

blackghost · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 2- Royalty

"huh?, majesty?, why are they kneeling" john looked around as all the women in blue were seen kneeling down, the woman that held him also bowed her head.

"ifrena what are you doing, why ain't his majesty crying" a woman dressed in blue with a one petal rose can be seen walking into the room with worries present on her face.

"am sorry Head sister but he haven't made a sound since he came out my ladies womb" the woman holding john said.

"give him to me!" the woman said as she took john out of the other womans arms, "this child is the 5th son of thy emperor ofcourse he is going to be stubborn he have the blood of greatness running through his vains, you just need to apply a little force" the woman said as she raised her hand and spank John's bottom forcing him to scream out, but to others it sounding no different from a babies cry.

'damn woman are you trying to kill me' john thought as he watched the woman with a cold steer.

"may I see him" suddenly a soft an angelic voice can be heard from the bed in the middle of the room, the bed was coverd from the rest of the room in a thick white veil, john looked to the bed and saw a shadow behind the veil.

"ofcourse my lady" the woman holding john said as she went to carry him over to the woman behind the veils.

as the veils were separated, john was meet with amazement, behind the veils was a woman in her 20s she looked fairly pale and her hair was white but carried a shine that reflects light, john didn't need a scientist to tell him this was his mother, a beautiful smile was on her face that went from cheek to cheek, the woman stretched for john but before she could grasp her son the doors were shot opened with a bang.

"who dare to..." the woman holding john was about to speak in annoyance as she heard the commotion but she was immediately silenced, the door that was forced open generated a gust that blew the veils to the side giving a clear view of who entered the room.

it was a tall man about 6.5 feet, his black hair ran down his back as his bloody 5 petal rose printed armor shined in the darkness, his face showed that of urgency as he ignored all of the women that began to bow their heads.

"I the second prince of RoseCrown, and 10th ranked General of thy fathers army am here to visit thy brother in the name of thy father" he spoke tiredly as if this was just another boring eran.

he then walked over to the woman with the one petal rose on her dress and snatched john from out of her arms, the woman didn't say a word she presumed the kneeling position as she watched the man's feet.

"hmm, so you are my new youngest brother, don't look to special" he was observing john as he was twisted left and right, up and down, he looked all over his body.

'what the hell are you looking for you creep' john tried to say but it all came out in baby gibberish.

"hmm I'll do the task that father have given then leave" john brother said as he tapped his ring and two devices came out.

the two devices were a crystal clear ball and a black rod with a red gym attached to the end, he gave back john to the woman with the one petal rose and held the two instruments in both hands.

he then proceeded to poke the rod at John's forehead, 'huh what the hell is this sick basterd doing?' john thought before he started to feel the rise of uncontrollable power souring through his veins, he started to feel more powerful by the minute so powerful that he felt as though he can walk, 'wow, is this the monstrous mp that I wished for, it can only be it, so that stick what the use to unseal mp' john was deep in thought.

he realized that their was no reaction from the man infront of him which means that in this world either people can't sense others mp or that the man infront of him was just to weak.

as john was in thought he saw the crystal ball began to glow as words started to be inscribed infront of him when he looked at it.


Name: John RoseCrown

Race: Human/Demon

Magic: Water

Type: physical

Talent: unknown

Skills: unknown

Mp: unknown


john was amazed by the information, he stretched out his little hand towards it but before he can touch it, it vanished, the crystal ball also stopped shining as it had gone back to the color it was before.

"what a disgrace" in the midst of the silence a voice was heard forcing him to look up towards the voice, it was from that of his eldest brother.

he looked at john with disgust before looking towards the woman on the bed who was silent the whole time, "I thought that your demon race was supposed to be the ones blessed by mana and yet you brought fort this trash, even those of our distant families with a bit of out blood families blood running through their veins are able to bring forth a child with 50 MP, but this child of yours have none" he said in disgust.

"it is a shame to say this is a son of thy great emperor, his magic is also water instead of that of the great flames that have been passed down in our family, and he is also a physical user instead of a spiritual which means he can only be a knight, how can a knight ever compare to a mage in power, this child is useless" the man said as he turned away from the woman and walked out of the door.

'am useless' john thought as he turned his head and saw his reflection in a mirror on the wall along with the woman holding him, but he paid no attention to himself or the woman holding him, he watched in the background as the woman that seem to be his mother was in tears.