
Rebecca Rebecca (The Book Of The Overworld)

In the town of Laparram, a demon named Harry simply wants to give a little girl, Rebecca, a perfect life as her Brother Figure. But it seems his own is starting to put that at risk when other demons begin to invade from the Underworld. Only one thing to do, hunt them down.

Virtue77 · Fantasía
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4 Chs


The thunder of the outside crashes as the demon stirs in his home. After making sure Rebecca was asleep, Harry made his way downstairs as the storm raged on, striking the trees with wind and lightning all the same. As he found himself at the bottom of the stairs, he saw something that had found its way onto the floor. One of Rebecca's drawings from a long time ago. It was of her and Harry, in front of their home. Some would say the drawing was crude, but Harry genuinely cracked a smile whenever he saw it. The first time he saw it, he knew he had done the right thing taking the kid in. He has yet to change his mind on the matter. He has yet to regret anything he did for her. Everything he does for her. Rebecca was weird like that, she had that affect on people. Even Harry, though most wouldn't believe him.

Harry was as the townsfolk called him, a demon. He was powerful in ways a normal human could not conceive, and had the darkest of manipulations. He could do things no mortal could, and his appearance didn't help disguise him from adults. They once tried to run him out a while before he picked up Rebecca, which did not end well for them. He barely did much and they ran screaming. From that point on, the town basically did whatever he wanted. If someone stole from him, the entire police force would be on it night and day for hours on end. If there was an attack on him, the person would be ratted out. If he wanted a chocolate milkshake with caramel and cinnamon whip cream, the mayor would present it to him on his knees. It was why so many things in Rebecca's life would seem like a stretch to someone who didn't know. Anyone from the outside thought the town was crazy about there being a demon trapping a little girl, so he had nothing to worry about. That was how he got away with so much after all. All those times he played pranks with her, gotten food for free, and even the little school arrangement, it was all because no one wanted to mess with Harry. He had his ways to get to them, and people feared each and every one.

Harry chuckled just thinking about it. He was a much different person without Rebecca around. He would be threatening and cruel, deceiving and cunning. Things Rebecca never saw. Harry had his fair share of secrets, and Rebecca knew this. She simply trusted that it wasn't anything bad. Harry gritted his teeth a bit. It was necessary for him to have such secrets. Things would be much worse if he didn't... "What am I doing?" Harry scolded himself, snapping out of his daze. "I say I'm gonna get to work and here I am doing nothing." Harry laughed as he turned to the front windows.

Tonight wasn't the best night to work but he hadn't in a while, so it was necessary. He proceeded behind the rough staircase and into his work-space. A huge basement, big enough to a orchestra room. In the center, a small table and 3 chairs. He hopped down onto the floor over a small set of stairs before cartwheeling into his chair. "Alright," he thought aloud. "Let's get down to business." He grabbed his tool kit from under the table and began pulling out some of it's unlimited content. There was no end to his supplies. He looked at his list but was interrupted by someone getting up for a late night snack. He quickly shut the box and put it away before anyone can see before peering out of the door. Thankfully, it wasn't Rebecca, because she could've easily seen him. You see, Harry wasn't the only demon in the house. Another prowled around at night, and just like Harry, was right in front of Rebecca in the day.

"You know, you're lucky I like her enough to let her call me something like that. Kitty is just degrading." Kit said, no longer pulling his routine of House Cat. Holding a glass of milk, he had begun walking on two feet and slowly changing into his more aggressive form as he shut the door. His more comforting facade melted away, seeping into the ground, removing the cat's false eyes and fur, revealing a more oily texture and a blank face. He smiled, his mouth became jagged with teeth as he grew to a monstrous size, his arms enlarged, more so then his legs. His ears became pointed with fur on the inside making them seem white, his eyes were now replaced with a second mouth just as big as the original, with just as many teeth. Two more stronger, larger arms sprawled out of his back, which he began walking with and two grins came to "cat's" face as he loved being in his truly demonic state. The rest of his back became spiked as his torso increased in width and size to properly fit the rest of his body.

Kit had been a friend of Harry since they had been in the Underworld, the home of every demon ruled by Hades. In such a place, it was necessary for them to stick together. That's how they became two of the most feared demons ever. That's how they got out of that place. "You know, they should be asking for a check-in any minute now..." Kit said, his voice much deeper and more fitting of his huge appearance. Sure enough, something in Harry's box began ringing, glowing a bright red. It was a small white doll with only three eyes, a toothy smile, and a green button to it's demeanor. Harry rolled his eyes and ignored the ringing until it stopped.

"You know they won't stop doing that until we answer." Kit said having finished his glass and crushing it. He was right as always, the doll began ringing once again, lighting up as if it would blow. In truth, it was something much more sinister then a simple children's prop. Harry sighed. "Alright, place your bets, what do you think they'll call us when I do?" He picked up the not so innocent doll hiding a terrible secret. It was a way to communicate. But not like a telephone. No, it was a special line. A direct line to the Underworld. Harry had started ignoring the calls.

"Traitor, treason, something about how they'll kill us all..." Kit began. "I have an entire list upstairs if you'll just let me get the-" He was cut off by Harry.

"Too late, already answered." The mad rabbit snickered. Kit was genuinely surprised that Harry had actually accepted the call. The doll's eyes became a bright red, becoming a full white as the huge demon approached, beginning to shake. This was usual behavior, Harry was completely unphased. "Who is the caller?" Harry asked in his regular voice. The doll began twisting it's head to the left, struggling before snapping it's own neck. Blood splattered, but the doll continued rotating, every 180 degrees making another snapping sound, every time squirted out from under the head, but it did not begin dripping from some sort of open wound. Harry knew how bad his luck was, so he expected the name he received. "Azereth Mentan. Azereth Mentan." The twisted doll responded, it's neck no longer making snapping sounds, but now constantly dripping blood.

Kit sighed. "Oh great, here we go..." As those words left his mouth, dolls head stopped, and snapped to back into proper position. Harry set the doll down as it looked between the two. "You two finally decided to answer, eh? I hope you have an excuse for potential TREASON! What. Happened?" Azereth began. Harry smirked, but said nothing, Kit following his lead. "I know you two are there, you asked for my name, correct?" This time Harry replied. "So sorry for the silence Azereth, there, that make you feel better?" The doll seemed to shake with rage. "I told you to not to talk down to me like that. You'll regret it, I assure yo-"

Harry looked at the doll, and laughed, interrupting the demon. Was this demon who had no powers, threatening HIM? "Really Azereth? And what are you gonna do about it? As I remember, you're the weakest demon out there RAT." He pointed to his own head. "And even with your impressive brains, I'm still smarter, more cunning..." He set the doll down so that Azereth could see the blood dripping on his hands. "And I'm not afraid of a little blood." Azereth began stuttering. "W-Why you...I..." But Harry had had his fill of him. He didn't care what this demon had to say. And he knew full well how to get Azereth to 'hang up.'

Harry slowly grabbed the doll, and with not a word, but a wicked smile, squeezed as hard as he could. It trembled as it began sputtering. "W-what are you... I can't..." Then, the voice stopped, and plushie's eyes closed. Kit seemed a bit surprised, but Harry had already moved onto another topic.

"Hey Kit?" Harry began recalling a distant memory. "You remember when I told you I wanted to ignore our job?" Kit laughed a bit and nodded. "That was one heck of a day for the town, I'll say that." He replied. Harry smiled a tricking smile. "Forgive me, but I forget who won our little fight." He said sarcastically. Kit looked at him as if that had put him in the mood to fight all over again. They both broke out into laughter like two hyenas.

Harry was the one to stop, closing his box, placing everything he had taken out back inside. He had decided against weaving for today, like he had the countless other times in the past years he had with Rebecca. He had lost an interest, for some reason. Weaving wasn't something he had to do anymore. Weaving was something he never wanted Rebecca to know about most of all. The art of making something that could capture the soul, it would shatter her to hear that Harry was an expert at it. It would also shatter any trust she had in him. With him telling her he was a demon, there was a chance, but with this? How would she feel about "Plushhead," something she carried around everyday. It was simply meant to watch over her when Harry was away, but she could draw the conclusion that...

Harry realized he was spiraling and finally made it apparent to himself he could never start weaving again. He threw the box back under the table with force and attempting to change the subject before Kit could say anything. Still, he failed, but Kit's response to his actions was very different then he thought. "Good choice." Kit said, losing the laughter in his voice. He looked towards the door and paused before breaking the silence. "Hey, think they'll delay recess for one sleepy kid?" Harry looked up and smiled. "Think? I'm sure they will with persuasion." They laughed and walked out of the room as the door creaked shut, a thud could be heard inside the room. When they looked back inside, everything was in order. Harry opened his box, which had everything inside still. He placed the box back, not noticing a small difference in one item in particular. An extra eye upon the doll, it's smile even wider then before.