
II: Thunder. Part 3

“There goes the freak.”

The murmur caught my attention and brought me out of my reverie. The culprit was, as always, Qin Hua, my eldest sister. She was ten years older and a true beauty from head to toe, a jade beauty with a feeble body but a keen mind but a petty nature. Her bright almond eyes were full of loathing, and her rosy lips had never turned up for me, as I seen her do for my father or his counselors whenever she ventured outside the inner palace.

“So ugly, I wish father would put her out of her misery.” Qin Bao was the second eldest sister, just as beautiful as Hue, but with an even worse disposition and no brains. Sincerely, my father had been right when he took another wife down the road. The rest of my siblings were much better than these two. Much like her sister, her eyes were a clear shade of almond and her smile formed dimples that were not unattractive, not that I had ever seen them directed at me.