
Project "Erebus"

As they ventured deeper into the Dead Zone, the group encountered more and more dangers. But with the Guide System's help, they were able to navigate the treacherous terrain with greater ease.

_Guide System Alert_

_New location discovered: Abandoned Research Facility_

_Probability of finding valuable resources: 80%_

_Recommended action: Investigate the facility, but beware of potential traps and monsters_

Sijun's eyes lit up as he read the notification. "Guys, I think we should check out that research facility. We might find some valuable resources."

Joon Woo nodded, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Let's move out."

The group approached the facility, their senses on high alert. Lila took point, her sniper rifle at the ready, while Dr. Kim examined the exterior of the building.

"This place looks like it's been abandoned for years," Dr. Kim said, his voice filled with excitement. "But I think I can hack into the security systems. Give me a minute."

As Dr. Kim worked his magic, Sijun received another notification from the Guide System.

_Guide System Alert_

_Potential threat detected: Trapped corridor ahead_

_Probability of triggering trap: 90%_

_Recommended action: Find alternative route or disable trap_

Sijun quickly warned the group, and they managed to avoid the trapped corridor. Inside the facility, they found a treasure trove of resources, including medical supplies, equipment, and valuable data.


_Resources: +1000 credits, +200 materials, +50 medical supplies_

_Data: +10 research points_

_Reputation: +200_

As they explored the facility, they stumbled upon a hidden laboratory. Inside, they found a series of cryptic logs from a scientist who had been working on a top-secret project.

_Guide System Alert_

_Encrypted data detected: Project "Erebus"_

_Decryption probability: 40%_

_Recommended action: Attempt decryption or search for decryption key_

Sijun's eyes narrowed as he examined the logs. "This project 'Erebus' sounds important. I think we should try to decrypt the data."

Joon Woo nodded, his expression serious. "Agreed. We can't afford to miss any opportunities."

Lila spoke up, her voice filled with concern. "But what if it's a trap? What if we're not supposed to know about this project?"

Sijun hesitated, weighing the risks. But with the Guide System's help, he felt more confident than ever in their ability to uncover the truth.

That's all for today. Let me know if there are any suggestions

Mitch_A_Gravecreators' thoughts