
Lesser Gravity Fiend

Slowly, I can feel myself think again. It feels like it's been a while, but I don't know how long and I can't feel anything or move my body.

The only thing that I can sense are the mana particles, and it seems like there are more of the gray ones around then before maybe similar particals attract each other.

But it seems there is nothing else to do but wait, and I'm getting sleepy.


[3 weeks later]

Its been a few weeks and my sense of touch is back, but there a another sense I don't know how to describe it but it's all around me and probably everywhere and it's not my sense of mana, maybe it's has somthing to do with the type mana I gathered.

I tried to open my status screen to figure out what it did, but every time I open it says.

[Status not Synchronized]

Please try again when the status sysynchronize. Until then your status can't be shown.

I guess I'll just wait till it shows.


[2 weeks later]

It seems that I have regained all my senses, and a new notification appeared.

[Status synchronized]

But I know what I'm gonna do. I open my status screen.


True name: Jǫtunnvandrari Tungmagi Hugrthor Vitrlandi Vindrblástr Fremmandraudr Kunnanforn


Level: 1/10

Race: lesser gravity fiend

Bloodline: Gravity absorber

BloodlineLevel: 2/10


Skills: Instincts , Demon tounge , Gravity absorber lv1


Wow, that name is long. Which one should I use, maybe i'll just use my old matter of fact what was my old name.

The weird feeling from before came back it feel like if I keep on qustioning this I won't like what happens

I'm just gonna let it go and check the suff on my status window, let me try my race first.

[Lesser gravity fiend]

Was once a fiend, but after a mutation in its Bloodline, its race changed

Gravity fiends are naturally able to sense gravity via their horns


Now let me check that Bloodline it is called Gravity absorber. Maybe it will absorb gravity, call me Sherlock.

[Bloodline: Gravity absorber]

Once, this Bloodline was an ordinary fiend Bloodline after absorbing Gravity mana while still very young it mutated.

- Gives skill Gravity absorber


[Gravity absorber]


Slowly absorbs gravity and gravity mana from many sources can also actively absorb gravity and gravity mana.

The stored gravity can slowly strengthen the user over time or can be used immediately for various things.



Warns users about things, good or bad, potentially peeks into the future.


[Lesser Demon tounge]

A skill all demons are born with the language of the Demons.

Although some demons are not smart enough to use it


Hmm, it was gravity mana, and it changed my whole race and unlocked my bloodline.

This is probably because I was awake during my hatching process. I'm glad I got bored. This wouldn't have happened if I wasn't.

So I have a new name, a really long one. I'm just gonna go by Jǫtunnvandrari, and I'm a lesser gravity imp. Hmm, I wonder how long it will take to hatch.

I guess I'll just absorb gravity, mana.


[3 months later]

Over these months, I have felt myself slowly getting bigger than compacted with gravity mana.

I have done multiple tests over these months, and I have figured out how to use some gravity mana, but I can't really control the mana around me, only the mana I have already absorbed.

I did not use it often because it's beneficial for my growth.

Bigger than before, but more compact, it does feel like I'm ready to hatch.


With a little effort, the walls of my prison are gone. I'm free, but I stay cautious. After all, I am a demon.

It's hard to move at first, but I get the hang eventually it's a little weird because of my gravity sense but not too bad.

Then I have a small feeling. It's not as clear as before, but I can feel something in me telling me to eat the egg I hatched from.

As I munch on my egg memories of where I am, the layers of the underworld, memories of lesser demon who made it out of here different types of demon ancestors of this body.

I check through the memories, and it turn out that I'm in the spawn point of Demons, but it's really where lesser Demons egg end up if they are laid in the underworld.

Don't ask me how it works, but the underworld teleports all egg left unattended and brings them to this plateau and the lesser demons fight to the death.

Bad thing though ever ten 10 years it opens a way to the higher floors then, it sweeps the land clean by flooding lava over the land.

There is a huge timer with weird looking numbers it's has analog and digital like some modern hologram but it's all red.


The time I have here is four years, and I feel like I won't like it

I look around to see crushed and rotting eggs all around me.

Did I do that?

It seem like me absorbing the gravity crushed these un prepared ones.

I'll look around in a bit. Although it's a bit dangerous it seems like I have made a forbidden little area with all the gravity mana I have absorbed.

But before that I want to know what I look like.

I look down and my body is gray just like the mana particles from before I'm mostly kinda humanoid I have lanky arms that reach my knees at least I think the tips of my finger are a darker gray.

That's not all behind me I have a pretty long tail and spiked at the end with some spikes along it as well all wich are the same as my fingers and I have some dark spikes on my back as well.

I look around at the area around me and it's dark but there are many lava pools illuminating the place and the ceiling is covered in clouds of ash.

Theres a various large mountains covered by forest full of dark trees a chared forest with red leaves like fire .

There is a swamp covered in fog like ash, pools of lava and bubbling pools of water covered in ash looking dirty

There is a area with small black shrubs that litter the place and few trees, and cleaner water lake and pitch black grass up to my neck.

I go towards the chared forest looking for shelter, food, or maybe some clean-ish water.


After about 5 hours wandering the chared forest, I can feel something moving and it feels weird, so I stop right and look around my sharp claws and tail at the ready.

A Demon wolf lunges at me. I try dodge to the right it misses, and then I feel another one lunge behind me but its to late to dodge and it bites my leg.

I would have screamed before, but after that pain from the Bloodline mutation, this is nothing.

I feel the gravity mana stored in my body move as I pull my claws down into the wolf throat, and it head plops off as my hand slices through it's neck.

I feel my stockpile of gravity mana decrease a third wolf lunges at me but he slams to the ground and I stomp on its head it caves in with a crunch as more gravity mana depletes.

The first wolf starts to run away. I try to pull it with gravity stockpile, but disperses before I can grab it.

That was rude it, but it seems like I the system was right about letting me use the gravity that's stored.

Well, at least I got food sorted.

I look at the redish black wolfs carcasses. I try to cut the fur off with my claws it rough and doesn't look good at all.

It's at this point that I realize I don't have any clothes on. I look at the poorly cut pelts and rap it around my waist.

I try to get as much blood out of the second carcass and bring it with me.

Problem solved now on to problem two the blood that might attrack demons, so I must find a shelter to eat this.

I know I can't take it all, so I leave the meat of the one I skinned.


[4 hours later]

I'm near a valley in the forest there are many dark vines all over a small part of the rocks in there is less ash over here and fell somthing pullingme towards it, It could be my instincts telling me somthing.

After shreach the area I manged to find a cave covered by the dark vines it was hard to find.

The cave was not occupied and had layers of dust on the sides of the rock , and inside the cave there was a soft dirt floor, a pool of lava and a relatively clean pool of water so lucky.

I open the wolf sack full of Demon wolf meat, let me tell you It does not look appetizing.

But I think I know what to do. I gather some of the sticks form the trees that are outside but not to close and bring it to the lava pool, try to light it on fire.

After several attempts, it works. I have fire, and it seems that all the wood is resistant to heat. I mean, they have to be.

I put the wolf meat on the fire.

I leave it on the fire for a while, and I mean What can I say? It's Demon meat It needs time on the fire to be purge of its nastiness.

I take it off the fire, and it's a little burnt with no seasoning, but it's my first meal in this world.

A nasty unseasoned burnt piece of demon wolf meat.

And it was delicious I don't now how but it's so good it doesn't need seasoning it doesn't need to be cooked and that piece wasn't enough I lunge on the rest of the carcass and chow down blood all over my body.

Not worried about human decency or anything just food.

[Humanity is decreased by 1]