
Reaper: The Paranormal Adventures of Zach and Evelyn

A student by day and the Grim Reaper by night! Follow the paranormal adventures of Zach Reaper, son of Grim Reaper (the Grim Reaper) and the next in line to become Head of the Reapers, who doesn’t want to reap human souls. Instead, Zach works as a paranormal investigator, dealing with the occurrence of mythical and magical beasts in his hometown, Nestant Town, by reaping their souls. From ghosts, to Devils, to Supernatural Investigators after Zach’s bounty, NOTHING is off limits here in this supernatural action-comedy! Chapters every Monday/Friday at 4pm EST, starting January 1st, 2024!

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49 Chs

Case #6-The Twelve Zodiacs, Part 6

"A Wendigo, eh?" Agent Hexley says to himself as he sticks a hand into the air, and instantly, golden-white glowing swords form in the air around Hexley's hand. Capricorn lets out a roar and charges Hexley, fangs and claws bare.

"Judgment Swords!" Hexley shouts as he swipes a hand downwards, sending the glowing swords flying towards Capricorn. Before Capricorn can sink its claws or fangs into Hexley, Hexley's golden swords pierce Capricorn, one through the chest, one for each arm, and one for each leg, pinning Capricorn to the ground. Capricorn screams in pain as it flails and writhes in a savage attempt to break free from Hexley's swords, but the swords keep Capricorn pinned to the ground.

"I pity you, poor, savage beast," Hexley monologues as he strolls over to Capricorn, who snarls at him, and continues flailing against the grasp of Hexley's golden swords. "Wendigos are born from the tortured souls of humans who were forced to resort to cannibalism to survive. As for abilities, where wendigos lack in intelligence or any sort of reasoning or processing powers, they make up for it with their enhanced strength, speed, and senses, being naturally far stronger than your average supernatural creature. The main power of a wendigo is that in order to feast, it can absorb the life force of living organisms that it can get its hands on. Human, cat, Devil, and tree alike. Even abilities that others use via their life force can be absorbed by a wendigo, such as holy powers from that agent or Soul Techniques from Reapers. Though wendigos can also consume organisms by normal means, and when they do, not even a bone or a speck of blood is left behind from the wendigo's victims. Wendigos also have an insatiable hunger that never ends. And when wendigo's feasts, they only get hungrier. They are the definition of evil, the definition of darkness."

Once in front of Capricorn, Hexley crouches down and lifts a hand. Capricorn lunges at Hexley, causing the Supernatural Investigator to flinch, but Hexley's golden swords keep the wendigo pinned down.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, my swords gotcha' trapped there," Hexley smirks as he touches a hand to Capricorn's forehead, and when he does, his eyes roll into the back of his head. "I see…" Hexley softly says to himself. "So you were once named Travis Glacier, and around three hundred years ago, you were a farmer. But one season, you weren't able to grow any crops, and come winter, your family begins to starve to death, leading you to consume your family to survive, and turning you into a wendigo…"

Capricorn's flailing slows down as it lets out a sad growl.

"I understand, beast," Hexley replies. "My Holy Powers allow me to read the minds of everyone I touch. You…truly have suffered, and now…I will put you to rest…"

Capricorn lets out a roar as he breaks free from Hexley's golden swords, and uses one of his lanky arms to swing at Hexley, who leaps backwards to dodge.

"Let's see how well you can take my holy powers!" Hexley exclaims as he extends his hand and thumb, aiming his finger-gun at Capricorn. A white glowing orb began to form at the tip of Agent Hexley's index finger.

"Infinite Jolt!" Hexley shouts as the small orb flies towards Capricorn, blasting a hole straight through his chest, and causing Capciron to howl in pain.

"You know, when I learned that I was the bastard son of a god, I was scared," Hexley monologues. "No matter where I went, I never fit in, and I was ostracized for one reason or another. But then…Chief Faustus found me, and she -for the first time in my life- gave me a place where I belong. So in order to pay back the woman who saved me…"


Hexley then raises his hand and snaps his fingers. 


Upon Hexley snapping his fingers, Capricorn begins to glow red and orange, as if a fire had been ignited within his body. Capricorn screams in pain as a burning sensation erupts throughout his entire body, causing Capricorn to fall to the ground and writhe in pain. Capricorn's body glows brighter and brighter, and then, he explodes, causing Capricorn's guts and blood to splatter everywhere.

Hexley flinches as Capricorn's splats onto his face. "Man, I hate this part" Hexley gags as he takes out a rag and begins wiping his face. The remains of Capricorn's body then begins to disintegrate, and is reduced to ash.

"My Holy Powers absorb into the bodies of whoever's attacked by it, and by using my Heavenly Smiter, I can take that Holy Power once there's enough stored up and cause it to explode, destroying my opponents on a molecular level," Hexley explains. "I hope that you're the weakest of the Twelve Zodiacs, cause if not, this is gonna be boring."

Hexley then stuffs his hands into his pockets and begins strolling away from the bloody battlefield, but then, Hexley hears a growl come from behind him, and turns around, seeding an entire army of Wendigos behind him. "Well then," Hexley says as he cracks his knuckles. "Looks like there's a couple more Capricorns."

The might of the Ace Supernatural Investigator.


"Alright, here we are," Crimson says as she peers down at her phone, then back up to the area around them, which is the town over from Nestant, where Grim's map said that the last known location of Libra of the Twelve Zodiac was.

"Now, how do we find Virgo?" Koga asks. But then, Crimson and Koga feel an intense weight on their shoulders.

"Do you feel that?" grunts.

"Yes, I do," grunts back. Crimson and Koga then hear some footsteps come from before them, and the two struggle against the weight being pressed on their bodies and look up, watching as a woman in a golden mask carrying a large scale walks over to them. The closer the woman draws, the heavier the pressure on Crimson and Koga becomes, forcing the two to their knees.

"Is that…Libra…?" Koga grunts.

"The witch," Crimson grunts back. Libra continues drawing closer to Crimson and Koga, causing the two to crash to the ground, forming a crater in the earth. Libra then stops before Crimson and Koga and peers down at them, watching as the weight on Crimson and Koga causes the two to dig even further into the ground, and pinning them against the earth. Crimson strains her neck up to Libra, struggling against the pressure on her body, then opens her mouth. But before Crimson can say anything, the weight being pressed down on her forces Crimson's mouth shut, and causes Crimson to nearly bite her tongue off. Blood begins trickling out of Crimson's mouth.

"Yeah, I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Libra laughs as she holds her scale up. One side of Libra's scale dips downwards, causing Crimson and Koga to grunt as they're dug even further into the ground. "Let's see you move under the strength of my Gravity Scale Magic!"

"A witch…who can wield magic without a spellbook?" Koga asks, his voice muffled due to his face being pressed into the ground. "Just like the Storm Wizard. How troublesome, what are we supposed to do?"

"We can do…this…!" Crimson grunts as her entire body is engulfed with Hellfire.

"That won't work either," Libra smirks as her scale dips even further, causing Crimson's flames to be pushed to the ground. Crimson lets out a roar as an explosion of Hellfire bursts out of her body, and the force of Crimson's flames propel her off of the ground. "Wh-what are you…?!" Virgo asks as her eyes widen.

"A Devil!" Crimson roars as she struggles against Virgo's gravity to lift her knee into the air. Crimson manages to take a small step forwards before Virgo's gravity forces Crimson's foot to slam back to the ground, forming a crater in the earth. But Crimson managed to take another step forward, nonetheless.

"I have my own ways…too!" Koga exclaims as he struggles to lift a hand up against Libra's gravity. Eventually, Koga manages to get a hand up and draws a gray pellet, which he lets go off. Libra's gravity forces the pellet to the ground, which explodes in a cloud of dust. Koga then reappears behind Libra. "I can move freely here!" Koga exclaims as he reaches behind his back and draws his bo-staff. Koga then swings his bo-staff towards Libra, causing the witch to yelp in pain as Koga cracks her in the back of the head. Libra then drops her scale as she drops to the ground, and right after, Crimson finds herself able to move freely again. "So her gravity only has a limited range," Koga comments.

"She dropped her scale, I can move now!" Crimson exclaims as she ignites her fist in Hellfire. "Hellfire Scream!" Crimson shouts as she launches a hand towards Libra, releasing a rush of Hellfire, and engulfing Libra in her flames Koga then disappears in a cloud of smoke. A second cloud of smoke then appears above Libra, and there Koga pops out of it. Koga swings his bo-staff down, smashing it into Libra, and sending the witch crashing to the ground.

But then, the sky above the three darkens, and then, it begins to rain. "Perfect," Libra smirks as she slowly pushes herself up to her feet. One side of Libra's scale then begins to tip down, and when it does, the gravity increases on Crimson and Koga, forcing them to their knees again. But then, the rain begins to fall harder and harder with each passing second.

"Ow!" Crimson winces as she's slashed by a raindrop.

"Libra…increases the force of gravity on the rain as well?!" Koga exclaims.

"It looks like…I'll have to do this!" Crimson booms. "DEVIL FORM!"

Black scales spread all across Crimson's body, curly, gray ram horns just out of Crimson's skull, her fingers and toes morph into maroon red claws and talons, the whites of Crimson's eyes turn black, and a long, red tail ending in a pitchfork shoots out of Crimson's tailbone.

Crimson lifts a hand and ignites it in Hellfire, but the force of the gravity on the rain is so strong that it extinguishes Crimson's flames. "The force of gravity on the rain can even extinguish the flames of Hell?!" Crimson exclaims. Libra's Bullet Rain continues pelting Crimson and Koga more and more, and the two are forced to the ground.

"We need to split up," Koga says. "So that Libra's gravity can't affect both of us."

"Leave it to me," Crimson replies as she strains her head up. The force of Libra's gravity then forces Crimson's head to slam into the ground, cracking through the earth.

"What…are you doing?" Libra asks.

"This!" Crimson exclaims as she opens her mouth up wide from within the earth. "Hellfire Roar!" Crimson shouts as she breaths a brush of flames into the ground. Crimson's flames then fly from the cracks in the ground caused by Libra's gravity, circling around Libra. Crimson's flames then explode, causing Libra to howl in pain as she's engulfed by Hellflames. This causes Libra's gravity to let up as the rain clears. "Now's our chance!" Crimson exclaims as she and Koga leap away from one another. Koga draws his bo-staff as Crimson ignites her fists in Hellfire, and the two charge Libra.

"D-dammit!" Libra stammers as she looks back and forth at Crimson and Koga. "Which one do I use my gravity on?!" Before Libra can react, Koga swings his bo-staff into the witch. Crimson then leaps on top of Koga's bo-staff then hops off of it, slamming a flaming fist into Libra.

"Alright, that's it!" Libra shouts as she pushes herself back up to her feet. Libra then grabs both ends of her golden scale and snaps the scale in half. Instantly, a burst of purple and golden energy explodes from Libra's body. "Sagittarius promised us one wish…and I won't let you thieves steal it from me!" Libra roars as she brings her hands together, and a sphere of black energy begins charing between her palms. Libra then thrusts her hands outwards, and the sphere of black energy begins to very slowly float through the air towards Crimson and Koga.

"Hellfire Pitch!" Crimson shouts as she ignites a hand in Hellfire then thrusts it towards Libra's sphere, shooting off a fireball at it.

As for Koga, he pulls out a scroll and unravels it, which then bursts into a cloud of smoke. When the smoke settles, Koga is wielding a giant metal shuriken. "Koga Clan's Secret Ninjutsu Technique #5698, Arekuruu Shuriken!" Koga shouts as he flings the shuriken towards Libra's sphere. Both Crimson's fireball and Koga's shuriken blasts into Libra's sphere, but the two attacks are simply absorbed into the sphere, having no effect. "Our attacks…didn't do anything?" Koga asks in surprise.

"Keep attacking!" Crimson orders as both she and Koga fire off attack after attack at Libra's sphere, but all of their attacks have no effect. And then, Libra's sphere is upon them.

"It's pointless!" Libra booms with a smirk. "A black hole can absorb anything, and I mean anything!"


Libra's sphere then explodes, wrapping Crimson and Koga up in a spiraling black vortex, causing them to howl in pain. Eventually, Libra's black hole dissipates, and Crimson and Koga drop to the ground in a pool of blood.

"D-dammit…" Koga grunts as he struggles yet fails to push himself off of the ground. "What…do we do…"

"Spacial Rift!" Libra shouts as she swipes a hand towards Crimson and Koga, firing off a crescent-moon shaped projectile of gravity flying towards them.

"Don't worry!" Crimson shouts as a burst of Hellfire explodes from her body, but Libra's blade of gravity slices clean through Crimson's flames, slashing her and Koga.

"My gravity blades can cut through your fire!" Libra cackles as she slashes gravity blade after gravity blade towards Crimson and Koga, slashing flaming burst after flaming burst. But, Crimson lets out a roar, and her flames grow hotter and hotter. And then…Libra's gravity blade fails to cut through Crimson's flames.

"What?!" Libra cries. "Her flames…are cutting through gravity?!"

"The flames of Hell…" Crimson begins to say. "CAN BURN THROUGH ALL!"

Crimson lets out a roar, and her burst of flames explodes outwards, wrapping Libra up in a fiery inferno, and causing the witch to howl in pain.


"I…can't lose!" Libra roars. "I can't let my dreams…end here!"

Crimson roars, and Libra lets out a scream of pain. And by the time Crimson's attack lets up, Libra is lying on the ground in a pool of blood, her body charred black and smoking, defeated.

"We…wo-" Crimson begins to say, but before she can finish, she and Koga crash to the ground as well.

"We need…to help Zach and the others…" Crimson pants.

"I can't…muster up any strength…" Koga replies.