
Reaper: The Archon of Death

After a false accusation leads to a family's execution, one soul becomes trapped in an eternal abyss, unable to move on. However, a shimmering light brings forth an ethereal being who provides limited but invaluable guidance. With this guidance, the soul embarks on a new journey, paving the way for a new odyssey.

Antivoid · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Unanticipated Accusations

"Are you ready yet?" I heard my mother shout from the main entrance. I despised wearing fancy clothing—the tight corsets, the heavy skirts, and the restricting shoes. But it was a societal obligation, especially for someone of my status.

I glanced at my reflection once more, fixing my black hair. My form was accenatuated by the tight corset, but I couldn't help cursing the stifling heat it brought.

Taking a deep breath, I walked to the grand oak door in the room and gradually opened it, stealing a quick peek into the hallway to ensure no prying eyes were upon me.

The ornate chandeliers above cast soft golden lights, their glimmers reflecting off the polished floors.

Satisfied that no one was watching, I made my dash through the corridors, the weight of my skirt rustling with every hurried step, leading me straight to the entrance—where, predictably, everyone had gathered.

I mentally chided myself for the oversight. So much for my escape plan.

"Took you long enough!" Amara berated, crossing her arms as I entered. My brothers' gazes fell on me, each pair displaying varying degrees of frustration.

I rolled my eyes, brushing past them toward the exit, where Mother and Father stood dressed in their elegant silken garments, "Whatever, I'm going now."

I had almost made my way out before Mother's voice beckoned me, "Lyssa, wait a moment."

I froze in my tracks, biting my lower lip.

Slowly turning around, Mother's gaze bore into mine. She sighed, her features softening, "This ceremony is extremely important, so try to behave yourself."

Her gaze then became stern, and my throat ran dry as she added, "Do you understand?"

I could only nod in response. She sighed again, this time her gaze filled with exasperation as she waved goodbye to me. Only Amara and Lorian joined in waving goodbye.

With that, I waved goodbye, exiting the manor as the servants bowed before me.

Stepping down the grand staircase, the townspeople had gathered, all eyes on me as I made my descent. My brother Lorian and sister Amara flanked my side, helping me navigate my way through the masses.

Upon reaching the bottom of the staircase, I was given a plethora of gifts, ranging from fine jewellery to intricate weapons and clothing, and even exquisite wines.

After weaving our way through the crowd, our convoy of horses and carriages was already waiting for us at the front gate.

The carriage attendant greeted us and opened the door, allowing us to enter. I waved one final goodbye to my family as I set off onto the main street.

"See you later!" Amara gave a sympathetic smile, while Lorian simply waved back with a faint smile.

As the carriages began moving, I gazed outside the window, marvelling at the vibrant colours that decorated the kingdom streets.

I closed my eyes, resting my head against the smooth interior as I enjoyed the ambience of the kingdom. The cheerful chatter, the bustling market stalls, and the sounds of nature—it would have been better if it wasn't so hot.

The carriage, swathed in the insignias of the Anastasia family, glided through the main street, which was lined with awe-struck onlookers.

Whispered praises, coupled with the occasional cheer, reached my ears, affirming the respect our family had cultivated over the years.

The journey continued for what felt like hours. The townsfolk dwindled as we approached the castle, its towering spires casting long shadows as the sun made its descent. The castle, with its ornately carved walls and guarded gates, was a testament to the grandeur and might of the kingdom.

I was lost in thought when the carriage came to a sudden stop. The sound of guards shuffling and murmuring filled the air.

The carriage door swung open, revealing the striking figure of Lord Castellan Regis.

"Lady Anastasia, it's an honour." He greeted, his voice dripping with forced warmth.

"Lord Regis, the honour is mine. What brings you here?" I probed, trying to appear courteous.

"A welcome, my lady," he answered, extending his arm, "Allow me to escort you into the castle."

I hesitantly accepted his arm. I couldn't refuse his 'kind offer', so I played along. I gave a quick nod of farewell to my attendant as I disembarked the carriage, making my way onto the cobbled pathway.

Lord Regis led me through the outer gate, past the guard post, and into the inner walls.

Upon entering the gate, I gazed up at the sky, observing the orange and pink hues dance across the sky as the last rays of the sun faded into darkness.

The castle courtyard was massive, with several paths interconnected and leading into separate courtyards. A cool breeze swept across the courtyard, caressing my cheeks, which were warmed by the chilly air.

"I believe the ceremony is about to begin." Lord Regis announced, his tone indifferent.

"Yes, it would seem so." I answered.

We made our way towards the main hall, passing the numerous other nobles who had arrived before me.


 The hall, a majestic room filled with luxurious furniture, was decorated with ornate paintings, colourful tapestries, and elegant marble statues.

Lord Regis's footsteps echoed on the marble floor, a reminder of the solemnity of the occasion.

The main hall was bustling with activity: nobles conversing in hushed tones, servers weaving between guests with trays of wine and hors d'oeuvres, and musicians softly playing in the background.

"I trust you are prepared for the ceremony, Lady Anastasia?" Lord Regis inquired, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"I was born prepared, Lord Regis," I retorted with a smirk, refusing to let him see any hint of vulnerability.

He chuckled, "Very well. Just remember, today's decisions will have repercussions for years to come."

As we neared the centre of the hall, I could feel the weight of the many gazes upon me.

My heart raced, but I drew upon every ounce of my pedigree to remain composed. King Zaphreal and Queen Valerie, seated on their thrones, gestured for me to approach. Bowing slightly, I made my way to them.

The queen's kind eyes met mine, offering a slight nod of encouragement. The King, however, remained stoic, his face betraying no emotion.

King Zaphreal's cold eyes scanned the hall, making everyone fall silent.

"Welcome, distinguished guests, to this momentous occasion," he began, his voice echoing throughout the hall.

"Today marks a significant day for our kingdom and, more importantly, for the Anastasia family."

King Zaphreal continued, "The Anastasia family has long been pillars of our great kingdom. Their contributions, sacrifices, and unwavering loyalty have shaped our land into what it is today."

I stood tall, absorbing the weight of the king's words. Around me, nods of agreement spread among the nobles, the clinks of wine glasses pausing to heed the King's speech.

"However, change is necessary for growth and prosperity. Our kingdom, while mighty, must always strive for improvement." King Zaphreal declared, his tone firm, "To this end, we are entering into a new era, a time of unity and harmony."

I nodded, acknowledging the king's declaration, while internally, my heart beat loudly in anticipation. Lord Regis, his expression one of mild contempt, took a step forward, raising his glass to the audience.

"Today, we are announcing our new peace treaty with the neighbouring kingdom, Unikyrie. As of today, the border will be permanently open, allowing the free flow of trade, resources, and people."

I glanced around the room, noting the varied reactions. Some nobles nodded in approval, while others whispered nervously amongst themselves.

"And Lyssa Anastasia, as you strive to become a seller, you'll have to strive to become a buyer as well. This will require you to understand your customers. You must know their wants, needs, and fears. You must be able to predict their actions and anticipate their decisions." King Zaphreal stated, his eyes full of pride.

When I listened to those words, I couldn't help but think of my mother and how skilled she was at all this. She strove to understand her buyers and predict their decisions.

"Lyssa Anastasia, by continuing your family's legacy, you will serve as a symbol of unity and hope for our kingdoms." King Zaphreal declared, his gaze returning to meet mine, "Do you accept this responsibility?"

"I do, Your Majesty." I answered, my voice steady and clear.

As the applause filled the hall, I couldn't help but feel the weight of my new responsibilities settling on my shoulders.

The grandeur of the ceremony continued, but my thoughts were already racing ahead, pondering the challenges and opportunities this new era would bring.

The hall was filled with the muffled chatter of nobles, wine glasses clinking, and soft music in the background.

The ceremony, up until now, had been what one would expect—grand, filled with honours, and the usual political chess. A loud crash suddenly echoed through the hall, diverting everyone's attention to the entrance.

Fides, my best friend, burst through the massive doors, her face a mask of anger and determination.

All conversations halted, and silence reigned. The music stopped. All eyes were now on her.

Fides's gaze pierced through the room, settling on me.

"Lyssa," her voice was strained, echoing with an urgency I had never heard before. The crowd around shifted uncomfortably, but no one dared to intervene.

"You are a traitor and a danger to society." Fides accused, pointing directly at me. Every voice in the hall fell silent, the tension palpable.

Whispers began to bubble up among the nobles, some looking shocked, others with suspicion, while many had their eyes fixed intently on Fides.

"What are you talking about?" I interrogated, my voice surprisingly audible amidst the whispers.

"I found this in your chambers," Fides revealed, holding up a small, ornate box. As she opened it, a dark, shimmering crystal sat inside, its aura unmistakable. It was a fragment of The Death Crystal.

The dark shimmer of the fragment seemed to absorb the very light around it.

Lord Regis, always the opportunist, was the first to speak, his voice dripping with faux concern.

"If this is true, Lady Anastasia, the ramifications are grave. The Death Crystal is no mere trinket."

I took a deep breath, struggling to keep my voice steady, "That's a fake." I declared. But silence permeated the hall. All eyes flitted between the dark crystal, Fides, and me.

The weight of the situation pressed down, making it difficult to breathe.

Fides scoffed, her gaze unwavering, "Oh, it's real, alright. I've seen its power."

"Besides, the note right here speaks for itself." She stepped back, producing a folded piece of parchment from the box.

She held it high for everyone to see, "This," she said, her voice dripping with confidence, "is a correspondence I discovered in Lyssa's chambers."

She handed the parchment over to King Zaphreal, who unfurled it and began reading. As he read, the colour drained from his face.

Queen Valerie leaned in to read over his shoulder, her expression turning to one of dismay. To make matters worse, the letter bore my seal, a unique symbol known only to a select few and exclusive to the Anastasia family.

My mind raced, searching for a way to discredit Fides's accusations. I couldn't let this absurdity tarnish my family's reputation and mine.

In the midst of the tense silence, Queen Valerie's voice cut through, "This is a grave matter that must be investigated thoroughly. Until then, Lady Lyssa shall be sent to the dungeon."

The guards, at Queen Valeries' signal, advanced, their heavy boots echoing ominously in the now-tense atmosphere of the hall.

I resisted the urge to step back as the guards approached. Each stride they took echoed louder than the last in the haunting silence of the hall.

Their faces, concealed beneath their helmets, betrayed no emotion.

"Wait!" I found my voice stronger than I expected, "This is all a grave misunderstanding. I've been framed."

King Zaphreal's eyes met mine, searching for truth.

"Even so, we must uphold the law. The evidence, albeit circumstantial, is against you."

The guards closed in, and I felt the cold shackles close around my wrists, a chilling contrast to the opulence of the surroundings. They pulled me towards the entrance, each step a reminder of the humiliation I was facing.

As I was pulled away, a few of the nobles jeered, while others whispered amongst themselves, further fueling the fire of indignation within me.

"I promise you, I'm innocent!" I declared loudly, ensuring that every individual present heard me.

But my voice was drowned amidst the murmurs and the faint sound of music that had resumed.

Outside the hall, the cold night air struck me, but it was nowhere near as chilling as the uncertainty of my fate. The journey to the dungeons seemed longer than it probably was.

Suddenly, a soft voice whispered, "Lady Lyssa, I believe in your innocence."

The voice surrounded me from every angle, echoing within the depths of my mind. It was as if it derived from a spectral entity, haunting and ethereal.

"Who are you?" I demanded while being hauled, my voice low, trying to mask the desperation and fear that threatened to break free.

A momentary silence settled between us. Finally, in an almost inaudible murmur, the voice whispered, "I am the one you know as... D.K."