
Rebecca Rebecca (The Book Of The Overworld)

In the town of Laparram, a demon named Harry simply wants to give a little girl, Rebecca, a perfect life as her Brother Figure. But it seems his own is starting to put that at risk when other demons begin to invade from the Underworld. Only one thing to do, hunt them down.

Virtue77 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

A New Friend (Rebecca)

Rebecca awoke to being without her cat friend or Harry, which was quite odd. Usually Harry got her up to get ready for the day, and Kit was messing around with Rebecca's pillows and toys. She got up pondering if Harry was hiding to scare her, or if maybe he had a special surprise in mind. If so, he must have been waiting for awhile as Rebecca's clock had just hit 10 o'clock and she was usually up around 8. She put on her slippers and made her way downstairs. Harry for once wasn't home and he had left a note on the refrigerator. He said that for her, class was canceled for today, but to get ready to go to recess all the same. Rebecca jumped in excitement, nearly hitting her head on the slightly low ceiling. She loved whenever she got a day off, it was a relief. She ate a bowl of cereal before starting to get dressed. She came out in her infamous light purple dress and scarf, accompanied by matching brown shorts and boots. Satisfied with her new look, she ran to the living room and jumped on the couch, grabbing the remote before turning on the TV.

Nothing was on as usual aside from the news and a few cartoons she hadn't seen in a while. Halfway through watching those, Harry walked in and tapped her on the shoulder. Rebecca jumped, but was relieved to see her friend and gave him a big hug."Thanks for the day off!" She said filled by the prospect of having a three day weekend ahead. Harry hugged her back and ruffled her hair a bit before straightening it back out. "No problem. After all someone went to bed quite late last night." He said winking at her. Rebecca gave a nervous look but kept her enthusiasm as she leaped from the couch and began making her way outside with Harry.

"Hey, aren't you forgetting someone Rebecca Rebecca?" Rebecca paused and realized she had left Plushhead in her room. She sprinted through the house as fast as a bolt of lightning and came back with her little friend in her arms. She skipped to the find the bus had already come to pick her up. Though she was only at school for so long, Rebecca did indeed ride the bus to get to and from the school quickly. That way she didn't lose anytime at recess. "Sorry to keep you waiting!" She yelled as she boarded onto the bus. On the bus was the driver and Rebecca's second best friend, Sophie. Sophie smiled. She was wearing a plaid purple, green, and blue dress and shared the same brown shorts and boots Rebecca had put on. "Oh you're fine, it's not like we could take off without you." She said with a small giggle.

Rebecca sighed and ran to sit next to her friend. She noticed that she had died the bottom of her blond hair a fiery pink. Rebecca smiled as she really liked the look, it seemed like something Sophie would do. Harry popped into the bus. "Have a nice day you two, don't have too much fun!" Harry paused and looked off upwards before returning his gaze to the pair. "Nah, who am I kidding. Have WAAAY too much fun!" He yelled and waved by as he got off of the bus. The bus began to it's drive to Frankwood Elementary. During the drive, Rebecca and Sophie talked about how they wanted to go to Aqua Festival, a water park the size of a small town! "I hear it has real geysers!" Sophie shouted. "I hear it has a Fish Buffet!" Rebecca shouted back. They went back and forth like this for the whole ride until they finally pulled up to the school, where recess was just beginning.

Rebecca and Sophie both got up and ran off the bus towards the playground, Rebecca once again almost forgetting Plushhead on the bus. They spent recess as they normally did. Playing tag, racing other kids and doing all manner of mischief. Once, said mischief had been in the works for a while. When recess was over, the teacher came out of a particular door to call the other kids inside. Today, however, was different. As soon as the teacher came outside, the 'plan' was taken into effect. "PULL!" Rebecca signaled, and both she and Sophie pulled on strings of rope. Many buckets of water fell down and spilled all over the teachers that were unfortunate to be there. That day, they got an extra 15 minutes thanks to the stunt. Every kid laughed their heads off.

Today, however, they had nothing planned. They had pulled every prank in the book and the teachers deserved a break eventually. Then, Sophie noticed there was a new kid. His hair was a shiny black and he had a dark grey and white, plaid patterned, formal outfit and a thin dark purple bow-tie. He seemed too formal for Middle School, but he seemed their age, so they decided to go talk to him. He was actually the first one to say hi. "Oh, hey there. Nice to meet you. I'm Jasper." He held a brown backpack with both hands by the straps despite it being on his back, but extended his right as a handshake. "Glad to meet you too Jasper." Rebecca said, excited by the thought of a new friend.

Kids were always nervous around Rebecca, but Jasper didn't seem bothered by her at all. She immediately seized the moment. "So, after school, would you like to come over my house?" Me and Sophie here are hanging out with a really great friend." Jasper looked surprised by the sudden jester and then sighed. "Actually, I was just here for recess. I'm visiting to see what the school is like." Rebecca nearly jumped out of excitement, and her smile was huge, her eyes starry. "Hey! Me and Sophie too!" She paused and calmed herself. "Well, we aren't visiting, but we're leaving after recess! Come on, it'll be fun!" Jasper seemed really taken back, but laughed all the same. "Okay, my parents won't mind. I'll call and tell them."

Rebecca had to answer some questions and tell Jasper's parents where they would all be, but after that, they said it would be good for him to come over. Once again, Rebecca jumped out of joy and this time did hit her head on a branch above her. They all laughed but for some reason, the teachers looked mortified. The three got to know each other better. Sophie told Jasper about how she had moved in and she and Rebecca became friends instantly. "There really is no one like her, you'll see as soon as we leave." Jasper gave a nervous smile and the began talking about where he was from.

Jasper was from a city not too far away, but recently, his parents decided to move here. He didn't know why, but he says he really didn't miss his old town. He had a lot of bullying problems. "Really, this is the first time someone's approached me to be a friend. This is also the first time I'm going over a friend's house actually." Rebecca could sense he was nervous, she just could tell from his face. "Hey, don't worry, we'll make sure it's a time you don't forget! If everything goes as planned, we'll be having a Pizza Party in no time!" She said as their ride pulled up. "Hey! We've got one more!" Rebecca shouted to the bus driver. They all got on the bus and Jasper was in awe. "Y-you have a whole bus to yourself? Man, you must be rich or something..." Rebecca shook her head. "No, I'm just a very special case in the line of education." They all sat and the conversation from before carried over. Jasper didn't even know Aqua Festival existed before, and now, he wanted to go just as much as Sophie and Rebecca.

Soon, they arrived at Rebecca's house and Jasper was in awe. Rebecca suspected he would as her house was more like a mansion. In fact, she realized it literally was one. "Okay, now I KNOW you're rich." Jasper said, having dropped both hands to his side. Rebecca and Sophie both shook their heads before going to the doorstep, Jasper following behind them, now sweating. It was suffice to say he was nervous. They knocked on the door and a very eager Harry opened the door. "Kids! So glad you could join me. Are we ready for a Pizza Apocalypse?!?"

"YEAH!" The girls shouted at the top of their lungs before realizing Jasper was just sitting their, and Harry wasn't addressing him. Before Rebecca could speak up, Harry pulled the two inside. Rebecca's smaller TV had already been moved out of the living room and in it's place was a huge flat-screen TV for watching movies on, along with surround sound. "You won't believe the movies I got, it's gonna be awesome!" Harry said overjoyed. He began rambling on and on before Rebecca interrupted him.

"Hey Harry, come back outside please." Harry was confused, but followed Rebecca back to the open doorway and there was Jasper, still dumbfounded by the house. "Harry, this is Jasper, I asked if he could come over." She proclaimed proudly. She had made a new friend, so she was really happy, but Harry's expression wasn't. In fact, he looked worried as he stood in the doorway.