

blackghost · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Chapter 4 - Demonic Swordsman Style

"eehmm" his mother cleared her throat as she began to walk towards the back of the house, "come let me show you the sword technique that would make you beg to be my student" she said as she continued walking.

john ran behind his mother as she had already peaked his interest, his little legs tapped on the wooden flow behind her.

as john was running behind he misplaced a step and began falling face first, 'damn it I keep forgetting this ain't my old body' he thought as he closed his eyes and prepared to hit the floor.

but to his surprise he felt someone grabbed the back of his shirt collar and lifted him up, it was none other than his mother, he was shocked for his mother was already outside on the lawn when he fell.

'did she teleport, I read alot about mana and special powers, maybe her power is teleportation' he thought as he looked up towards his mother.

'but no, she said that she never used her power in her life, then what was it' john thought as he looked at her.

his mother continue walking around the learn holding him by the collar as she was looking for something, she finally stopped by a big thick tree that was short around 12 feet in height but was really wide, this tree was called the water source tree, it is a tree that is planted by locals for its ability to turn natural mana into fresh drinkable mana, it's water is stored in a large compartment in its trunk, a full grown water source tree can store 50 gallons of water in its compartment, but the problem is that this tree is hard as steel when it is fully matured, those that plant it make a needle sized hole in the tree when it is a seedling, that way they would have access to the water when it is matured.

john read alot of books that his mother owned in her private library, she also loved to read as she would always say 'knowledge is also strength'

his mother stood before the tree and held the wooden sword with one hand and john in the other.

she was a couple feet away from the tree, but she raised the sword and she closed her eyes before she opened them again, her eyes glowed a brighter blue as she gently and slowly moved the sword horizontally.

'huh what the hell was that, is she practicing or something what the hell can she do from so far away from the tree with a wooden sword and such a lazy swing' john was regretting accepting his mother as a teacher as he was now seeing this as a waste of time.

but suddenly john started to see water flowing from the sides of the tree before a perfect line can be seen as water seeped out of the line.

his mother then exhale another gale of wind, this gale of wind forced the water source tree to fall over as water rushed in the direction of john and his mother, but his mother was not in panic as she made a vertical slash, this one as slow as before.

the water parted in two as a line was carved into the ground that went on for miles.

john felt as though he was lost for words, he knew that in this world their were magic, monsters and beast, but this was the first time that he had ever witnessed the use of true power in this world he was almost starting to think that he was still on the earth he came from.

his eyes were wide open as his blue irises sparkled in the sun light, he was mesmerized and found his calling in life, for once in his existence he found what he loved the most.

'I want to be this strong, no!, I have to be stronger' he thought as he remembered that his mother lost to his father, he can't imagine what kind of monster he is also.

"so what do you think john" his mother said with a prideful smile, she knew that this demonstration was enough to convince her son to follow in her path.

"mother may I ask to see your strongest move" he asked as he can barely keep back his greed to see more.

"am afraid not, I would also be putting you in danger if I do something like that, I might destroy this mountain along with our home also" she said as she scratched her head and laughed while thinking about it.

she then looked at john who seemed disappointed, she proceeded to pinch his cheeks and raised them up to look like that of a smile.

"alright my lovely little demon, let's see if you have a talent for our families breathing technique" she said as the blue glow around her body faded away.

john was exciting again as this was going to be his first time learning a technique even though it is just a breathing technique.

"the demonic breathing technique may seem easy but it is not, first you need to be able to sense the mana of everything around you, for every living thing in this world have been blessed with mana, the demonic breathing technique do not steal the mana from living beings, it takes the waste mana that is always present in the world, for example your body is always creating your inherent mana but this mana is held in a container which is your body when it have reached its limits without being used it starts to spill over into the natural world, mana can only be used as a energy source to create, so the waste mana will be ever present in the world until it have been used, as long as their are living beings in this world mana will always be present, this is why forest are said to have the weirdest of phenomenon and the strongest of beast, because trees although they are living, they rarely use their mana, so the area around them is filled with waste mana..."

his mother paused as she saw that her son was closing his eyes as though he was trying to sense the waste mana, she smiled and continued.

"..this is the hardest part of the demonic breathing technique, it took me six years just to find a spec of waste mana, you are just 2 years old john their is no rush in learning the technique, afterall you are half human and humans have the lowest aptitude in sensing waste mana it may probably take you some.." his mother paused again but this time her face looked like she just witnessed the impossible.

"this is unreal, am I seeing things" she thought as she saw John's skin giving off that of a blue glow, she was not focused on john before but now she realizes that blue light particles were flowing into John's nostrils.

"this is unreal, even my father one of the greatest generals of the demon race took 3 years to learn this tech and he was in his teens when he started learning it" she was flabbergasted, she could not believe that this was her son.

soon john eyes open with a blue glow even more brighter that his own mother but the strangest thing happened instead of his skin giving off that of a blue glow it all condensed in one spot between his eyebrows as a blue upside-down triangle tattoo appeared on his forehead.

"this is the state of complete mastery just like that of father" his mother said as she looked at her son.

john then breathed out with one powerful gale that almost blew his mother away, the entire mountain shake as the gale of wind descended the mountain and uprooted some trees on its way down as it made its way for RoseCrown Kingdom walls and crashed into them, this alarmed the guards and those that lived close to the wall as they felt the tremor.

back on the mountain, John's mother mouth was wide open in disbelief, lucky she defended the wooden house from the gale or it would have been no more.

she then began to smile as she came to a realization, "I have giving birth to a monster" she spoke with pride as she looked at john who was now passed out on the ground.