

blackghost · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Chapter 12 - Genetic level


john was slowly waking up, he found himself cuddling between that of ox and max, they bought aroused with excitement as they heard their master waking up.

"good your finally awake" a soft feminine voice was heard that surprised john and forced him to open his eyes.

he looked around to find that he was in a large cage made out of some type of ore, he tried to use his mana but found it hard to.

"I would not do that if I was you, these are mana dispelling ores, they are found in mines and have a large hunger for mana, they take in mana from their surroundings and any living thing around them, if you don't want all your internal mana to be eaten up I think you should refrain from using your power"

as the voice spoke the cage glowed red and john can feel his mana sucking away, he immediately stopped using his power and calmed himself before looking in the voice direction.

he found that of a beautiful young lady with flowing black hair and soft brown skin, she seemed around his age, and her large eyes were fixated on the two wolves by john side.

"who are you?, and where am I?" john asked as he remembered last night he was running away from the rat king and he told ox and max to run out of the forest before falling unconscious, that could only mean he is in one of the two Kingdoms that surround the forest, it cannot be RoseCrown Kingdom else he would have been recognized and sent to his mother.

his face twitched as he thought of his bad luck and as conformation the girl spoke.

"you are in the bandit Kingdom and I am the one and only child of its great king, princess ria" she spoke as she sat on a large chair surrounded by hills of gold and silver and lots of treasures.

john gulped as he thought of his luck, to not only be in the bandit Kingdom but to be captured and held prisoner by its princess.

in the towns of RoseCrown their are tales of the wicked deeds of the bandit princess, some say she is a vile and merciless torturer and her ugly appearance was enough to make men vomit in her appearance.

"is she going to torture me" john thought out loud.

the princess heard these words and began to laugh historically, tears even came to her eyes as she tried to catch her breath.

"you people of the rose really know how to make up stories, first I thought you were from the demon tribe as I saw your hair and skin, but those words alone I have heard from to many from RoseCrown, not because am the princess of a bandit Kingdom means that am a murderer, my father and I only bring unity and peace through our actions, yes some of our men commit serious crimes but the crimes they commit are only to earn a living in this world"

she then wiped her eyes, she then got up from her seat and began to search in a large box, she took out a large piece of meat about half her size, she then whistled before taking a seat and throwing the meat besides the cage.

ox and max looked at the meat as they drooled, but suddenly out of the shadows a large white pyton with pink emerald eyes shot forward from out of one of the hills of gold, it swallowed the meat whole before hissing at the wolves.

ox and max growled at the snake, they knew their level were far higher than the snake, if it was not for the cage they would have already ripped it apart.

the snake did not back down and hissed as it showed its large fangs.

"this is my most powerful monster, she is a lunar snake, she is also a level 3 just like your wolves, but the thing is she have already reached her level bottleneck, unlike us beings monsters have a genetic level that they cannot surpass no matter how hard they try, only those with powerful bloodlines get to reach astonishing levels while those without can never get close, your wolves are an example they have really strong bloodlines and are no where close to their genetic level" she said as she looked at her snake with pity.

"I am interested in your wolves, why don't you sell them to me, name your price I can give you whatever you wish" she spoke seriously as she looked into john eyes.

almost as if they understood what the girl said, ox and max turn their heads and looked towards their master.

"no way, these are like my brothers, they are the reason am this strong today, and without them I would not even be alive" john said as he looked in the princess eyes seriously, his eyes alone had already told the princess that she had no chance of getting these wolves.

she sighed as she looked depressed and sat down next to her snake and patted its head, she had trained this snake from it was level one and it had reached to its genetic level months ago, she was sad because she not only had all the resources to help it reach to level 5 but because she wanted to grow stronger with this snake by her side, if it had reached to level 5 she would be able to help her father and prove that she was to be the next queen of the bandits after her father.

suddenly the sound of commotion was heard outside of the tent before a large man walked into the tent, john did not know who this man was but by taking a wild guess it was not hard to find out.

"I see your finally awake" the man said in a heavy voice before sitting next to his daughter.

"I take it that you are the king of the bandits" john said as he looked at the man that smiled at him.