
Reappeared as a Villainess

In a bustling city, there lived two sisters, Malice and Melissa. They were inseparable, sharing secrets, dreams, and laughter. Malice, the older of the two, had always been protective of her younger sister, Melissa. Little did she know that this bond would soon be shattered by betrayal. Malice was engaged to the love of her life, Aaron. They were planning a beautiful wedding, and their future together seemed bright. Melissa had always been supportive, or so Malice believed, until one fateful evening when she discovered their affair. To hide their affair, the couple decides to Malice. Years later, Malice reappears in front of Melissa and Aaron. Malice retreated from her family and friends, focusing all her energy on a plan for revenge. One moonless night, as she was stalking the shadows near Aaron's office building, a mysterious man suddenly appeared before her. He was dressed in a sleek black suit, his eyes concealed by sunglasses, and an enigmatic aura surrounded him. "Looking for revenge, I see," he said in a low, smooth voice. Malice, startled and cautious, replied, "Who are you, and how do you know about my plans?" The man smiled mysteriously. "I'm someone who can help you achieve your revenge. I know everything about your situation, Malice, and I have the means to make Aaron pay for what he's done." From that moment on, the mysterious man became Malice's guide, teaching her the art of deception, infiltration, and sabotage. Together, they executed a series of meticulously planned schemes that exposed Aaron's wrongdoings and weakened his grip on the company. "The cover art is the work of another artist, not me."

YuLan · Ciudad
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40 Chs


In the bustling city, there is a CEO named Ethan Hebrew. He is the owner of a successful multinational fashion empire LuxeLine Attire, known for its prestigious designs and glamorous runway shows.


The boardroom is an impressive display of opulence and success. A long, polished mahogany table is surrounded by high-backed leather chairs, each adorned with a nameplate bearing the title of a company executive. 

  The room is full of high-ranking EXECUTIVES, all of whom are eager to hear what Arthur has to say. Arthur is the third largest shareholder of the LuxeLine Attire company. 

Aurthr clearing his throat says, "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining me today. I've called this meeting to discuss an important matter concerning the future of our company."

The executives lean in, their attention focused solely on Aurthur.

Arthur gets serious, "As you may know, we've been in fierce competition with our rival company, RadiantGem Creation, for years. They've made significant strides in the industry in recent months, and I believe it's time for us to explore new strategies."

Arthur pauses, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in.

Executive Jerry Kel is cautious, "What kind of strategies, sir?"

Arthur glances around the table, his gaze finally settling on Emma, a highly skilled and ambitious employee who has often been overlooked in favor of more senior executives.

Arthur being decisive, "I've decided to explore the possibility of working alongside RadiantGem Creation on a joint venture. The competition in our industry is fierce, and sometimes, collaboration can be more beneficial than rivalry."

Executive Oliver is skeptical, "Are we really considering partnering with them, sir? Their reputation is less than favorable." 

Emma chimed  in, "Director Malice may be tough, but she's also fair and driven by results. Working together could open doors to opportunities we've never had."

Arthur adds, "I believe it's worth exploring. We can't let our pride blind us to potential growth. Rest assured, our interests will be protected."

Arthur smiles appreciatively at Emma's input.

Arthur is grateful, "Thank you, Emma. I believe it's worth exploring. We can't let our pride blind us to potential growth. Rest assured, our interests will be protected."

Executive Jackson sighs before saying, "Well, if it's for the company's benefit, then I suppose we should give it a chance."

The executives nod in agreement, albeit reluctantly. The room buzzes with discussion as they contemplate the prospect of working with Director Malice and RadiantGem Creation, a decision that could reshape the future of the company.

Emma watches the room carefully, realizing that her willingness to speak up may have just paved the way for a groundbreaking collaboration.

In a chic and modern conference room bathed in soft, natural light, Ethan, the charismatic CEO of "LuxeLine Attire," sat at one end of the polished mahogany table. 

'Director of RadiantGem Creation, Interesting,' Ethan murmurs before leaving the board meeting hall.