoxi, what's wrong?"


An Ruoxi narrowed her eyes at Zuri's back. "Who is she?"


"I know. She's the new campus beauty, Zuri."


"Is there something wrong with her?" someone asked.


Walking ahead, Zuri clearly felt the intense gaze from behind. She turned around and met An Ruoxi's eyes.


Azura noticed and suspiciously turned around as well.


The look in An Ruoxi's eyes made her think of Owen's rumored girlfriend's eyes.


The resemblance was uncanny.




When Azura turned around, An Ruoxi's pupils contracted as she recognized the distinct makeup on Azura's face. Her heart pounded furiously.


Those two...


An Ruoxi suddenly remembered the time she visited the set in Shanghai and waited outside with a group of fangirls. Back then, there was a girl who was escorted into the set by Owen's people.


Those two girls in front of her now—they were the same ones!


It's them. It's really them!


An Ruoxi finally realized why Zuri had seemed so familiar from the start. She had seen her before in Shanghai.


Shanghai, Owen...


Rumored girlfriend, identical eyes...


These words spun in her mind until a terrifying, unbearable truth surfaced.


Zuri was Owen's rumored girlfriend!


The roommates noticed An Ruoxi staring blankly at Zuri, her expression odd.


"Ruoxi, what's wrong?"


An Ruoxi snapped back to reality and marched directly toward Zuri.


Zuri saw the woman approaching and frowned slightly.


"Do you know her?" Azura asked curiously.


"No, but she seems to know me."


"Most people on campus know who you are," Azura said with a smile.


Zuri had a bad feeling about this.


"Let's go."


Her instincts told her to avoid any interaction with the woman coming toward her.


When An Ruoxi saw that Zuri was about to leave, she quickened her pace, jogging to catch up, and blocked their path.


Azura frowned at the stranger who had suddenly appeared in their way. "Is there something you need?"


An Ruoxi shot Azura a glance but ignored her, staring straight at Zuri. "You're Zuri, right?"