
Chapter 511

After arriving in San Jose, he didn't take much rest, and Satomi rushed to the place where Song Yang was. Unlike the last time he came, Satomi was still on airs. At that time, he was talking about Xueleshan's acquisition of Sammy Group. Satomi can still bargain.

  Now, Sammy Group, which produces pachinko machines, is already an industry owned by Xueleshan, not to mention that in today's Benz days, Satomi has to hold on to the thick legs of the big benefactor.

In Song Yang's villa, the news about Castle Fund and Ken Griffin is playing on the TV. ICNC TV station has been biting Griffin for the past two days, and all kinds of black materials and **** bowls are on his head. Keep buckling.

   Many people in America were originally dissatisfied with Wall Street. This time, Ken Griffin directly became the introduction. Countless people burned their dissatisfaction and anger with Wall Street on Ken Griffin.

   It's just a matter of yelling out that sentence, heaven's punishment for Ken Griffin's national thief, and the sun is shining in America!

"New York Attorney General Spitzer, who is known as the Sheriff of Wall Street, expressed his position on the Ken Griffin incident and asked Ken Griffin to return to New York within three days to accept the inquiry and investigation of the New York inspection agency. Another federal agency has expressed its position on the Ken Griffin incident. Prior to this, there have been federal securities commissions, the Federal Bank Association..."

After several days of indiscriminate bombardment by ICNC TV station, Ken Griffin has successfully become the focus of Wall Street, and the attention of the outside world is on the national thief Ken Griffin. As for Song Yang's cutting of leeks in Southeast Asia, I don't know how it is overseas, but no one cares about it in America.

So what if Song Yang cut the leeks, at least he didn't cut the leeks of ordinary people in America, Ken Griffin is different, what he can cut is the leeks of ordinary people in America, and he even engages in insider trading with brokers, does he do it? I don't know, ICNC has already convicted him in advance.

   "Castle Hedge Fund still denies the accusations against it. Ken Griffin's personal lawyer claims that Griffin has returned to New York on the plane, and there is absolutely no such thing as absconding in fear of crime."

Otherwise, the mouth of the media, man-eating ghosts, Ken Griffin is in Asia, and ICNC directly claims that Ken Griffin has absconded from America in fear of crime. Anyway, he is not in America now, and ICNC means that he Hang up, Ken Griffin can't help it, who made him unable to show up.

Such outrageous public opinion has a large number of letters, and countless phone calls to the Federal Department of Justice, demanding that Ken Griffin be hunted down and the castle hedge fund account seized. Ken Griffin estimated that when he got off the plane, You can hear the news that he has died...

  Watching the news on the TV station, Song Yang turned to Greg and asked, "Griffin and Castle Fund, what will happen this time?"

  It is simply unrealistic to expect Ken Griffin to be beaten to death with a hammer. Song Yang is coming here and not indecently.

  Song Yang didn't have much expectation on whether he could beat Griffin to death this time. The key is to know who the opponent is and who is behind the action.

"It's hard to say." As a lawyer, Greck can judge a lot of things about the situation Ken Griffin is facing. "The key is to see how much Griffin and the Castle Fund have. It can be caught by the New York inspection agency, and the attitude of the Federal Securities Commission is also very important!"

Generally, if someone targets this kind of crap, if it is Goldman Sachs, etc., they will be fined three glasses of wine and continue next time without repenting. But for those small investment institutions, they will be hit by a thunderbolt Thumped to death.

   "However, if we continue to launch public opinion pressure on Castle Hedge Fund and those people initiate a lawsuit, Ken Griffin and Castle Hedge Fund will probably bleed a lot!"

Gleick said that in the "tradition" of America, as long as the public opinion is too big, it doesn't matter whether Ken Griffin has done those **** things or not. Spitzer's group of congressmen, in order to show off, must arrest the castle hedge fund One bite will make Ken Griffin pay a "reconciliation fee" to appease public anger and give the leeks an explanation.

   Song Yang heard this, "Let ICNC TV station and ICQ continue to launch public opinion on Castle Fund, it is best to let Ken Griffin be punished by being banned from entering the stock industry..."

This is purely disgusting the other party. This thing is not necessarily useful, but it is something that disgusts the other party. As the head of a hedge fund, it is forbidden to cut leeks, even if it is only banned for one day. For Griffin It is a shame that he will never forget for a lifetime, and he can't even think about appearing in any mainstream financial media in America!

  Looking at Ken Griffin on TV, Song Yang wrote him down, this account will not just end like this, and if there is a chance, Song Yang will wrestle with Ken Griffin again.

As long as he is still in America, there will always be a chance to fight again. If there is a next time, then Song Yang will give him another "big gift", just like hunting down Wall Street short sellers on Double-click Company, and he can also play a "game" in the future "Station", "Mass Takeover" and the like, and give Ken Griffin a hard time!

Seeing Song Yang's expression, Greg shook his head. He felt that Song Yang's character was a little too tough. Like other companies in America, when they encountered short sellers, they would generally consider themselves unlucky and treat them as being bitten by a dog. Take a bite, because it takes too much energy to deal with those people.

   But Song Yang, when facing the short sellers on Wall Street, he was relentless, but this is also good, that is, after a few times, the short sellers on Wall Street did not dare to take action against Song Yang easily.

   Today Songyang is quite noisy here, and there are quite a few people here. Satomiji, who came from Tokyo, didn't have time to rest, so he rushed towards Songyang.

   When entering the villa, Satomiji saw that there were already many people in the villa, besides Song Yang, there were also several new faces.

When he saw Song Yang, Satomi put his posture very low, and bowed his head towards Song Yang as soon as he came up. When he saw this scene, he came to Song Yang. He had participated in the architectural design of Greg's housewarming party before. Teacher Baumner couldn't help but be taken aback.

  Although he has never met Satomiji, Baumner can guess his identity is unusual by looking at Satomiji's attire. However, when facing Song Yang, his posture is so low, which is still somewhat beyond Baumner's expectations.

When he heard that Satoshi Satoshi's identity was the president of the Sammy Group, Baumner couldn't help but look at him a few more times. It's true that Americans have a psychological advantage when facing Japan, but they can face Japan's big groups and chaebols. At that time, the attitude is another scene!

   "President Satomi Osamu, thank you for coming!"

  Song Yang said something to Satomiji, and pointed to Baumner and the others, "This is Baumner, the best architect in San Jose."

Li Jianzhi heard the words and nodded to Baumner. Although he was anxious, but seeing Baumner and others, he knew that Song Yang must have something to discuss with these designers today, so he talked with Song Yang for a few minutes. After saying this, he consciously stepped aside first. What he wanted to talk to Song Yang couldn't be done in front of so many outsiders, so he had to wait.

   "Director Bruno, our design office has received a message from Mr. Gallo. Are you going to build a manor?"

  After exchanging a few pleasantries, Baumner couldn't help asking Song Yang. After receiving the news that Song Yang was going to build a manor, Baumner and the partner of the design office rushed over without stopping.

Baumner and the others know that if upstarts like Song Yang want to build manor villas, they must build the best ones, just like Bill Gates' manors, which are not afraid of burning money at all. From the perspective of their design office, this is definitely a big list.

Song Yang glanced at it, and Baumner, who was full of anticipation, nodded with several partners. Starting from Houston, in the past few years, Song Yang bought a manor on the North Shore of Long Island in New York, but that manor, basically It is a temporary place to stay after going to New York.

  The villas in Houston and San Jose are basically ordinary villas. What is going to be built this time is naturally to build a top-level villa manor.

   "The Bruno Family Foundation has purchased some land in San Jose. This time I invite Baumner and you to come here to let you design a manor!"

Song Yang said, Song Yang is in San Jose, and has circled a lot of land back and forth. It is the Alcatel mobile phone that really sold the San Jose municipal department and councilors to Song Yang. Now the Alcatel mobile phone has become a mobile phone. Signs of industry giants.

Even if he can't become a giant, San Jose now provides a lot of tax revenue and jobs, not to mention San Jose, if Song Yang is willing to move the Alcatel mobile phone away, even New York, where every inch of land is expensive, is probably willing to give Song Yang a grant. The large tract of land made Song Yang toss.

Compared with that point, the taxes and jobs brought by the Alcatel mobile phone are what attract the most attention of the congressmen. Getting these taxes and jobs means getting votes and can promise more benefits treatment!

   "Director Bruno, we believe that your decision this time is absolutely correct."

  Hearing this, Baumner exchanged glances with several partners, all of whom showed excited expressions on their faces.

   "If necessary, our design office can cooperate with Frank Gehry Design Company to design, and we will definitely be able to design the world's top manor villa!"

Baumner's teacher is a director of the American Architectural Association and an academician of the Federal Academy of Design, which is basically equivalent to an academician of the Academy of Sciences. Baumner launched Frank Gehry to tell Song Yang that their design can Not an unknown person, who can definitely take Song Yang's order.

   "I don't know, Song, what is your style of this manor... and what is your budget?"

  Mainly the latter sentence is what Baumner wants to ask. Only when he knows how much money Song Yang plans to invest, can he know how much Song Yang is going to toss, so that the design office can let go of its hands and feet.

  (end of this